A little glow appeared in the tall grass. He pokes his head out, and seeing you, dodges back in. It's! Wary of fighting, he scarpers off towards some trees. Do you give chase?
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After defeating my almighty rival Bryan in Neo Bay I decided it was time to leave home and begin my Pokemon journey. Knowing I would need more than one partner I decided to try and catch some new Pokemon in Route 49. I walked over into the tall grass and spun around in circles whennnnnnn......
A little glow appeared in the tall grass. He pokes his head out, and seeing you, dodges back in. It's! Wary of fighting, he scarpers off towards some trees. Do you give chase?
Celsinge run after it will box it in and force it to fight!
scampers up a tree while Celsinge pursues. He's now trapped up there with Celsinge batting at his paws. He resigns himself to fighting, and begins charging up an attack. Celsinge can attempt to retaliate, but will have to find a way to reach Ampure without him escaping, all while suffering jolts of electricity coming from the little rodent. What'll you do?
[4][Male] [21/21]
Celsinge scamper up to Ampure and use Scratch!
Celsinge digs his claws into the tree and begin climbing up the side. Ampure's fur bristled, and it let out a screech as Celsinge climbed onto his branch and began swiping away with his claws. Nursing a scratch on his arm, Ampure hops farther back on the branch sent a bolt of electricity at his opponent.
[6][Male] [24/28]
[4][Male] [16/21]
Scratch attack again Celsinge!
Ampure tried to retreat some more, but he was running out of room on his branch. Celsinge quickly closed the distance and delivered a blow, only to be met by another bolt of electricity from Ampure.
[6][Male] [19/28]
[4][Male] [10/21]
Scratch it again we got it on the ropes!
Celsinge swiped again at the Ampure, forcing it to leap out of the tree to get away from its attacker. With a high-pitched screech, Ampure let loose another electrical discharge, making the branch under Celsinge's feet begin to blacken.
[6][Male] [14/28]
[4][Male] [4/21]
Pokeball go! Try to catch it!
Wiggle... wiggle... wiggle... Ampure was caught! You can now give Ampure a nickname.
Celsinge, having somehow become fully rested, leaped off of the charred branch and into the grass below. A startled hiss came from the grass, and a small yellow creature jumped out and screeched at you.
[4][Female] 21/21
Last edited by Cyndadile; 06-06-13 at 12:29 AM.
Scratch attack Celsinge!
Celsinge scurried towards his new opponent and sliced her belly with his claws. Sandshrew, still screeching, grabbed Celsinge's paw with one hand and delivered a scratch of her own with the other.
[6][Male] [24/28]
[4][Female] [16/21]
Another scratch attack!
Celsinge, enraged at being held down, swiped a paw with all his strength at Sandshrew, and delivered an extra-strong blow. Sandshrew rolled back to get away, leaving a few scratches on Celsinge's paw.
[6][Male] [21/28]
[4][Female] [7/21]
Defeat the Sandshrew with another Scratch so we can move on to the next town Celsinge!
Celsinge pounced on Sandshrew, but he wasn't quite able to make it through Sandshrew's tough skin. Sandshrew dug her claws into Celsinge's fur before rolling into a bush.
[6][Male] [17/28]
[4][Female] [2/21]
Celsinge pounced on Sandshrew, but he wasn't quite able to make it through Sandshrew's tough skin. Sandshrew dug her claws into Celsinge's fur before rolling into a bush.
[6][Male] [17/28]
[4][Female] [2/21]
One final Scratch attack!
It wasn't long before Celsinge was all over Sandshrew one more time, scratching her furiously until she fainted.
[6][Male] [17/28]
[4][Female] [0/21] [Fainted]
Celsinge gained 27% EXP!
You have finished the requirements for this route. Would you like to continue battling Pokemon and Trainers? Do some out-of-battle training? Or move on to Sunset Village?