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Thread: Skibidibapbo

  1. #1
    Overworlder (I think)
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    Default Skibidibapbo

    So, what's up?
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    Moved this over to General discussion because that feels more appropriate.

    There hasn't been much progress on Topaz recently, but what actually is up for me is keeping very busy at work and pretty busy socially as well! Which means I have been spending less time with screens around in my free time, which is new for me. Also means little time for personal programming projects but that's just how things go.

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    Overworlder (I think)
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    That's cool. What job do you have?

    It's been a really long time since I've posted anything here, I was curious if anyone even still visited. It's nice to be here again.
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    I work in healthcare IT - a local hospital has a lot of new apps or sites or connections they want done. I've been working with them for a few years and I'm at the point where I'm pretty well trusted to get things done, or tell them that what they're asking isn't reasonable.

    How have you been doing?

  5. #5
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    Good to see that some of you still have faith in Topaz. I do not at all anymore, but if you guys can release something, that's great.

    I myself am working for Azurite, and it's working out great. I don't want to sound like I'm badmouthing Topaz again, but as I've said before, this project has nothing unique going for it at all. But I won't go into that again unless someone's morbidly curious...

  6. #6
    aut vincere aut mori
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blade Flight View Post
    Good to see that some of you still have faith in Topaz. I do not at all anymore, but if you guys can release something, that's great.

    I myself am working for Azurite, and it's working out great. I don't want to sound like I'm badmouthing Topaz again, but as I've said before, this project has nothing unique going for it at all. But I won't go into that again unless someone's morbidly curious...
    No one was even talking about the topaz project, there's no reason to go badmouthing what's been dead.

    I didn't know you also worked in IT, Cyndadile. I've been in IT for a while as well, although I work at an electric company. I work with GIS mapping.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SilentSentinel View Post
    No one was even talking about the topaz project, there's no reason to go badmouthing what's been dead.
    I didn't mean anything by it...

  8. #8
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    hey gamers,

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    Quote Originally Posted by SilentSentinel View Post
    I didn't know you also worked in IT, Cyndadile. I've been in IT for a while as well, although I work at an electric company. I work with GIS mapping.
    Nice! I interviewed with an electric company early on but that didn't work out. I'm pretty happy with the field, pays well enough to fuel my board game addiction at least.

    Good luck with Azurite, Blade Flight, I look forward to seeing what y'all put out!

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    Good morning fellow gamers!

    Since this forum was created to help with a project that is now on hiatus, and that a lot of reasons was given for why this happened, and why this project can or cannot be completed, I want to know how you gyus feel about changing this project in a original one?

    I know that since we don't have enough manpower to finish a fanmade projet, we will have even less chance to finish an original comercial product, but on the other hand, we can produce a content that can raise a lot more atention. We would be free to do whatever we want, adress somethings that we need that can be better, and not be compared to the other hacks. Maybe is just a silly thought, but I've been thinking about this for a while, and now that my personal life is back on track, this crossed my mind. Thank you to all who have listened to this post
    A Classic is something that acquires the eternal aclamation: yesterday, today and tomorrow.

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    I mean, I'd be cool with helping out with bits and pieces of art, but I'm useless in terms of coding at the moment.

    I've been writing for local tech magazine as a part time gig. My main job is being a chef for a small restaurant. Can't complain, it's quite fun.
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  12. #12
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    I was just listening to the song in the thread title today in my car on the way home from work!

    (if it's supposed to be Scatman John)

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