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Thread: Event Indexing

  1. #1
    ImmunityBow's Avatar
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    Default Event Indexing

    I've been thinking and the next logical step from creating the map files to save Triumph time is to try to create lists of all the events that have to be created for each map. That includes trainers, NPCs, Pokeballs on the ground, random things on TV, etc. etc. So what we need for this is a leader and a method. Any takers?

  2. #2
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    I can lead. How specific do you want? Event name, triggers, map #, location in map, event movement, event overworld image, script? For the script, would you want "@>Script: pbPickBerry(PBItems::CHERIBERRY,2)" or "Cheri Berry plant with 2 berries"? Should we specify "stop animation enabled/disabled" and "direction fix on/off"?

    Perhaps Triumph would be the better person to answer these questions.

  3. #3
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    The more specific the better, though I think that "Cheri Berry plant with 2 berries" is a lot more realistic and helps give a better overall survey of the action.

    But yes, ideally we'd have the entire thing mapped out, with all the events organized and numbered.

  4. #4
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    You guys are awesome, thanks

  5. #5
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    Alright, let's begin with Neo Bay. Once we come up with a method, then we'll be able to do it more efficiently, but some stuff to get us started:

    “MOM: Oh, <name>! Your friend BRADLEY just came by looking for you.
    He said it was urgent, but I had to send him away because you were still napping.
    You should go find him, he was very excited. Well, more excited than he usually is!”

    NPC 1: Man, I never cease to be impressed! This is my third home, and the advances in science are just as amazing!
    NPC 2: I like going down to the bay and making footprints in the sand. But they always disappear...Why is that?,
    NPC 3: Hmm..what should I eat for lunch today...,
    NPC 4: Professor Willow sure is something! Did you hear? He's already discovered a new batch of Pokemon! Maybe you should check them out, [Your Name]!,
    NPC 5: Zzzz...Zzzz....Huaghh...No, I swear it will be done soon...Zzzz...,
    NPC 6: Doo do de da didali diddy diddy...What? Can't a person sing while they work? Sheesh...kids these days...,
    NPC 7: Have you ever noticed that some people will say the same thing over and over every time you talk to them? Weird, isn't it?,
    NPC 8: *sigh* I miss her so~ My love lost on a stormy night~,
    Rival's Mom: Hey, [Your Name]! You just missed [Rival's Name.] [He/She] just went out for a bit of fresh air!,
    Professor's Aide: Hello there! I work here as one of Professor Willow's aides!,
    Professor's Aide: The Professor is such a generous man! Giving deserving children their own Pokemon when they come of age...I wish I had that opportunity when I was younger!,
    NPC Blocking Route [Before Rival Battle] Hey, there's this wicked battle going on right now, and you wouldn't want to get in the way, would you? Just wait around for a bit. ,
    NPC Blocking Route [After Rival Battle] That battle was one of the best I've ever seen! It's a shame you missed it.

  6. #6
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    Alright, I was thinking... (Totally fake sample info included)
    Event Name: Ash Ketchum
    Sprite: Ash overworld
    Area: Pallet Town House #1
    Location: Sitting at table
    Movement: Stationary
    Trigger: Talk to (as opposed to walking on or activating upon entering the room)
    Script: Before beating the E4, he says "You should beat the E4!"
    After beating the E4 but before catching Mewtwo, he says "You should catch Mewtwo!"
    After catching Mewtwo, he disappears.
    Too much? Not enough?

  7. #7
    Eighty More Posts
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    Seems a bit uninteresting. Meh. I guess I could take lead on the generic NPC's. Speaking of which I should probably make about 10 overworld sprites for generic NPC's. 5 women 5 men. I forgot the resolution though. would you mind telling me the resolution?

  8. #8
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    I think it was 60 x 60, but don't quote me on it.
    NINJA! <-- Click here for Profile.
    Over here is the thread.--> ADVENCHA'!

  9. #9
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    One important thing that we might need to include is the specific reference to "switches," which are an element in RPG Maker XP.

    Switches basically trigger events. So if you talk to this NPC, then the dialogue and events triggered by another will differ etc.

    Overall I think it looks good, we have loads of NPC lines, some of which are more interesting than others (we might want to go for that mix so as not to overwhelm players) but feel free to look over and contribute if you like here: http://www.pokemontopaz.net/forums/s...?159-NPC-lines. I guess that topic doesn't have all the ones Silent Sentinel and Mediocrity Incarnate made but they're somewhere on this forum we need just need to fish them up. If it's minor scripting you want to do, there are TV episodes, special book cases, the NES/Gamecube, tips (those signs that say things like "Press Start to look at the Menu!" and Pokeballs filled with items that need to be mapped, indexed and scripted.

