Hind legs just seem comparatively short. If you extended the tibia portion of the leg it might look more natural. Careful that you don't have it end up looking like an Espeon/Sylveon hybrid. Otherwise pretty nice.
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So I've been working on Anubeon, a ghost type eeveelution for about an hour or two now. First off, thoughts? Second off, thoughts about how to make it's hind legs look more natural?
I tried to go for a jackal-like head, the stereotypical egyptian headdress, and a was-staff for the tail.
Probably going to go for a muted gold and purple colour scheme. With bright red eyes of course.
Hind legs just seem comparatively short. If you extended the tibia portion of the leg it might look more natural. Careful that you don't have it end up looking like an Espeon/Sylveon hybrid. Otherwise pretty nice.
I love ghost eeveelutions! Egyptian theme is a good one, I'd be more careful about being distinct from glaceon with the headdress than sylveon. As IB said, the legs are mostly the length; if anything, the hind legs should be longer, and eeveelutions generally have thin, longer legs. If you're going for a laying down sphinx pose, thats even trickier, since i think the knees kinda wind up over the butt instead of folding up underneath.
Yeah I'm trying to go for the sphinx/playful dog posture, and it is a paaaaaiiiin.
I'm convinced that's the reason that Vaporeon's tail is always covering its hind legs in the sitting sprites.
If you haven't tried yet, it might help to look towards skeletons as your base, to get an idea of how the joints work (warning if you ain't into skeletons: fox skelly pic). Frogs have always goven me trouble for the same reason.