Conversation Between Quinn and Blade Flight

  1. Quinn
    I dont know. I know BTG knows though (* suddenly remembers our converse forever ago)

    You could google the transparency thingy, though some sites dont go contiginous, so you get transparent eyes and stuff (depending on if your still doing cinders or whatever.)

    If all else fails, you could get them to me, and I could do it.
  2. Blade Flight
    Would the site be "Iaza"? I tried that, and it didn't really work right...maybe I did it wrong.
  3. Quinn
    sorry to bug ya. I was lookin at neons profile and I saw you were wondering how to make transparency? If you use photoshop, its easy. You copy the white, inverse selection, copy and paste into the image. It needs to be like a 960 by 960 pixel size though. Each different the cherry and the leaf in IB's, they need to be separated by 192 by 192 boxes.

    If you use paint....I know there is a website that can do it for you, though I forgot what its called.
  4. Quinn
    I just watched some of your stuff on youtube....HAHAHAHA! wtf? the mario? I also saw the champion battle, and liked the music.
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