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Thread: Summer Project: 30 Back Sprites

  1. #41
    totodileman's Avatar
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    maybe edits might be my thing. Though many people can do those.
    thanx for the avi, Quinn. (although not sure if you know or not)

  2. #42
    DIE ZOMBIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reliability View Post
    Ya, Phantsomo's arms aren't realy in the right place, but Altaxa is in the same boat as Illumbra: workable, but not there yet. Are you sure you want me to edit them, or do you want to try it yourself?
    You can edit them. maybe i'll try it too, it'll be good practice.

  3. #43
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    I made some edits to Atlaxa. i made the head a bit rounder at the bottom, replaced the hands, and fixed up the left arm, and re-did the shading in some spots.... whaddya think? again open for editing....
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  4. #44
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    man, im really on a roll. here's Cackinge
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  5. #45
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    You have some talent, considering that you're pretty new to the world of scratch spriting. There are a few conventions you'll need to know about backspriting though: Firstly, think about where Cackinge needs to face. It needs to be facing the other Pokemon, on the top right corner, and so should be facing that way. Also, since the Pokemon on your team are so much closer than the ones on the opponent's side, they should be much larger, to simulate how close they would be. Nice attempt, but there are a fair few things that need to be addressed.

  6. #46
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    ok then

  7. #47
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    fixed up Cakinge as much as i could, made it bigger. tried to have it more facing the opponant.
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  8. #48
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    "Facing" does have the word "face", the head will need to be moved around too. I know it's painful, since it does require a large amount of work to change orientation, but it's really necessary, sorry!

  9. #49
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    no its fine. i just decided to give spriting a shot. my real talent is with maps......im actually working on one right now, i may post it in the graphics section in the next couple hours. (it is topaz related, not just some random map)

  10. #50
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    sorry for invading the backsprites for a sec but...

    you do maps? You want my friend to get the sheet to you? He still does have an internet life, but just not much. Definetly enough though that he could shoot you the email.

    If you want, PM me. School starts tommorow, so I'll give him a talk and shoot it to him then.

    I've messed around with maps myself :P. They are actually pretty fun. Take some time to learn though. Although, I use a free photoshop alternative.
    thanx for the avi, Quinn. (although not sure if you know or not)

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by totodileman View Post
    sorry for invading the backsprites for a sec but...

    you do maps? You want my friend to get the sheet to you? He still does have an internet life, but just not much. Definetly enough though that he could shoot you the email.

    If you want, PM me. School starts tommorow, so I'll give him a talk and shoot it to him then.

    I've messed around with maps myself :P. They are actually pretty fun. Take some time to learn though. Although, I use a free photoshop alternative.
    No, i dont need the sheet, i already have one. and what is the FREE photoshop alternative? HMMM? you've got me interested.(i've used photshop before, but then got rid of it) i make my maps in paint. but i make sure that NOTHING is out of place. it usually takes me like 6 hours on and off to do a really good map. ive also got HGSS tilesets that i've messed around with, but not that much.

  12. #52
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    GIMP and Paint.net are both freeware Photoshop alternatives.

    Are you sure you have the right sheet? Because the one we're using (or rather the THREE we're using) are all horrendously large and filled with custom tiles.

  13. #53
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    eeerrrr.........i only have one sheet........ ok......uhhh....could you just send them to me?

  14. #54
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    Sure, let me just fish them up.

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  16. #56
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    My computer is NOT agreeing with me today........cant download them. my computer was just doing some crazy s***..... i guess i'll just stick with paint...... its what im used to.

  17. #57
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    Bakurge isn't very good, but I don't know what to do.
    Chiarame is not nearly as good as it was the first time.
    Flintusk is kickass.

  18. #58
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    Bakurge isn't easy to recognize, though I like the fist. Chiarame is nicely clean, which is good, and I really like Flintusk. The tusk looks angled a bit strange but otherwise really well done!

  19. #59
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    Last edited by Reliability; 08-29-10 at 04:14 PM.

  20. #60
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    Nice job, Reliability! You did it, and ahead of time too!

    Really great jobs on all three of these. Noctiger looks amazing, Huskii is pretty much all there, and Raiger has a very impressive main body. The wings looks like they were crammed in a bit, understandably, but it's actually far better than I expected since it seems like such a hard sprite.

    I think this calls for an SoT~

  21. #61
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    Congrats! You did them all in a relatively short amount of time, and didn't have to sacrifice quality! Good job.

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reliability View Post
    I'd like to load a couple of these onto the repository. Are there any that are good enough to be placeholders until the editing process begins?

  23. #63
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    So, I'm going to list out the ones I don't feel are quite ready to be placeholders yet, since most of your work is good enough:
    Brontogon (very debatable, since I don't know how to improve it)
    Serberine (for now, I think it'd be confused with Chiarame. Which isn't too far off but the problem is there)
    Caribrisk (also debatable, but I'd like to take a better look at Stantler first before making any judgment)
    Vilephist (Not entirely sure on this, but there's something about how the head fits together that's bothering me)
    And add to the list:

    Everything else is fine in a placeholder capacity or better. Unicrown is perhaps the benchmark for one that wouldn't be accepted apart from a placeholder, mainly due to the fact that it appears fairly small and weak and not looking at the opponent.

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