ImmunityBow ImmunityBow is offline

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02-25-22 12:13 AM
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  1. Quinn
    Hey, can u check the Name doc on google in a bit...I'm makin one now, though I dont know if I'm doin it right.
  2. NyteFyre
    well, said top 10 lists are mostly comprised of the most requested/ purchased songs on the market. it doesn't include those most often listened to by individuals. Otherwise, there would be more of a top 10000 or something...
  3. NyteFyre
    Hey IB! no prob with the music survey! you find my answers interesting?
  4. zeroality
    Sorry I didn't make it today, was asleep. Evenings are better for me.

    Can you re-upload any files you put in the images directory in the repository that had apostrophes in them? Like Willow's Lab.png in uploads/images/Maps/Interiors/ It won't even let me download them to rename nor can I rename them on the server via FTP.
  5. zeroality
    That should be fine, do you want to do it on Shoddy or can we do it on Pokemon Online since I'm on there anyway?
  6. OddCrow
    You should check out my concept art thread, I fixed Duval.
    I am also wondering who to do next, I can't decide between

    Canileaf, Kondria, and Gryphonic.
  7. zeroality
    We need to get our OU battle done for the round robin. I'm using Pokemon Online these days but if you want to do it on Shoddy, we can. Let me know what a good timeframe is for you and I'll get back to you.
  8. XTS
    Sure, that'll be fine....just depends when. Soccer game + little league umpiring training = surprisingly little available time for a Sunday. Not sure when the game is, so anytime after 8:30 will likely be fine....or any other time during the day if we happen to be on at the same time. Meh.
  9. XTS
    you still on? If so, uh....yeah, would be nice to get that battle out of the way...
  10. zeroality
    Is this list updated, as in what has been done or who is doing what? I'm about to include it in one of my naggings.
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