Gilda chirped happily, seeing the cub fall from its injuries. With a sly smile on her face, she fluttered over to her trainer. Quickly checking to see that no one was looking, Gilda quickly nuzzled Storm's cheek for a split second. Satisfied no one had noticed, she promptly fell to the ground, sound asleep.

However, Gilda tossed and turned, occasionally wincing in pain as the burns from before began to resurface. This struck Storm as odd, as potions were supposed to heal wounds and restore vigor. Curious, he returned Gilda so that she might rest and actually heal, before grabbing the empty potion bottle and reading the ingredients.

"Pure adrenaline. The fuck," Storm was bewildered, wondering who in their right mind would feed pure adrenaline to any one, let along a young pokemon. Reading further, his mind began to turn, trying to comprehend this fallacy with Pokemon logic.

The adrenaline tricks the pokemon into thinking they aren't tired, and pumps them up to return to the fight. Then, this...masking agent fools everyone, even the pokemon, into thinking that the wounds have healed. The mind is a powerful tool, but damn these suppositories. I suppose that's what I get for buying cheap products. Then again, these were all I could buy as a new trainer. The fuck is with this place?

It was at that point that something crept up behind them, ready to strike.