Why is its dedication to perfection be admired in artistic circles? Otherwise, I like it.
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Why is its dedication to perfection be admired in artistic circles? Otherwise, I like it.
Okay, I'm a bit iffy with that part, but other than that it gets a vote from me.
My issue is rather that training to attain one thing (non self-destructive battle) doesn't quite sync up with "dedication to perfection" for me.
The dedication that ZANGOOSE puts in to train it's battling skills inspires many people to do the same. It is this hard determination that often thrives ZANGOOSE to become victorious in battles against other POKEMON.
Does anybody notice that this is the last pokedex entry left?
Last edited by Cranky Guy; 06-07-11 at 06:48 AM.
We noticed. This one unfortunately brings it back down to the generic level, since it could apply to any Pokemon.
ZANGOOSE are extremely loyal to their trainers.
They are known for attacking SEVIPER without
hesitation although recent studies conclude that
it is the aroma of a SEVIPERs poison which causes
these POKEMONs sudden outbursts
TRPG profile
3DS Friend code: 3711-7748-4916
I has X, Looking for Y stones, will trade for good stuff.
I'm pretty sure we're trying to avoid the rivalry thing.
Anyways, I'll try another:
ZANGOOSE uses its agility and sharp claws to become a formidable threat to any opponent. Many swordsmen train with [ZANGOOSE/it] to match its balance between speed and strength.
Or, to include Seviper:
ZANGOOSE uses its agility and sharp claws to attack its long-standing rival, SEVIPER. Many swordsmen train with [ZANGOOSE/it] to match its balance between speed and strength.
I like the first. The second is mixing two unrelated ideas; the bit about Seviper seems out of place in that one.
Seviper is never out of place in a Zangoose entry. It might be out of place in isolation, but in context it will resonate with any Pokemon fan.
The entry no longer feels generically applicable to any Pokemon, which is good, but overall it still doesn't seem interesting enough.
I only meant it was out of place in that it didn't fit in that particular way.
I think it does, though, since I think previous canon entries have said things on those lines (Zangoose using X to fight its nemesis Seviper).
ZANGOOSE use their agility and sharp claws to full advantage in battles against their long-standing rivals, SEVIPER. They are known to train for several days just to perfect a single basic battle movement.
How's that?
Last edited by Cranky Guy; 06-26-11 at 10:06 AM.
Was the rivalry included in the Seviper entry? Then answer to that question is the answer to the question of we should include the rivalry in this one or not?
It wasn't included in the Seviper entry, and I agree that the rivalry shouldn't be included in this one either for that reason.
??? What I'm saying is that Seviper's entry did not have any mention to the rivalry, so it doesn't make much sense to include it in Zangoose's.
Most of the entries that sound suitable for Zangoose are usually too generic and coul apply to most pokemon, such as,
The dedication that ZANGOOSE puts in to train it's battling skills inspires many people to do the same. It is this hard determination that often thrives ZANGOOSE to become victorious in battles against other POKEMON.
That is why I added Seviper to the entry, cause when you mention rivalry with Seviper, Only Zangoose comes to mind. But if you don't agree, I already tried a different one.
ZANGOOSE use their agility and sharp claws to full advantage in battles against their opponents. They are known to train for several days just to perfect a single basic battle movement.
Zangoose is the eternal rival of Seviper. According to legend, the scar on the chest of a Zangoose is passed down from the first clash between the two pokemon.
Zangoose is the eternal rival of Seviper. The two's hate for eachother is said to stem from an ancient battle between the two that left the first Zangoose with it's scar.
Wooooo! Interest in this thread!
I like both of the entries, especially the first wording. The only problem with this would be if it has already been used in a previous entry or if it conflicts with one. Otherwise, it has my vote.
Wow, I like that! It works! A couple of quality assurance edits, but leaving the concept untouched:
ZANGOOSE's eternal rival is SEVIPER. According to legend, the red scar on its chest is passed down from the first clash between the two POKEMON.
Or expanding on the concept a bit:
ZANGOOSE's eternal rival is SEVIPER. According to legend, the red scar on its chest has passed down through generations as a reminder of a brutal bite wound during their first clash.
I prefer your first edit, but if you go with the second one I think you should remove the word "bite". It seems unnecessary and a bit wordy.
I vote for edit #1.
i vote edit 1!
TRPG profile
3DS Friend code: 3711-7748-4916
I has X, Looking for Y stones, will trade for good stuff.