    And if it's overworlds you want to do, we can mostly use RSE/FRLG ones I tihnk but feel free to contribute your own if you'd like. Their size should be relatively small, definitely not 60x60. It's either 24x24 or 36x36 but if you want a definitive answer look at the overworld sprites on spriter's resource and you can measure them off of the canon sprites.

  10. #10
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    More NPCs: http://www.pokemontopaz.net/forums/s...wfull=1#post58

    I was trying to include those switches in the script section by showing different options. We can change that if we want to be more specific.

  11. #11
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    It likely won't be necessary for the demo, but I reserve the right to alter/add certain NPC lines for plot purposes.

  12. #12
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    Of course.

  13. #13
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    Here's IB's NPCs (Redone according to the form):
    (I'm guessing about which building will serve each purpose)
    Event Name: MOM
    Sprite: Mom sprite (do we have one of these? otherwise, we could take one from FRLG)
    Area: Player's house (Blue roof), Neo Bay
    Location: Sitting at table
    Movement: Stationary
    Trigger: Varies (see script section)
    Script: When you go downstairs, she will walk up to you and say " Oh, <name>! Your friend BRADLEY just came by looking for you. He said it was urgent, but I had to send him away because you were still napping.You should go find him, he was very excited. Well, more excited than he usually is!" Then she returns to her place at the table

    When you talk to her after, she says "You should go find BRADLEY. He was looking for you earlier."
    Event Name: NeoBayNPC1
    Sprite: Middle-aged Man
    Area: House with green roof, Neo Bay
    Location: middle of room
    Movement: Pacing back and forth slowly (step, wait, step, wait)
    Trigger: Talk to
    Script: Say"Man, I never cease to be impressed! This is my third home, and the advances in science are just as amazing!"
    Event Name: NeoBayNPC2
    Sprite: Young Girl
    Area: Neo Bay
    Location: South of orange house
    Movement: Running around in circles (no pausing)
    Trigger: Talk to
    Script: say "I like going down to the bay and making footprints in the sand. But they always disappear...Why is that?"
    Event Name: NeoBayNPC3
    Sprite: Old Man
    Area: House with orange roof in center of town, Neo Bay
    Location: Sitting at table
    Movement: Stationary, always facing table
    Trigger: Talk to
    Script: Say "Hmm..what should I eat for lunch today..."
    Event Name: NeoBayNPC4
    Sprite: Old Woman
    Area: House with Orange roof in center of town, Neo Bay
    Location: Standing at sink, facing sink
    Movement: Stationary
    Trigger: talk to
    Script: Say "Doo do de da didali diddy diddy...", turn to face player, "What? Can't a person sing while they work? Sheesh...kids these days...", turn back to sink
    Event Name: NeoBayNPC5
    Sprite: Fat Kid (for lack of a better name)
    Area: Neo Bay
    Location: Between sign and tree in middle of town
    Movement: stationary
    Trigger: talk to
    Script: Say "Professor Willow sure is something! Did you hear? She's already discovered a new batch of Pokemon! Maybe you should check them out, [Your Name]!"
    Event Name: NeoBayNPC6
    Sprite: Man
    Area: House with orange roof off island, Neo Bay
    Location: Sitting at table with papers in front of him
    Movement: stationary, no turning
    Trigger: Talk to
    Script: Say " Zzzz...Zzzz....Huaghh...No, I swear it will be done soon...Zzzz..."
    Creative liberty:
    Event Name: NeoBayPapers
    Sprite: Paper
    Area: House with orange roof off island, Neo Bay
    Location: On table in forn of man
    Movement: stationary, no turning
    Trigger: Talk to
    Script: Say "It appears to be a chapter of a novel... but it doesn't look finished yet."
    Event Name: NeoBayNPC7
    Sprite: Young boy
    Area: Neo Bay
    Location: North of red house
    Movement: Stationary, looking around
    Trigger: talk to
    Script: Say "Have you ever noticed that some people will say the same thing over and over every time you talk to them? Weird, isn't it?"
    Event Name: NeoBayNPC8
    Sprite: Sailor
    Area: Neo Bay
    Location: South of orange house on grass, watching over cliff
    Movement: stationary, always looks east over water
    Trigger: talk to
    Script: say "*sigh* I miss her so~ My love lost on a stormy night~"
    Isn't Bradley the rival?
    Event Name: BradleyMom
    Sprite: Generic woman, or we could use the RSE mom (opposed to FRLG for player mom)
    Area: Green House, Neo Bay
    Location: sitting at table
    Movement: stationary
    Trigger: talk to
    Script: Say "Hey, [Your Name]! You just missed BRADLEY. He was looking for you earlier! I'm not sure where he is now."
    Event Name: NeoBayAide1
    Sprite: Professor's Aide
    Area: Prof's ship, Neo Bay
    Location: off to the side, near the entrance
    Movement: stationary
    Trigger: Talk to
    Script: say "Hello there! I work here as one of Professor Willow's aides!"
    Event Name: NeoBayAide2
    Sprite: Prof's Aide
    Area: Prof's ship, Neo Bay
    Location: anywhere that's not in the way
    Movement: stationary
    Trigger: talk to
    Script: say "The Professor is such a generous woman! Giving deserving children their own Pokemon when they come of age...I wish I had that opportunity when I was younger!"
    Event Name: ObnoxiousNPC
    Sprite: Teenager?
    Area: Neo Bay
    Location: On island, just north of entrance to bridge
    Movement: stationary
    Trigger: Talk to or try to walk on bridge
    Script: Says "Hey, there's this wicked battle going on right now, and you wouldn't want to get in the way, would you? Just wait around for a bit."

