Here's an early WiP of a less cramped Mogel:
EDIT: And here's an update:
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Anyone feel like going over and touching up our sprites?
For instance:
All I did was touch up the chest, give it eyebrows, and remove the sad face.
(Also it'd be great if the shiny sprites got updated to the actual shiny sprites :P)
EDIT: Aaand it's not showing up. Aw well. Just load the sprites side by side.
Here's an early WiP of a less cramped Mogel:
EDIT: And here's an update:
Last edited by Black Temple Gaurdian; 04-30-17 at 09:30 AM.
So I think this is as good as I'm going to get it. Can someone do the face and shading?
Bit by bit, it's coming along, although every attempt to add a face has failed.
Mogel is looking better. I forget, do the sprites need to be doubled up for the game itself? I remember that being a thing. Otherwise if you'd like some help it would be handy if you posted the regular sized sprites along with your WIP.
Yeah, each pixel is basically a 2x2 pixel square. Although that's already done for what we've got.
Apart from Mogel's head, which I cannot seem to do (and may redraw entirely), the only other one that really bothers me is Spidream. That pose just looks so unnatural.