random stuff so post is more than 10 characters...

Quote Originally Posted by ImmunityBow View Post
It's probably the biggest thing I need sorted through... and I don't think I have everything just yet either:


NPC 1: Well, who do we have here? It must have been tough crossing the eye of sand to get here!
NPC 2: Not every pokemon is effected negatively by sandstorms. My pokemon actually benefits from it! (Cacnea: Grriigiittt!)
NPC 3: (Before gym battle): Arrrgh! I can’t belive it’s taking this long to build one stupid tunnel! (After gym battle): Haventree tunnel is finally done!
NPC 4: Going to challenge Osiro? Don’t count on a victory this time, his power is real! After battle: Wow... You’re incredible! Osiro dosen’t lose to just anyone!

Pokemart: NPC 5: This pokemart has some of the best products in stock. A full restore is like a max potion and a full heal all in one!
NPC 6: I forgot my wallet at my house, but my wife will be steamed if I don’t bring everything on our list back... What to do?

Pokemon Center: NPC 7: ...I just can’t hack it! The other gym leaders were tough, but I’ve challenged Osiro six times, and I just can’t win! It’s getting very discouraging... (Primeape: aaiiigrirr!)
NPC 8: Trainers who brave the eye of sand to get here just go to the gym and then leave! They should visit the library too!

Gym: NPC 9: Well, if it isn’t the soon-to-be champion! This is the final gym before pokemon league, and let me tell ya buddy, this will NOT be a cakewalk! Osiro’s got an army of ground-type pokemon ready for you, and his trainers are nearly as tough as he is! You’re gonna need all the skill you’ve got for this one! (After): I can’t believe it! You’ve beaten one of the greatest trainers in the land! Check your trainer card, and make sure you’ve got all the badges still in there. If all eight are there, you can now go to pokemon league!
NPC 10 (Osiro): Before Battle: Welcome, challenger, to the Saharan Gym! This land was founded by my people nearly a millenium ago, when our first pharoh discovered the oasis upon which the city is built. The endless sandstorm here was created by our people’s immense ground-type pokemon, in order to keep invaders out and preserve our ancient heritage, a heritage which I am bound to protect. You are obviously here on your quest for the pokemon league. Although I love to see young trainers soar to new heights, i’m afraid my pride would not allow a loss to you! (In battle text after victory): Wonderful! My efforts to drag you into the abyss have failed! You are truly an impeccable trainer!(After battle in normal screen): Your victory here was no fluke. Your power and resolve has given you the victory here today. In recognition of this, I bequeath to you the Sphinx Badge, the final emblem of the pokemon league! Also, I wish for you to go forth with my blessing in the form of this TM, normally reserved for the descendants of the royal family. With it, you can make the power of Fault Line your own! It causes massive damage to both battlers. (Talk Again): Your next step is to go far to the south toward your ultimate goal: The Pokemon League. I wish you luck on the remainder of your quest!

Television shows: There is a PURIOR fighting a bunch of Team Rocket. It looks like it is beating them badly.
A lady is flailing in the water, screaming her lungs out. It looks like a KRAKLAW attack.
It is a documentary showing the burning of the PINEDALE FOREST


NPC 1: Icthyes city is a true captain of industry. One day, all cities may someday be like this!
NPC 2: 50 years ago, Icthyes was just a small fishing village. Reminicing about the good old days is a way to pass the time, I suppose...
NPC 3: There are some buisnessmen here who are quite wealthy, but boy are there some crooks too!
NPC 4: The main streets here are clean, but the back alleys are filthy. It makes you wonder what lies just under the surface...
NPC 5: Hey kid! You wanna buy some KUANAIGA fangs? Rare as can be, and for a fair price, too! No? Then beat it!
NPC 6: We pull out fresh fish by the tons here every day! Using our wonderful Super Rods, we can catch any aquatic pokemon, even pokemon on the ocean bottom! Would you like a Super Rod so you can be a Super fisherman too? All right, here’s your very own super-de-duper Super Rod!
NPC 7: You got the stuff? Oh, that there is a Rocket Invite. In that case, you’ve gotta talk to Big Tony. He can tell ya where to use that!
NPC 8: What, what are ya botherin’ Big Tony for? Rocket Invite? Don’t tell anyone, but you need ta take dat over to Lorenzo’s med shop, and show it to the purfume lady. Go on kid, scoot!
NPC 9: Welcome to Lorenzo’s Medicine Shop, where you can get all of your herbal needs! What can I do for you?
NPC 10: Herbs are inexpensive, but they make your pokemon dislike you. Don’t use them unless you want your pokemon to not like you for some reason.
NPC 11: I sometimes see shady characters coming in and out of here. I wonder what’s going on?
NPC 12: Hello, I sell herbal perfumes, but I doubt you can afford any of them. ( If you have Rocket Invite): Oh, I see. please come with me. (She takes you into the back room.) You’ll get where you want by going down the stairs.
NPC 13: The new version of the Serber-i security system came out recently. It was developed in that big building over there.
NPC 14: We are the research team that developed the Serber-i system, but the boss takes all the credit!
NPC 15: Plug this wire in here, and then attach this... Can’t you see that i’m trying to concentrate?
NPC 16: It was my idea to build a system that would give peace of mind to those with many possesions! Don’t listen to those ingrates!

SIGN: Icthyes Recreational Park. Note: Please report any acts of vandalism to the authorities.
NPC 17: This park is one of the few places that is nice and clean in the city. My kids really enjoy it!
NPC 18: Yay! Let’s play tag!
NPC 19: Alright! you’re it!
NPC 20: Aww... I can’t run as fast as the other kids...
NPC 21: There has been a lot of graffiti on this wall recently. No one ever sees them, so they must be doing it late at night...

Wall: Teem Roket Rulz! Oreon Defedes Sukz!

Drunken Man: *hic* Darrack/Diana *hic* where you been *hic* wait, you’re not Darrack/Diana *hic* what do you want?!