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Thread: Pocket PC?

  1. #1
    Better Than That Guy
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    Default Pocket PC?

    Talk about a ghost item. I distinctly remember talk of the Pocket PC, which would hold several (up to three iirc) Pokemon in a portable micro-storage for HM slaves and the likes.

    Anyone else remember it? Bonus points if they can actually find it.

  2. #2
    aut vincere aut mori
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    Yeah I remember use talking about that. Don't remember if we had a sprite or anything though.

  3. #3
    Secret Agent
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    Unfortunately it looks like that may be from before the forum update (7 years ago, wow!), so we'd need someone with older files than I have.

  4. #4
    ImmunityBow's Avatar
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    Yeah, there was a PokeGear thing with a music player, phone, etc. I'm pretty sure it was Badara's doing, and I'm pretty sure he disappeared without any of those files being transferred to anyone still here. The only thing that everyone ended up getting was the Triple Triad stuff IIRC.

  5. #5
    Better Than That Guy
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    Eh, I can always cheat and just have direct access to the PC system. Hopefully I'll be able to make it available based on a global variable, although I've no idea how that'd be implemented (from a mapping point of view that is).

    The net difference shouldn't be too big: You'll be able to heal your pokemon on the go if you can endure the tedium of boxing them, closing the pc, and then withdrawing them, but that should be limited by not being available in certain areas (like the Elite 4).

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