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  1. oops?
  2. post here for thread-making permissions
  3. D/P UU Tournament - Congrats to Shadow_Rukario
  4. NU tournament signups
  5. D/P NU tournament - Congrats to ImmunityBow
  6. Start with a plan
  7. Set List
  8. Ubers tournament signups
  9. D/P Uber tournament - Congrats to zeroality
  10. can someone do some touch up work for me on a tattoo (only black, no color)
  11. I was losing, then the guy misses 4 times in a row (log excerpt)
  12. a key predict secures me the win (log) ps: you guys should start posting good logs!
  13. Future Tournament Ideas
  14. The Energy Problem
  15. Why you should switch out after Draco Meteor (Plus a winning final matchup) [Log]
  16. Kingdra dents his team (log - also cool new name and nickname theme)
  17. nice predict seals the game (log)
  18. tabbed forum home
  19. Past Tournament Winners
  20. Little Cup tournament signups
  21. zero beats a mod (log)
  22. D/P OU Tournament - Congrats to zeroality
  23. D/P Little Cup - Congrats to Shadow_Rukario
  24. Is it just me?
  25. Topaz Gym Leaders
  26. Want an easy way to help Topaz?
  27. Last Pokemon Scizor sweep because he couldn't roar it out anymore (log)
  28. D/P OU Tournament - Round Robin signups
  29. D/P OU Round Robin - Congrats to XTS
  30. Test - Equill
  31. Mono Type Tournament signups
  32. D/P Mono Type - Congrats to XTS
  33. 198- Unicrown (Shiny Voting Thread)
  34. 161- Mirust (Shiny Voting Thread)
  35. 082- Zantilidae (Shiny Voting Thread
  36. 082- Zantilidae (Shiny Voting Thread)
  37. 003- Dionare (Shiny Voting Thread)
  38. 108- Tellure (Shiny Voting Thread)
  39. 120- Nimbolt (Shiny Voting Thread)
  40. 178- Leoracle (Shiny Voting Thread)
  41. 004-006: Celsinge Line (Shiny Voting Thread)
  42. OddCrow's Concept Art
  43. My possible shinies?
  44. Easter eggs
  45. Questions Locked...
  46. 197- Typhinda (Shiny Voting Thread)
  47. 196- Kuranpu (Shiny Voting Thread)
  48. 185-186: Goldrake-Arowana (Shiny Voting Thread)
  49. 063- Stribra (Shiny Voting Thread)
  50. 004-006: Celsinge-Fahramane-Kelvoyant (Shiny Runoff Poll)
  51. 120- Nimbolt (Shiny Runoff Poll)
  52. 039-040: Whispaw-Coroona (Shiny Voting Thread)
  53. 051-052: Grific-Gryphonic (Shiny Voting Thread)
  54. 130- Brontogon (Shiny Voting Thread)
  55. 197- Typhinda (Shiny Runoff Poll)
  56. 007-009: Echoise Line- Echoise, Mermeidon, Dolphure- (Shiny Voting Thread)
  57. 155-157: Huskii Line- Huskii, Tundrolf, Wolfrost- (Shiny Voting Thread)
  58. Kuranpu (Shiny Run-Off Poll)
  59. Goldrake (Shiny Voting Polll)
  60. Equil Line (Mixed Shiny Run-off Poll)
  61. Leoracle (Shiny Run-off Poll)
  62. final fantasy
  63. Stribra (Shiny Run-off Thread)
  64. Grific
  65. Trillogill
  66. Tidasale
  67. Quiisord
  68. Tsunall
  69. Brontogon (Shiny Run-off Poll)
  70. Lupine Line (Lupine, Canileaf, Wolvine)
  71. Equill Line (Final Shiny Poll)
  72. Tidasale (Shiny Run-Off)
  73. Lupine Line (Lupine, Canileaf, Wolvine) Shiny Run-off
  74. Ampure Line (Ampure-Ohmure)
  75. Phantosomo
  76. Firant Line (Firant, Pyroon, Pyreign)
  77. Snarliger Line (Snarliger, Noctiger, Raiger)
  78. Moocalf
  79. Fincherp Line (Fincherp, Gashawk, Eglair.)
  80. Mogel Line(Mogel, Firrel
  81. Scorchion
  82. Ferrian
  83. Sirene
  84. Polara Line
  85. Jalsida
  86. Harskrow
  87. Kipporok
  88. Purior
  89. Firant Line (Run-off)
  90. Phantosomo (Run-off)
  91. Snarliger Line (Run-off)
  92. Jackalant Line (Jackalant, Phantern)
  93. Allufang Line (Allufang, Kunaiga)
  94. Flintusk Line (Flintusk, Metusk)
  95. Spidream Line
  96. Embear Line
  97. Inflare Line
  98. Sirene (Run-off)
  99. Barkub
  100. Vixun
  101. Purior (Run-off)
  102. Scorchion (Run-off)
  103. Chloreon
  104. Smallard Line (Smallard, Mallarge)
  105. Pythang
  106. The Phantern Idea.
  107. The Phantern Idea (Shiny Run-offish)
  108. WTF! Snarliger one more time!?!?
  109. Inflare Line (Run-off)
  110. Carabrisk
  111. Atlaxa Line (Atlaxa, Thoraxa, Illumbra)
  112. Cirroft/Cumuloft
  113. Destado
  114. Cascadet
  115. Bakurge
  116. Frostorm
  117. Pokemon Acanthite suspended
  118. I can't upload to my albums!
  119. Rough Demo... And I mean REALLY ROUGH
  120. I need a default female redo
  121. Racism Might Be a Problamo
  122. Orange Islands Sunk?
  123. Activity-Our Motivation Has Hit Rock Bottom
  124. Pokemon Onyx
  125. It appears that I'm useless...