It was a cold morning, the kind that makes you want to cuddle up in your covers. Storm awoke in his bed, a rather small headache somewhere in the back of his mind. Getting out of bed, and dressed, he walked downstairs, cleaned some shit, checked the weather, and drank his coffee. "Man, maybe it's just me, but this coffee tastes terrible today." With a heavy sigh, he poured the rest down the drain, before stepping outside to judge the weather for himself.

"Man, that guy," Storm pondered aloud, mostly to himself. Some people buzzed by him, going about their daily routines, concerned only with themselves. He looked around some more, before heading back inside to look at the remains of his PS-I. "That really hurt when he kicked me out of the game like that."


"All right, Dashie, you ready to blitz through this route?" Storm looked down confidently at his partner, who growled in response, rising to the occasion. Dashie tensed up, ready to start doing what he does best. "All right, ready...GO!" Storm shouted, rocketing forth with all he had. In a few short seconds, he was already worn out. Dashie hadn't even bothered to move, before his trainer was out of steam. "I...I really need to get in shape more..." At that, Storm fell down flat on his face. Dashie calmly walked over to where his trainer lay.

A short bit of pain brought Storm to his feet immediately. "YOW! What did ya do that for?" He shouted, turning to face his attacker.