A word about Ruby to anyone interested in programming:
I recently started reading a few introductions to the language and it seems fairly easy, compared to some other languages. However, the syntax differs greatly from other languages, like JAVA, so it may be harder for experienced programmers to learn. I know that I'm having difficulties with it because I'm trying to learn JAVA at the same time. It is object-oriented, which may be helpful to people who haven't programmed before (I think it makes programming easier, at least). I probably won't be able to learn Ruby right now because it is so different from JAVA. However, if you have some spare time and are interested in programming, I would reccommend Ruby, and not just because we need a coder. I think it is a good language to start with, and it is probably a lot easier to learn Ruby before JAVA or C++ than it is to learn Ruby after. You can find some tutorials here. Presonally, I find this guide to Ruby to be a fun way of learning, but it can take a while to read.

Having said that, I do hope to learn Ruby in the near future, although probably not until I'm done with my CompSci class.