    After you get a Pokemon, only activates on talk to, says "That battle was one of the best I've ever seen! It's a shame you missed it."
    Event Name: NeoBayItemBall1
    Sprite: Pokeball
    Area: Neo Bay
    Location: sandy path around water's edge, farthest away from everything else (somewhere east of island)
    Movement: stationary
    Trigger: Talk to
    Script: Give 1 pokeball
    Whew! And that's just the stuff we were already going to do!

  14. #14
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    I do like the papers as well. How about these?

    Event Name: TV1
    Sprite: TV
    Area: Neo Bay
    Location: Your house.
    Movement: stationary
    Trigger: Talk to
    Script: Says "Mom's favourite TV drama. Filled with weepy romance and desperate lovers."
    Event Name: BookCaseGeneric
    Sprite: Bookcase
    Area: Anywhere there's a bookcase unless specifically said otherwise
    Location: N/A
    Movement: stationary
    Trigger: Talk to
    Script: Says "Various books about POKEMON line the shelves."
    Event Name: Sign1
    Sprite: Sign
    Area: Neo Bay
    Location: Near Willow's boat
    Movement: stationary
    Trigger: Talk to
    Script: Says "NEO BAY. A brand new adventure awaits!"
    Event Name: Sign2
    Sprite: Sign
    Area: Neo Bay
    Location: Middle of the island.
    Movement: stationary
    Trigger: Talk to
    Script: Says "Trainer tips. You can bind various key items to different buttons on your keyboard. Just register them in the ITEMS screen!"

  15. #15
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    This describes how to make those random TV brodcasts. A few ideas are (including your event):
    Mom's favourite TV drama. Filled with weepy romance and desperate lovers.
    This is my favorite program! ... I should probably get going.
    BRADLEY used to like this show. I think he's too old for it now.
    It's a commercial for POTIONS. I should probably stock up at the next POKeMART.
    It's a news report about the landslide on Route 39. OLIVINE CITY has been cut off from the rest of JOHTO!
    The generic book case and similar items (like Pokemart shelves) could probably be calls to "common events," unless we need them to serve a different purpose.

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    Event Name: Youngster Blake
    Sprite: Youngster
    Area: Route 202
    Location: ~~~
    Movement: Stationary
    Trigger: Talk to or move in front of
    Script: says "Hey! You're a trainer! That means you have to battle me!"
    Battle Youngster Blake
    Says when you win: "This is why you should avoid other trainers..."
    When talking again: "Just because you have to battle doesn't mean you had to win!"
    Event Name: Youngster Mark
    Sprite: youngster
    Area: Route 202
    Location: ~~~
    Movement: Stationary
    Trigger: Talk to or move in front of
    Script: says "Check out my cool Pokemon!"
    Battle Youngster Mark
    Says when you win: "Your pokemon are cool, too."
    When talking again: "Maybe I should train my Pokemon to make them stronger."
    Event Name: Bugcatcher Andy
    Sprite: bugcatcher
    Area: Route 202
    Location: ~~~
    Movement: Stationary
    Trigger: Talk to or move in front of
    Script: says "Do you like bugs?"
    Battle Bugcatcher Andy
    Says when you win: "You squashed my bugs!"
    When talking again: "They should put a Bug type gym in Caldera!"
    Event Name: Youngster Ike
    Sprite: youngster
    Area: Route 202
    Location: ~~~
    Movement: Stationary
    Trigger: Talk to or move in front of
    Script: says "My Pokemon is amped for a battle!"
    Battle youngster Ike
    Says when you win: "I'm shocked..."
    When talking again: "Ampure is my favorite pokemon."
    Event Name: Route50Sign0
    Sprite: signpost
    Area: Route 202
    Location: Northern sign
    Movement: Stationary
    Trigger: Talk to
    Script: Says "ROUTE 50
    Event Name: Route50Sign1
    Sprite: signpost
    Area: Route 202
    Location: Southern sign
    Movement: Stationary
    Trigger: Talk to
    Script: Says "ROUTE 50
    I didn't put locations in the map. They can just go wherever fits best.

