View Full Version : Set List

01-03-10, 08:31 PM
Holo Rare Pokémon
1. Arowana (Metal)
2. Bakurge (Fighting)
3. Benengil (Light)
4. Dionare (Grass)
5. Dolphure (Water)
6. Gryphonic (Colorless)
7. Gypseer (Psychic)
8. Kelvoyant (Fire)
9. Kraklaw (Water)
10. Malduval (Darkness)
11. Neichia (Fighting)
12. Purior (Metal)
13. Pythang (Psychic)
14. Stribra (Lightning)
15. Tagati (Darkness)
16. Tellure (Psychic)
17. Zantilidae (Normal)

Non-Holo Rare Pokémon
18. Caribrisk (Water)
19. Coroona (Light)
20. Eaglair (Colorless)
21. Ferrian (Psychic)
22. Flygon (Colorless)
23. Grizlare (Fire)
24. Iglonia (Water)
25. Jalsida (Grass)
26. Khaphix (Fighting)
27. Kondria (Psychic)
28. Lanturn (Lightning)
29. Leoracle (Fighting)
30. Malistril (Colorless)
31. Mallarge (Water)
32. Misticade (Psychic)
33. Polarice (Water)
34. Quiisord (Metal)
35. Pyreign (Grass)
36. Scizor (Metal)
37. Scorchion (Fire)
38. Serberine (Darkness)
39. Tidasale (Water)
40. Tsunall (Fighting)
41. Wolfrost (Fighting)
42. Wolvine (Fighting)

Uncommon Pokémon
43. Brontogon (Grass)
44. Canileaf (Grass)
45. Corsola (Fighting)
46. Drakodo (Colorless)
47. Dunsparce (Colorless)
48. Dusclops (Psychic)
49. Fahramane (Fire)
50. Firrel (Colorless)
51. Forretress (Metal)
52. Gashawk (Colorless)
53. Ingero (Fighting)
54. Mermeidon (Water)
55. Muk (Psychic)
56. Ohmure (Lightning)
57. Phantasomo (Psychic)
58. Primeape (Fighting)
59. Pyroon (Grass)
60. Reefrain (Fighting)
61. Seviper (Psychic)
62. Slowbro (Psychic)
63. Slowking (Psychic)
64. Slowpriest (Light)
65. Traplent (http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/3943/traplentcard.png)(Grass)
66. Tropius (Grass)
67. Tundrolf (Water)
68. Vibrava (Colorless)
69. Zangoose (Colorless)

Common Pokémon
70. Ampure (Lightning)
71. Celsinge (Fire)
72. Chiarame (Darkness)
73. Chinchou (Lightning)
74. Duskull (Psychic)
75. Duval (Darkness)
76. Echoise (Water)
77. Embear (Fire)
78. Engil (Light)
79. Equill (Colorless)
80. Fincherp (Colorless)
81. Firant (Grass)
82. Grific (Colorless)
83. Grimer (Psychic)
84. Goldrake (Colorless)
85. Huskii (Water)
86. Inflare (Fighting)
87. Lupine (Grass)
88. Mankey (Fighting)
89. Mirust (Psychic)
90. Mogel (Colorless)
91. Pineco (Grass)
92. Polara (Water)
93. Sandshrew (Fighting)
94. Sandslash (Fighting)
95. Scyther (Grass)
96. Seraph (Light)
97. Sinestril (Colorless)
98. Slowpoke (Psychic)
99. Smallard (Water)
100. Trapinch (Fighting)
101. Trillogill (Water)
102. Venap (http://i36.tinypic.com/1zp0c3s.jpg)(Grass)
103. Whispaw (Fire)


Basic Energy
122. Darkness Energy
123. Grass Energy
124. Fighting Energy
125. Fire Energy
126. Light Energy
127. Lightning Energy
128. Metal Energy
129. Psychic Energy
130. Water Energy

Super Rare / Promo Card
131. Jirachi (Metal)


Cranky Guy
01-05-10, 08:45 AM
Ummm IB, can you give me a link to the website that you use too make cards?

01-05-10, 09:26 PM
I did it in Paint.NET, imitating PapaLulu's the best I could. Here's a little guide he posted for the fonts and stuff. Next time I make a card I'll do it in Photoshop, and keep it a PSD so it's easy to simply edit all the text needed.

