Conversation Between HavocWraith and Quinn

  1. Quinn
    HAVOC!!!! hi
  2. HavocWraith
    No I didn't go to the might have seen my sister. we can look alot like at first glance, and what the heck is E3 or whatever? cause I have no idea what you're talking about...
  3. Quinn
    Are you watching e3 now???? Zelda skyward sword???
  4. Quinn
    I'm ditto. I dont know when exactly though. DId you go to movies last night?
  5. HavocWraith
    I want to hang out some time, it's hot and I'm bored, when are you open?
  6. HavocWraith
    that sucks...
  7. Quinn
    I will tommorow. I'm trying to revamp some shinies. Someone saved them as jpg instead of png or gif, so they got distorted. I'm workin on fixin them, and it is a pain.
  8. HavocWraith
    hey... you should comment on my photos on facebook, nobody talks to me anymore...
  9. Quinn
    omfg!!!!! Its only been a couple days but HELLLLOOO!!!!!
  10. HavocWraith
    Awe, thanks Quinn! That's ok, nothing interesting happened anyway. ^^except I have a scratch on my forehead from a cap that attacked my face.
    You got in his face?! AWESOME!!! Good foryou! I'm glad to know that someone willl still stand up for me. was it weird not having the seniors at school?
    I hope you survive until Friday. I'll see you then. Also, yes we will hang out. But sadly not any time soon. I've got alot to do. Anyway, thanks again bud!

    p.s. congrates on the 'contributer' title!
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