Reading Shadow Puppets by Orson Scott Card, which I guess qualifies as the second book in a 'spin-off' of the Ender's Game series. Still a very good book. At least, I was reading it; I was on the last 20 pages or so when I lost track of the book ._. It's in the house somewhere, just need to track it down...

In other news, eagerly awaiting the opportunity to read A Dance With Dragons, latest book in a Song of Ice and Fire. Didn't find out about its release until a week before, and then forgot to reserve it at the library (I only read books once, even books as good as this series, so it didn't pay to go out and buy it; contemplating sitting and reading it all day in a bookstore and then putting it back on the shelf, though) for another two weeks, so I'm a lot farther down on the list than I would have hoped. But hopefully I should be getting the book around the time I hit the massive stretch of free time at the end of the summer. Woot.