  17. #17
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    Ok here it goes...

    Event Name: Lass Eliza
    Sprite: Lass
    Area: Route 203
    Location: ~~~
    Movement: Stationary
    Trigger: talk to or move in front of
    Script: says ''I love Mogel they are so cute''
    Battle Lass Eliza
    Says when you win: ''Hey...You hurt my Mogel!''
    When talking again: ''I'm never battling you again''
    Event Name: Youngster John
    Sprite: Youngster
    Area: Route 203
    Location: ~~~
    Movement: Stationary
    Trigger: talk to or move in front of
    Script: says ''Bring it''
    Battle Youngster John
    Says when you win: ''Well ... I guess you brought it''
    When talking again: ''You should really take on Froy in Cranewing City''
    Event Name: Route 203 Sign1
    Sprite: Sign
    Area: Route 203
    Location: Western Sign
    Movement: None
    Trigger: talk to
    Script: says ''Route 203''
    Event Name: Route 203 Sign2
    Sprite: Sign
    Area: Roue 203
    Location: Eastern Sign
    Movement: None
    Trigger: talk to
    Script: says ''Trainer Tips - Any Pokémon that takes part in battle, however short, earns EXP!''
    Event Name: Route203NPC1
    Sprite: Old Man
    Area: Roue 203
    Location: Purple Roof House
    Movement: Sitting down
    Trigger: talk to
    Script: says ''I've lived here for 40 years now. Many trainers I see pass through here go onto great things''
    Event Name: Route 203 ItemBall1
    Sprite: Item Ball
    Area: Roue 203
    Location: Just before Chartree
    Movement: None
    Trigger: talk to
    Script: give Burn Heal
    EDIT: Some more...

    Event Name: Bugcatcher Preston
    Sprite: bugcatcher
    Area: Chartree Forest
    Location: ~~~
    Movement: Stationary
    Trigger: Talk to or move in front of
    Script: says ''Haha I've found you! Now you have to fight my bug pokemon!''
    Battle Bugcatcher Preston
    Says when you win: "My poor bugs...''
    When talking again: "I'll look for a weaker trainer next time''
    Event Name: Camper Adam
    Sprite: Camper
    Area: Chartree Forest
    Location: ~~~
    Movement: Stationary
    Trigger: Talk to or move in front of
    Script: says ''I have trouble finding certain types of pokemon...''
    Battle Camper Adam
    Says when you win: "If I only I had different pokemon, I would have won''
    When talking again:"Can some pokemon only be found during certain times of the day?''
    Event Name: Bugcatcher Elwood
    Sprite: bugcatcher
    Area: Chartree Forest
    Location: ~~~
    Movement: Stationary
    Trigger: Talk to or move in front of
    Script: says "Be careful around my bug pokemon''
    Battle Bugcatcher Elwood
    Says when you win: "Squashed!"
    When talking again: "Maybe bug pokemon aren't the way to go!"
    Event Name: Bugcatcher Arne
    Sprite: bugcatcher
    Area: Chartree Forest
    Location: ~~~
    Movement: Stationary
    Trigger: Talk to or move in front of
    Script: says "I will get you stuck in my web''
    Battle Bugcatcher Arne
    Says when you win: "Hmmm...''
    When talking again: "That didn't go as planned"
    Event Name: Youngster Denis
    Sprite: Youngster
    Area: Chartree Forest
    Location: ~~~
    Movement: Stationary
    Trigger: Talk to or move in front of
    Script: says "Let's do this!"
    Battle Youngster Denis
    Says when you win: "Wait! I wasn't ready!"
    When talking again: "Don't rush me next time"
    Event Name: Chartree Sign
    Sprite: Sign
    Area: Chartree Forest
    Location: Western sign
    Movement: Stationary
    Trigger: Talk to
    Script: says "Chartree Forest''
    Event Name: Chartree ItemBall
    Sprite: ItemBall
    Area: Chartree Forest
    Location: Central...ish
    Movement: Stationary
    Trigger: Talk to
    Script: give Antidote
    EDIT: Done Sunset Village, not sure about the running shoes event but I think its quite clever

