Conversation Between Shizuka and ImmunityBow

  1. Shizuka
    yup okay im back again, im way to busy but ill try my best to still be here ok
  2. ImmunityBow
    That's awesome!
  3. Shizuka
    hey, see i did not leave.
  4. ImmunityBow
    No, Topaz has been going on for 4 years. We just recently had a crash and so now we're focusing on restoring everything.

    You're welcome to help out though! There isn't too much up yet but once you see somewhere you think you can help, just post away!
  5. Shizuka
    Hey do you need help with the board because i would love to help, also did you just make this?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5