As opposed to what is already done. This will make for an handy sticky that people can access and see what they can do to help get the info/material for the demo finalized.

Some of this data may be outdated so if it is, feel free to correct it.

Just a checklist on what we have from Fangking's topic. All info is only in terms of the demo.

- An indication of what point in the game the first Topaz demo is expected to finish at.
Upon the defeat of Therma

- Information on however many Pokémon are expected to appear in the demo, and where they are expected to appear.
Route 201: 20% Fincherp, 20% Fincherp, 10% Fincherp, 10% Mogel, 10% Mogel, 10% Mogel, 5% Mogel, 5% Mogel, 4% Mogel, 4% Mogel, 1% Mogel, 1% Mogel

Route 202: 20% Fincherp, 20% Fincherp, 10% Mogel, 10% Mogel, 10% Mogel, 10% Mogel, 5% Mogel, 5% Ampure, 4% Mogel, 4% Ampure, 1% Mogel, 1% Ampure

Route 203: 20% Fincherp, 20% Mogel, 10% Firant, 10% Mogel, 10% Firant, 10% Ampure, 5% Fincherp, 5% Mogel, 4% Sandshrew, 4% Fincherp, 1% Fincherp, 1% Sandshrew

Chartree Forest (Day): 20% Firant, 20% Pyroon, 10% Firant, 10% Pyroon, 10% Sandshrew, 10% Pineco, 5% Whispaw, 5% Spoink, 4% Whispaw, 4% Embear, 1% Whispaw, 1% Embear

Chartree Forest (Night): 20% Firant, 20% Pyroon, 10% Firant, 10% Pyroon, 10% Sandshrew, 10% Pineco, 5% Spidream, 5% Spoink, 4% Spidream, 4% Embear, 1% Spidream, 1% Embear

Route 204: 20% Fincherp, 20% Mareep, 10% Fincherp, 10% Mogel, 10% Mogel, 10% Jalsida, 5% Mogel, 5% Mankey, 4% Mareep, 4% Mankey, 1% Mareep, 1% Mankey

Pokemon appearing in the demo are:
001/Venap [Green] (87.5:12.5)
002/Traplent [Green] (87.5:12.5)
003/Dionare [Green] (87.5:12.5)
004/Celsinge [Yellow] (87.5:12.5)
005/Fahramane [Yellow] (87.5:12.5)
006/Kelvoyant [Yellow] (87.5:12.5)
007/Echoise [Blue] (87.5:12.5)
008/Mermeidon [Blue] (87.5:12.5)
009/Dolphure [Blue] (87.5:12.5)
010/Firant [Red] (50:50)
011/Pyroon [Red] (50:50)
012/Pyreign [Red] (50:50)
013/Fincherp [Brown] (50:50)
014/Gashawk [Brown] (50:50)
015/Eaglair [Brown] (50:50)
016/Mogel [Brown] (50:50)
017/Firrel [Brown] (50:50)
018/Ampure [Blue] (50:50)
019/Ohmure [Blue] (50:50)
020/Sandshrew [Yellow] (50:50)
021/Sandslash [Yellow] (50:50)
022/Lupine [Green] (40:60)*
023/Wolvine [Green] (40:60)**
024/Wolflower [Green] (40:60)**
025/Jalsida [Green] (50:50)
026/Spoink [Gray] (50:50)
027/Grumpig [Purple] (50:50)
028/Spidream [Purple] (50:50)
029/Arachmare [Purple] (50:50)
030/Pineco [Gray] (50:50)
031/Forretress [Purple] (50:50)
032/Embear [Red] (50:50)
033/Grizlare [Red] (50:50)
034/Mankey [Brown] (50:50)
035/Primeape [Brown] (50:50)
036/Mareep [White] (50:50)
037/Flaafy [Pink] (50:50)
038/Ampharos [Yellow] (50:50)
039/Whispaw [Red] (50:50)
040/Coroona [Red] (50:50)
041/Moocalf [Pink] (50:50)
042/Tauros [Brown] (100:0)
043/Miltank [Pink] (0:100)
???/Murkrow [Black] (50:50)*
???/Harskrow [Black] (50:50)**
???/Equill [Green] (50:50)*
???/Tellure [Green] (50:50)**
???/Barkub [Brown] (75:25)**
???/Growlithe [Brown] (75:25)*
???/Arcanine [Brown] (75:25)**
???/Scorchion [Red] (50:50)*

* This refers to pokes that will be seen in game through trainers, but won't be in any way obtainable. Thus, it may be possible to omit their backsprites and icons.
** This refers to pokes that will have evos or preevos that are seen in game, but won't ever be seen in the game themselves unless through hacks. Thus, it may be possible to omit the entirety of their information.
??? means that the Caldera/Kirant dex number hasn't been worked out yet, but will be shortly.

- Information on any new items, TMs and moves.
Items: We will need to work out which of these will be appearing in the demo.
TMs: We will need to work out which of these will be appearing in the demo as well.
Abilities: Note that these have had an update a while ago.

- Information on where any new items and TMs are expected to appear in the demo.
Will be worked out as soon as possible. We need to figure out how to do this.

- Sprites for all Pokémon expected to appear in the demo, front, back and animated menu icons. Front sprites of any Pokémon must be exactly centred within an 80x80 image size (if possible, double the whole image to 160x160). Back sprites of any Pokémon must be aligned directly at the bottom of an 80x80 image square (again, if possible, double the image to 160x160).

An menu icon must have two frames. The two frames should be saved on one image that is 64x32 pixels (preferably doubled to 128x64). Each frame must be placed on the image as though the file is two 32x32 (or 64x64) boxes placed side by side, so that they are aligned for animation. See example below.

Front sprites must be saved as ### (number of the Pokémon, eg. 387), back sprites must be saved as ###b (eg. 387b), shiny front sprites must be saved as ###s (eg. 387s) and shiny back sprites must be saved as ###sb (eg. 387sb). Menu icons must be saved as icon### (eg. icon387).
Front sprites:
Actual sprites: All done, the status of Ampure, Mogel and Firrel can be determined later.
Doubled:All done. Sent to Fangking

Back sprites:
Actual sprites:
Venap Line
Celsinge Line
Echoise Line
Firant Line
Mogel Line
Ampure Line
Needed: Eaglair (current one is outdated), Embear*, Grizlare*, Coroona*
Perhaps unnecessary, but not done: Wolvine, Equill*, Tellure*, Barkub, Scorchion*
* means it is being worked on by Reliability.
Doubled: Not yet.

Actual sprites: All of them. Shiny Metagross'
Doubled: None yet

Motion to just skip these for the demo.

- Sprites for all Trainers and any Gym Leaders expected to appear in the demo in 80x80 size, doubled to 160x160 if possible.

So far, the only Topaz Trainer sprites in the demo are the two gym leaders.

- Team lists for all Trainers and any Gym Leaders expected to appear in the demo.

Trainers have had line-ups finished, but no movesets.
Froy and Therma are both done, but we need to finalize Gym Designs and trainers inside their gyms.

- Detailed story and script for the demo.

Event Dialogue covers most of the beginning. Piro's Froy dialogue is quite good, so that's as good as done too, pretty much. MewLoverEX is working on Therma. There's a lot of work here to do still.

- Information on any unique game systems desired for the demo.

CD System is the only one so far, I think.