    Event Name: SunsetSign
    Sprite: Sign
    Area: Sunset Village
    Location: Next to Mart
    Movement: None
    Trigger: talk to
    Script: says ''Sunset Village: A weary adventurer's respite''
    Event Name: SunsetNPC1
    Sprite: Old Woman
    Area: Sunset Village
    Location: In PokeCentre
    Movement: Walking back and forwards slowly
    Trigger: talk to
    Script: says ''Sunset Village is a great place to retire. There's not too much going on.''
    Event Name: SunseTNPC2
    Sprite: Middle-aged man
    Area: Sunset Village
    Location: Underneath mart
    Movement: Walking
    Trigger: talk to
    Script: says ''This pokemart has sales every so often. They sell some different pokeballs here''
    Event Name: SunsetNPC2
    Sprite: Old Woman
    Area: Sunset Village
    Location: In PokeMart
    Movement: None
    Trigger: talk to
    Script: says ''Escape ropes will return you to the entrance of a cave. Use them if you get in over your head, dear''
    Event Name: SunsetNPC3
    Sprite: Blaine
    Area: Sunset Village
    Location: Bottom left house
    Movement: None
    Trigger: talk to
    Script: says ''My pokemon and I used to incinerate all challengers! Now, my grandson Froy has that job''
    Event Name: SunsetNPC4
    Sprite: Old Woman
    Area: Sunset Village
    Location: Top left house
    Movement: Walking slowly back and forwards
    Trigger: talk to
    Script: says ''I've lived a long, happy life. It's been wonderful watching our son grow up and start his own family''
    Event Name: SunsetNPC5
    Sprite: Old man
    Area: Sunset Village
    Location: Top left house
    Movement: sitting down
    Trigger: talk to
    Script: says ''Our son was the greatest pokemon trainer alive, that is, until he settled down''
    Event Name: SunsetNPC6
    Sprite: Woman
    Area: Sunset Village
    Location: Top right house
    Movement: Constantly moving round
    Trigger: talk to
    Script: says ''My job is to assist the residents in their daily lives. It makes me feel good to care for these people''
    Event Name: SunsetNPC7
    Sprite: Fat Man
    Area: Sunset Village
    Location: Middle of map
    Movement: Turning
    Trigger: talk to
    Script: ''Many folks here were once great pokemon trainers! Time has taken its toll on them...''
    Event Name: SunsetNPC8
    Sprite: Old Man
    Area: Sunset Village
    Location: Looking out to sea
    Movement: None
    Trigger: talk to
    Script: says ''In my prime, I used to rule the seas. Those were the days''
    Event Name: SunsetNPC9
    Sprite: Old Woman
    Area: Sunset Village
    Location: Next to man looking out to sea (his wife)
    Movement: None
    Trigger: talk to
    Script: says ''Did my husband just tell you about him ruling the seas? Well he didn't, he captained the SS. Anne once, but was fired because he got sea sick''
    Event Name: RunningShoesEvent
    Sprite: Young man
    Area: Sunset Village
    Location: North exit of village, blocking route
    Movement: None
    Trigger: talk to
    Script: says ''Owww, I think I sprained my ankle. Do you have a potion?''
    If No, says ''I could be here for days!'', player cannot proceed
    If Yes, give potion
    says ''Much better, I think its these damn shoes! Have them, they are no use to me''
    gives player Running shoes
    Man walks off or disappears
    Last edited by Will; 07-31-12 at 03:53 PM.

  18. #18
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    Awesome work. With the maps in place it's just a matter of scripting these in.

  19. #19
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    Anyone have any inspiration for Cranewing and Softwind? We don't need the gym leaders scripted, but the other trainers will need a few lines.

  20. #20
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    Hm, we should recall their trainer types first.

    Cranewing has a Ninja Boy if I recall correctly? And Softwind a Bird Catcher and a Scholar?

  21. #21
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    Softwind also has a Lass.
    Cranewing is supposed to have 3 Ninja Boys, but that may be a bit excessive.

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