What up. So, I don't know anyone in real life that plays pokemon, so evolving my Kadabra and Hanter is curretnly impossible. I also really don't feel like buying another copy of the game, since 50$ on something I don't really NEED isn't good.

Therefore, it would be awesome if someone with HG or SS could trade with me so that my babies can evolve. All that is really required is an exchange of friend codes and a mutually agreed upon time. Technically, it would only require three trades:
Kadabra for X
Haunter for Alakazam
Gengar for X
so really less than 15 minutes of your time.
I'd have to ask that that pokemon X is something around level 40 so that if you run away with one of my pokemon I won't be completely screwed.

You won't really GET anything out of doing this... I could make you a sprite or something or have one of my Pokemon hold a nugget by that's really as lavish as I can get.

Any takers? You'll be my new best friend.