I did it in Paint.NET, imitating PapaLulu's the best I could. Here's a little guide he posted for the fonts and stuff. Next time I make a card I'll do it in Photoshop, and keep it a PSD so it's easy to simply edit all the text needed.

Fonts I use are;
Name: Humanist521 BT [Bold] 17.2 (enlarge height 1 pixel)
Level: Humanist521 Cn BT [Bold] 7.9
Level#: Futura LT Medium [Bold] 9.4
Evolves from: Humanist521 BT [Bold-Italics] 5.61
HP: Humanist521 Cn BT [Bold] 7.9
HP#: Futura LT Medium [Bold] 16
PkdxStat: Frutiger SCIN Bd [Normal] 6 (#_ _ _Species_ _ HT _ _ WT)
Poke-Body/Power Name: Humanist521 Cn [Bold] 16
Attack Name: Gill Sans Condensed [Normal] 15.5
Attack Text: Gill Sans [Normal] 5 /5.65 /6.5 /7.4 /8 /8.8
Attack Damage: Futura LT Medium [Bold] 16
Desc: Lydian BT [Italics] 8.45
Illustrator: Futura LT Medium [Italics] 6.2
Card#: Futura LT Medium [Bold-Italics] 6.2
Copyright: Gill Sans MT [Normal] 6
All done in Paint.NET.
I use Latios101's Eon Blank Symbolsheet as referencing for where to put energies and the Name (and HP, Pokedex Stat etc.) and I use Cascade's symbolsheet for energy symbols and etc. Both of those in PDN format are linked below.
The set symbol I'll try to find and upload. You may have to toy with the font sizes a little.