Fonts I use are;
Name: Humanist521 BT [Bold] 17.2 (enlarge height 1 pixel)
Level: Humanist521 Cn BT [Bold] 7.9
Level#: Futura LT Medium [Bold] 9.4
Evolves from: Humanist521 BT [Bold-Italics] 5.61
HP: Humanist521 Cn BT [Bold] 7.9
HP#: Futura LT Medium [Bold] 16
PkdxStat: Frutiger SCIN Bd [Normal] 6 (#_ _ _Species_ _ HT _ _ WT)
Poke-Body/Power Name: Humanist521 Cn [Bold] 16
Attack Name: Gill Sans Condensed [Normal] 15.5
Attack Text: Gill Sans [Normal] 5 /5.65 /6.5 /7.4 /8 /8.8
Attack Damage: Futura LT Medium [Bold] 16
Desc: Lydian BT [Italics] 8.45
Illustrator: Futura LT Medium [Italics] 6.2
Card#: Futura LT Medium [Bold-Italics] 6.2
Copyright: Gill Sans MT [Normal] 6
All done in Paint.NET.
I use Latios101's Eon Blank Symbolsheet as referencing for where to put energies and the Name (and HP, Pokedex Stat etc.) and I use Cascade's symbolsheet for energy symbols and etc. Both of those in PDN format are linked below.

The set symbol I'll try to find and upload. You may have to toy with the font sizes a little.

01-23-10, 12:47 PM
Dug it back up for public use :]


01-23-10, 01:29 PM
Awesome. Could I also get your bigger Venap one? I couldn't find it.

01-24-10, 02:29 AM
My card with a bigger Venap? Should be here somewhere.
I think I liked this one better?


01-24-10, 02:40 AM

Cranky Guy
01-24-10, 03:19 AM
Yikes! To big!

01-24-10, 05:03 AM
That's the one most people liked better. I have a question about this though. Why is Whispaw fire while Coroona is light? Shouldnt they be the same type?

01-24-10, 06:06 AM
It's actually possible if I recall correctly to make Pokemon two types. If there is a change in type then my best answer is to simply make the second evo have both types.

01-24-10, 05:06 PM
I think Phoenixsong did that because both fire and light dont have a whole lot of pokemon to choose from. Making them both one of those type might unbalance them.

Cranky Guy
02-01-10, 09:03 AM
IB, could I get a picture of the new "light" energy?

02-01-10, 11:25 PM


Cranky Guy
02-02-10, 09:28 AM
Wow, thats one spectacular energy card! I think that the TCG game is gonna be fantastic.

02-03-10, 01:30 AM
yeah it should be good if we get enough concept art.

02-23-10, 01:27 AM
That is a cool energy... Wait, is that Shedinja?

I might try making art for a card, but it would definitly end up cartoon-ish... Is that okay?

02-23-10, 04:14 AM
I don't see any problems with cartoonish art considering that Nintendo doesn't seem to mind either.

07-07-10, 02:07 PM
I made one card of Trillogill. Don't focus on the pic. I just want to know if the moves are good.http://pokemoncardmaker.org/temp/1278510580~104.jpg

07-07-10, 02:59 PM
The moves are fine, but try to make the cards using the same format as X did above.

07-11-10, 04:49 PM
Oh, that's my problem.
I just can't figure out how to erase the boxes around each of the images.
I tried to make a Zantildae card, but there was this big green box around it.
Wasn't much of a good card.
How do you get rid of the BOX?!?

Another question: Will there be any exs or Level Xs or Legends in the TCG series?

Last thing. I made a Kipporok card (colorless)http://pokemoncardmaker.org/temp/1278868334~21.jpg

12-10-10, 03:26 AM
Wow. Venap's Forest trap is very cheap! Also, how can you tell the weight just from the cards?

12-10-10, 06:22 AM
It says the weight right under the picture. And yes, that move is cheap now that I look at it. It's not that big of a deal though.

12-11-10, 04:23 AM
It is a pretty broken move, to be sure.

01-02-11, 08:25 PM
So, how will this game be played? We can't actually sell these cards, so would they be in the game? Would it be a different game entirely? How would one get more cards?

01-04-11, 05:39 AM
It was mainly a side project just to keep interest going. A failed one so far, mainly because we don't really have a large card faking community like Acanthite does, but a worthy one while it lasted. If you'd like you can be the first to revive it.

01-04-11, 01:13 PM
I don't think I'd be able to revive it. Even if someone else would, I'm not sure I could help all that much.

02-21-11, 10:50 AM
For the one-millionth time, can we close this forum?

It's like a thorn in my side, seriously. Not only does it add more clutter to the index, it looks like crap having a forum with 42 posts and 4 threads. Even the icon on the index looks out of place. :(

We can move the threads to the cemetery so they're not lost forever and can be moved back to a new TCG forum if interest is revived - like after the game release maybe.

I hate to kill your side project IB but 5 months went by without a post in this sticky and the latest thread hasn't been posted in since April.

When we're ready, I can re-create the forum and move the threads back within 10 minutes.

02-22-11, 03:50 AM
Alright then. Do what you will.

02-25-11, 12:37 AM
Before you close this could you give me a shot at reviving it? I can try making clay art because i have a greenscreen and if someone could give me the blanks i could do this.

02-25-11, 12:39 AM
I don't think its worth keeping open for one person to work at.

02-25-11, 12:51 AM
But if you want to do the clay thing, you can always post it elsewhere.