Conversation Between Blade Flight and SilentSentinel

  1. SilentSentinel
    No, I tried Raptor Ex, one of the few completed fangames, and a couple new projects. I don't know if Uranium will want to give us their animations if they are modified though...
  2. Blade Flight
    When you were looking for move animations, did you try Pokemon Uranium? It has the canon moves in it, I know, but I don't think that they match the canon ones...
  3. SilentSentinel
    It's all right, we'll have apps all the time. Once the people we pick actually start having to update, I'm sure we'll want to pick up some more people.
  4. Blade Flight
    Hey, I just wanted to let you know...I can't do it. I can't finish the app in time. I'm sorry, I just have too much to do tomorrow and for the next few days. I mean, I'll have time to get on, but I've hardly got anything down right now, so I've got no choice, but to give in. My apologies...
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