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Oh BTW, this CMS doesn't have the security stuff that the old Repository had. No archived pages, files in /uploads/ can be deleted, etc. It's just you, IB, and myself with access so I didn't see the need for it. Just FYI, you'll need to be careful as any change you make will be permanent. I'll have no access to older versions of stuff except for the files in /uploads/ which are on my computer. Please do let me know if you add files so I can download them as a backup - just drop a VM or something. Thanks!
Hey, I put up the pages for Sunshine Cave, Tetralith Cave, Starlight Cave, and Chartree Forest. I put a rudimentary description on the Starlight Cave page but I'm sure you'd like to go over them and write better ones. The other three don't have any at all. Let me fix up a couple of things here and I will go ahead and make your editor account so you can add in the descriptions yourself at your own leisure, and whatever else you would like done. Will PM.
They look intentional to me. Ask IB, since I'm pretty sure he was the one that approved them, so he would know better than me what they're supposed to look like.
Yeah I don't mean to rag on you lol. About the icons page, that is. I know you did the best with what you had to work with. I appreciate it! Edit: I'm converting these and I noticed that Barkrub's icon has some sort of fade on the bottom? The black outlines aren't as sharp. I don't know if this was intentional or not by the original artist so FYI. I'm not going to mess with it, so you may want to. Let me know if you do it before I get the animated version uploaded and posted. [removed edits] Edit4: Instead of me spamming you, I'll just say that it looks like all the icons before Barkrub need looking at.
lol, I'm sorry. I usually don't read SoTs cos tl;dr but I guess I should read the ones written while I was gone. Thanks again!
He was hiding in the most recent SoT
Is there a new Kraklaw front sprite? The one on the page is still the old one (pre-oykawoo awesomeness).
I knew I was forgetting to do something. >.< Vilephist and Blitzfaust All those are finalized.
Can you link me to the two new front sprites? All I have is the sheet with the front/back. I have the individual back sprites from the other thread, just need the fronts. Edit: Also are the Arowana, Ferrian, Vilephist, Blitzfaust, Abyssus, Zantilitdae backsprites all finalized? The CMS isn't ready yet for me to give out editor access but I will.