View Full Version : Capitalized or Lower Case?

08-11-12, 04:45 PM
Should names of Pokemon and people be capitalized or lower case?
"You can call me PROFESSOR WILLOW" vs. "You can call me Professor Willow"
We've discussed it before, but I'd like to have a definite and final answer.

08-11-12, 04:50 PM
Everything in the script has been typed out thus far as capitalized. At the time I was just following the style started by neon, but it's following canon and I am always up for following canon.

08-11-12, 05:21 PM
Yeah, I see no reason not to just follow canon here either.

08-11-12, 05:25 PM
True. But I think that the lower case looks a bit nicer. Also, how it is in the script doesn't matter, since you RPGMXP freaks out when you copy&paste sentences that are more than one line on the forums, and any apostrophes or quotes show up as boxes in the pokemon fonts unless you re-type them in RPGMXP. For the most part, it seems easier just to read the script and re-type it into the events.
Also, I'd like to mention that lower case technically is canon as of 5th gen, but I can't figure out a way to say it that wouldn't sound rude. So please remember that any rudelyness is the internet's fault.
I understand wanting to stick with tradition though.

I'm not trying to change your minds, I just wanted to put in an argument for the other side for people who haven't voted yet.

08-12-12, 12:31 AM
I personally have always found the UPPERCASE names to be a bit ugly and unnescessary. They just seem out of place, and it throws me off. That's why I'm glad in Black and White they did away with that. Tradition has changed in the canon, so I see no reason NOT to change with it. At least...I think they did.

To me, I feel that the whole UPPERCASE idea came about so that CHILDREN, the Pokemon series' original target audience, could easily find and remember important details in a conversation. However, we're all adults here, I assume, or at least old enough to know when a detail such as a name or place is important and should be remembered. This is a game made by fans, for people who would look up hacks or entire games like this. I doubt a child would be on the internet looking up hacks or fan-games, when they have mainstream media pushing them to purchase every new game that comes out for the series.

Anyway, if you feel it's that important to point out to the player that something that has been said is Important, then I can deal with the different color idea. Otherwise, I prefer consistency with the surrounding text.

08-12-12, 12:58 AM
I wasn't thrilled about the 5th gen change, since it didn't feel as Pokemon-y as before. Though the precedent is set, I'm not swayed to change my mind.

08-18-12, 01:26 AM
5 to 2 (to 1). Definitive enough. CAPITAL NAMES it is.


Cranky Guy
11-16-12, 07:52 PM

EDIT BY IB: Taken care of.