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03-03-15 12:45 AM
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  1. ImmunityBow
    Done, you may want to reintroduce yourself on Introductions/Farewells
  2. MK94
    would u like to enter the new sprite contest in the group?
  3. Konrad
    You have to install Ruby like a program. You can download it from the Ruby website. From there, you can use another program to help write code; I haven't tried Ruby in Eclipse but it handles Java well. I use NetBeans for Ruby.
  4. metagrosslord
    Don't worry, I'll think nothing less of you for it. I can see how you'd get confused, this site is so proffesional when compared to say, mine. Mine aren't even very good... Look at my sig. XD
  5. metagrosslord
    Alright. Just clarifying. I didn't think you'd do something like that, since you seem so friendly, but you never know.
  6. metagrosslord
    I know this is kinda strange, and IDK if it's coincidental, but I was idly browsing the forums and noticed something about a "thief" named MeFan. And your meteorite name is MeFan3... I'm not trying to accuse you or anything, but I was just wondering if it was you.
  7. SilentSentinel
    Your last post in the Icons thread wasn't very helpful or needed. You aren't in trouble, just try to keep the nonconstructive comments to a minimum.
  8. phantom bezerker
    on pkmn onyx, I will start a thread in the pkmn topaz site. go to it, and i will probably have the details on the page.
  9. Tyrannigon64
    It appears you should update your signature. I don't have an account on whatever website it links to (I forget what it's called), but that looks like a Winter Vulpix to me.
  10. Tyrannigon64
    I'm on March Break and I'm still sick.
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03-03-15 12:45 AM
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  1. MerlinMerlin is offline

    the Dragon Master

  2. metagrosslordmetagrosslord is offline

    Sprite Ninja

  3. MK94MK94 is offline


  4. phantom bezerkerphantom bezerker is offline

    look at me! I'm a god!

    phantom bezerker
  5. Tyrannigon64Tyrannigon64 is offline

    Spriter and Gym designer

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