ImmunityBow ImmunityBow is offline

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02-25-22 12:13 AM
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  1. NyteFyre
    lol, nice one, Zero.

    anyway, but yeah, on both my Ubuntu Laptop and parent's Windows 7 desktop, it is not left aligned.

    Could it possibly be from running Firefox? I use it on both computers.
  2. zeroality
    That's my bad. I didn't realize you and reli were in the editors group when I changed permissions the other day. I made both of you admins.
  3. NyteFyre
    well, if you look just above where it says Visitor messages, there's that line that says, well from here, 'Members list -> Immunitybow'. Usually, it's left aligned, but now it's sort of centered.
  4. NyteFyre
    Any idea what's up with the 'current spot on the forum' bar? It's sort of floating there in the middle, and there seems to be too many lines between it, and where the forums start. It's kind of strange, and while it draws the eyes, it in a sort of 'wtf?' way.
  5. zeroality
    Ugh wow, I totally forgot about this - but it's done now. The Editor usergroup can add pages, and modify any page, but nothing else. If people need to add files, I'd recommend you assign someone the responsibility of using the file manager instead of allowing access willy nilly.
  6. zeroality
    Aight. Today's my birthday so I've been drinking a bit. I'll get to it when I'm not buzzed. Don't wanna mess up anything haha.
  7. zeroality
    What I posted in forum header thread about site editors is probably relevant to what you're doing here. PM me if you want me to set it up.
  8. BladeVap
    Just FYI, Konrad was online the first of this month. Is there any other place you know of that I could try to reach him?
  9. BladeVap
    Oh, no! I never said you should step down! I just think we need to be a bit more...ah...I don't know how to word it...

    If you did step down, though, then yes, I'd nominate Reli. But, nonononono, I never said to *do* it!
  10. BladeVap
    I'm sorry, but something needs to be said. I'm really sorry...

    IB, it's not meant to offend you at all, but do you see yourself as a perfectionist?

    Just answer that for me, please. That's all I ask.
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