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Thread: Sunset Village: Dippin' Stick

  1. #1
    Angel Knight Phil's Avatar
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    Default Sunset Village: Dippin' Stick

    021413 Part 2

    I arrived at Sunset Village. I heard in the distance a man talking about catching fish, so I headed over there to see what was going on. He was talking about this nifty fishing rod he had, and that immediately had me interested.

    Apparently the only way to get one, however, was through Pokemon battle.

    It was then that I released my Ampure and got ready to fight.

  2. #2
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    "So, you be wanting a fishing rod, eh?" asked the Fishing Guru. "Well, you've got to show me you deserve one, first! I got these Pokemon far out in the sea! If you can beat them, then I'll give you me first fishing rod! She's a beauty, ain't she?" He gestures towards an old stick with fishing line attached to it, then reaches for his first pokeball. "Well, here we go! Get 'im, Gills!"

    [4] [Female] [20/20]

    On deck:

  3. #3
    Angel Knight Phil's Avatar
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    My prediction was right. I mean, no one expects Fishermen to not use water types, right?

    I made a mental note of my victory, then I ordered Ampure to use Thundershock.

  4. #4
    ImmunityBow's Avatar
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    Ampure came out lightning quick. Before Trillogill was even out of her Pokeball, Ampure was already all over the field, gathering static. Ampure waited for the correct timing, and let loose the charge just as Trillogill hit the water. The totally unprepared Pokemon was caught in the full blast. A charge ripped through the surrounding air. A path of least resistance was created towards... the charge from the nearby open Pokeball was being added to the attack. Critical Hit! Trillogill didn't even stand a chance.

    OOC: 30 Damage. Just the tiniest bit overkill.

    [4] [Male] [21/21]
    [4] [Female] [0/20] [Fainted]

    Ampure gains 40 EXP!

    [6] [Male] [26/26]

  5. #5
    Angel Knight Phil's Avatar
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    Yowza. I didn't think that would work that well.

    Since the first attack worked to such magnificence, I ordered another Thundershock.

  6. #6
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    Lotad shot Ampure a nasty look, raised a paw, and...
    Started pouring water all over himself.
    Ampure, taking advantage of Lotad's temporary lapse in judgement, sent a bolt of electricity at Lotad. While the strike wasn't as effective against the pond-dwelling Pokemon, it did leave him partially paralyzed, making it difficult to move.
    [4] [Male] [21/21]
    [6] [Male] [20/26] [Paralyzed]

  7. #7
    Angel Knight Phil's Avatar
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    I wanted to yell at Lotad that it wasn't the time to be taking a bath, but then I remembered it wasn't my problem and ordered "I'm Missing a Joke Somewhere" to use Thundershock again.

  8. #8
    ImmunityBow's Avatar
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    Ampure shocked the Lotad again, who took the pain but struggled through and managed to use the jolt to his advantage. Using the electricity to stimulate his body he swam forward and jolted around like a marionette, giving Ampure a thorough shock of his own. How astonishing!

    [4] [Male] [21/21]
    [6] [Male] [14/26] [Paralyzed]

  9. #9

  10. #10
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    OOC: Forgot to add in the damage last time. Will fix that this time.

    Ampure was drawing from some reserve of energy, and somehow was able to shock Lotad again and again to great effect. Lotad, however, took the blows and dished out some damage of his own.

    [4] [Male] [13/21]
    [6] [Male] [9/26] [Paralyzed]

  11. #11
    Angel Knight Phil's Avatar
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    That attack was quite Astonishing, but Ampure's Thundershock would be better.

  12. #12
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    Ampure let forth another jolt of electricity, and Lotad was barely able to endure it.
    In return, Lotad attacked Ampure once again, bringing his foe closer to exhaustion.
    [4] [Male] [9/21]
    [6] [Male] [3/26] [Paralyzed]

  13. #13
    Angel Knight Phil's Avatar
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    I saw the Lotad was hurting, but as a trainer, all I could think about was my first victory. Then I ordered one final Thundershock.

  14. #14
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    BZZAP! Lotad couldn't take it any more. It promptly seized up with the shock and stopped moving. That sure miffed the Fisherman, but begrudgingly he handed you the Old Rod and Ampure looked like... he had grown a little?

    [4] [Male] [9/21]
    [6] [Male] [0/26] [Paralyzed] [Fainted]

    Ampure gained 65 EXP! Ampure grew to level 5! You got an Old Rod!

  15. #15
    Angel Knight Phil's Avatar
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    And then I forgot the point of having a plot and just left to go to Chartree Forest.

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