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Bank Robbery!
This is an optional sidequest. The Cranewing Gym Leader must be beaten before this sidequest is available.
The Cranewing Bank has recently been robbed, and has posted a reward for any brave souls who can catch the robber and lead the bank back to the money he stole, an amount close to 2000P. A man sporting a white kabuki mask and dressed in black robes was seen suspiciously hanging around the bank on the day of the robbery, and rumours say that he has been unable to leave Cranewing City, due to the many trainers around Chartree on the lookout for him. This is your chance! Catch him, and the bank will surely reward you greatly!
Embarking on this sidequest will lead you through 5 action updates followed by a trainer battle.
You may choose to bring back the robber to the bank, and receive the reward the bank has offered: 200P and your choice of Great Ball, Super Potion or Super Repel.
200P and a,
, or
You may let the robber go and accept his bribe of 1000P. However, doing this will mark you on your personal profile, and a Wanted! sign will be placed on the Topaz Bazaar. Other players along the same route as you (Cities are safe) may then choose to battle you and bring you back to Cranewing City, costing you 1500P or the equivalent in items and money.
1kP, Marked as a Wanted Criminal.
Last edited by Cyndadile; 03-07-13 at 04:07 AM.