Mechanics of Time Travel

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  1. Reliability
    Yes. Essentially you're saying that by using a "stick", you avoid moving through down the river as you normally would. The point at which you were moving through the river would continue on down the river, but you would remain in a space where other points in the river would reach you and you could pull out your stick and continue down the river with that point.

    I'll wait for your confirmation before I respond any further.
  2. Cyndadile
    Basically. The only difference is that your position in the river is Time, not where you would be in the river. For you to move through time, you would need two sticks, like stilts. Essentially, what you would see while you were holding the stick would be one scene, where nothing was moving. Actually, you would not see it, as the light would not be moving into your eyes. Even the light would be suspended in Time.
  3. Reliability
    I think I see what you're talking about.

    Again, the issue I have is that no one is clear on what the "sticks" in the analogy are. It's all well and good to come up with the way that time travel could work, but unless the application is actually thought out, it will still be so abstract that we have to resort to river analogies in order to communicate our thoughts to each other.
  4. Silver
    if i had a time machine i'd break it goin' back and forward in time and space
  5. Cyndadile
    Ok, I'm back again. I've been kind of busy lately with school and our water pump breaking and stuff.

    My math teacher, ironically, discusse Time Travel in class the other day. He said that you could go forward, but not back. I'm going to have to have a word with him about that...

    Something that I want to go over is my theory of the 9 axii (or whatever the plural form of axis is) that govern basically everything. We should all know that XYZ are the three axii of Space. The new ones: the axii of Time are A, B, and C, and the Reality axii are M, N, and O. You can be at any point on, for example, the X axis, and still be at any point on the Y, Z, A, B, C, M, N, and O axii. An example of this is that you can be anywhere, in a chair, for instance, and still travel through Time. Let me know if you'd like to discuss the 9 axii more (many people don't know what I am talking about with the Reality Axii).

    This next part could or could become relavant, depending on what course this discussion takes. The part is, How does one see back in Time? This is a simple question; They simply need to accelerate faster than the speed of light, out to a point where the light has only reached the point of time that you wish to see. This, of course, may require a magnifying mechanism to see far enough to make out details.

    Am I making sense so far?
  6. Silver
  7. Cyndadile
    What do you need explained?
  8. Tyrannigon64
    What the heck are the reality axes("axes"(pronounced "ack-sees") is the correct plural of "axis")?

    Anyways, I'm sure it would take us another thousand years for us to understand time the way we understand space, another thousand to fully understand space (because I really don't think we do, we just don't know what questions we need to answer), and another thousand to fully understand time. By that time, we'll probably have died. But if we haven't, we'll probably have time machines at that point.

    Also, here are what I believe to be the mechanics of time travel:

    You cannot change your past, either because something will prevent you from doing so, or you trying to change the past causes the present to be the way it is (e.g. Someone you know has died, and you want to stop it, so you go back in time to do so. You accidentally kill that person. The present is the way it is because you made it that way by going back in time)

    You can change your future however, but only through the present. In fact, we're changing our future all the time, for example, if you make plans to meet somewhere, that changes your future of just staying home that day.

    You cannot, however go into the future. This is because if you go into the future, the future becomes your present, which again, happens all the time, i.e. one second from now is the future, but one second later, that time period becomes our present. The same thing goes for travelling very far into the future. If you decide after travelling to the future, you want to go back to the past (which used to be your present) you will not be able to change anything that happens between then and the time that you traveled from.

    One movie/book that uses at least some elements from these mechanics of time travel would be Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

    Any thoughts?
  9. Tyrannigon64
    Oh yeah, I forgot to say, that what I just said is for if time travel was possible, and it's just what I think.
  10. Cyndadile
    Two important questions that I need to know to answer that in a way that you will understand/cope with.
    1.) Do you believe in a higher power?
    2.) Do you believe that science can explain (almost) everything?
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