View Full Version : Height/Weight Help!

08-16-10, 12:44 AM
Ack, it would seem that the game requires that height and weight be in metres and kilograms, not inches and pounds.

We can still have them in inches and pounds, but the game will convert that from the values we put in.

Can some volunteers post a conversion for all the Pokemon's height and weight? It doesn't have to be exact, just in the general ballpark.

08-16-10, 03:20 AM
Here are the heights for the first few, I wasn't sure how precise you wanted so I just went to the thousandths place.

Venap: 0.457m
Traplent: 1.143m
Dionare: 1.854m
Celsinge: 0.686m
Fahramane: 1.626m
Kelvoyant: 2.057m
Echoise: 0.584m
Mermeidon: 1.422m
Dolphure: 2.184m
Firant: 0.406m
Pyroon: 0.660m
Pyreign: 1.626m
Fincherp: 0.356m
Gashawk: 0.737m
Eaglair: 1.118m
Mogel: 0.381m
Firrel: 1.321m
Ampure: 0.457m
Ohmure: 1.245m
Lupine: 1.016m
Canileaf: 1.600m
Wolvine: 2.007m

Just the first few, I'll probably do some more tommorow.

08-16-10, 03:27 AM
Hundredth place should be fine. Thanks ragingprimeape!

08-16-10, 12:44 PM
Weight (kg):

Venap: 10.455
Traplent: 44.545
Dionare: 160.454
Celsinge: 8.091
Fahramane: 27.682
Kelvoyant: 60.364
Echoise: 7.636
Mermeidon: 21.955
Dolphure: 44.364
Firant: 0.909
Pyroon: 35.455
^He's heavy for his size...
Pyreign: 72.727
Fincherp: 2.273
Gashawk: 10.909
Eaglair: 20.455
Mogel: 9.545
Firrel: 28.636
Ampure: 5.455
Ohmure: 24.091
Lupine: 10.818
Canileaf: 36.273
Wolvine: 58.591

Used HERE (http://www.escapeartist.com/Conversions/Kilograms_Pounds/) to convert, if that is significant. Someone might want to double check a couple to make sure the site is correct.

08-16-10, 04:01 PM
More Weights (kg):

Jalsida: 6.804
Spidream: 6.305
Arachmare: 39.463
Embear: 7.257
Grizlare: 70.307
Whispaw: 4.082
Coroona: 47.627
Abyssus: 119.294
Allufang: 24.948
Kunaiga: 108.408
Atlaxa: 14.424
Thoraxa: 37.784
Illumbra: 66.905
Bakurge: 155.582
Barkub: 10.886
Blitzfaust: 29.030
Vilephist: 27.216
^Loses weight?

To be continued...

08-16-10, 04:28 PM
Okay, more heights:

Jalsida: 0.38
Spidream: 0.36
Arachmare: 1.37
Embear: 0.43
Grizlare: 1.70
Whispaw: 0.41
Coroona: 1.27
Abyssus: 1.88
Allufang: 0.94
Kunaiga: 1.78
Atlaxa: 1.09
Thoraxa: 1.45
Illumbra: 2.08
Bakurge: 1.93
Barkrub: 0.36
Blitzfaust: 1.42
Vilephist: 1.47

08-16-10, 08:17 PM
Cool, I'll start updating these in soon.

08-19-10, 03:54 AM
More Heights:

Brontogon: 3.35
Cackinge: 1.57
Cascadet: 0.51
Chiarame: 0.76
Serberine: 1.57
Cirroft: 0.25
Cumuloft: 0.81
Destado: 2.74
Nimbolt: 2.59
Frostorm: 2.21
Drakodo: 1.60
Duval: 0.36
Malduval: 1.83
Chloreon: 0.64
Engil: 0.43
Benegil: 1.78

08-19-10, 04:45 PM
Wait, so why does RPG Maker only allow the metric system, anyway?

08-20-10, 02:24 AM
It's just the way Poccil made it. Remember, Poccil was a real stickler for Pokemon mechanics, and researched them inside and out. He probably realized that the imperial measurements were just direct translations of the metric ones, and so made that one the standard. It DOES allow us to later convert them automatically to imperial if we so desire, just as the games probably would have done.

08-21-10, 10:19 PM
Updated up to Wolvine. Thanks!

08-30-10, 01:11 AM
Umm...I started from where RP left off on heigth, and did them for both. Unfortunately, I rushed a little, and didn't notice that you wanted them all in hundreths, I only went to tenths, sorry.

Benegil- 42.7kg 1.542m
Duval- 9kg 0.3m
Malduval- 63.1kg 1.8m
Brontogon- 847.3kg 3.4m
Blitzfaust- 29.1kg 1.2m
Vilephist- 27.3kg 1.2m
Sinestril- 3.2kg 0.3m
Malistril- 16.8kg 0.9m
Sirene- 238.4kg 3.7m
Iglonia- 84.1kg 0.6m
Caribrisk- 86.4kg 1.5m
Huskii- 15kg 0.9m
Tundrolf- 44.3kg 1.5m
Wolfrost- 76.6kg 1.8m
Reefrain- 35kg 4.6m
Polara- 19.1kg 0.9m
Polarice- 180kg 2.1m
Mirust- 18.6kg 0.6m
Ferrian- 50kg 1.5m
Cackinge- 82.1kg 1.5m
Scorchion- 48.6kg 1.2m
Misticade- 3kg 1.5m
Kraklaw- 160kg 3m
Leoracle- 388.2kg 2.1m
Khaphix- 95.9 kg 1.5m
Flintusk- 98.6kg 1.5m
Metusk- 306.4kg 2.1m
Allufang- 25kg 0.9m
Kunaiga- 108.6kg 1.5m
Purior- 59.5kg 1.2m
Goldrake- 18.2kg 0.9m
Arowana- 271.4kg 3.4m
Atlaxa- 14.5kg 0.9m
Thoaxa- 37.9kg 1.2m
Illumbra- 67kg 1.8m
Snarliger- 12.3kg 0.3m
Noctiger- 40.5kg 0.9m
Raiger- 148.5kg 1.5m
Gypseer- 51.4kg 1.5m
Tagati- 64.4kg 1.5m
Neichia- 55.6kg 1.5m
Kuranpu- 25kg 0.9m
Typhidna- 406.4kg 4.9m
Unicrown- 307.3kg 3.1m
Kipporok- 5.5kg 0.6m

11-05-10, 02:22 AM
Didn't notice this was finished.

Actually, looking at Psypokes it seems that tenths is fine, hundreths was a conservative estimate.

11-05-10, 02:53 AM
Well, at least it is finished. I forgot i even helped on this, lol. Anyway, glad to see this is officially noted, and done.