I'd like to start this announcement off with a short note regarding the site redesign. Some of you may have seen the layout that I was working on but I have decided to scrap that in favor of rebuilding the current site layout. Everybody is already used to it and it will look great when updated with the new color scheme and artwork of Topaz Pokemon.

Now, I'd like to thank HavocWraith, X-Antibody, and a new artist by the name of puppytoast for providing us with these superb pieces of artwork. You can view them at http://www.pokemontopaz.net/art/

Allow me to introduce the following Pokemon who have new artwork:

Dionare by HavocWraith

Fahramane by HavocWraith

Kelvoyant by HavocWraith

Mermeidon by HavocWraith

Dolphure by HavocWraith

Firant by HavocWraith

Pyroon by HavocWraith

Fincherp by HavocWraith

Gashawk by HavocWraith

Eaglair by HavocWraith

Mogel by HavocWraith

Vilephist by puppytoast

Ferrian by X-Antibody