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Thread: Gym Leaders; Who And Where Are They?

  1. #1
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    Default Gym Leaders; Who And Where Are They?

    We discussed this at length in the Suggestions topic, but we moved on from it and I think it's about time to start discussing so we can get them chosen and move on with all the other things we have to do in creating new gym leaders. Here's what was talked about and essentially decided on:

    -There will be 12 gyms: 6 in Caldera and 6 in Kirant.
    -Hanzo and Mandy were scrapped because their concepts were cliché among some other reasons
    -Therefore 6 gyms in Caldera, so that much is done (click the spolier to view them):

    -Cetacea and Icthyes are off limits for gyms because of their part in the storyline
    -Tristan will be a gym leader, then advance to the E4, so he will fill one of the spots
    -It has also been suggested that Layla be removed from the E4 and placed as a gym leader
    -It would be nice to re-use Hanzo's sprite, since it's kickass.
    -The most recent suggestion (with some edits based on comments afterwards) is as follows:
    Kalypso City - Fighting
    Portwind City - Light (Tristan)
    Sedcini City - Dragon
    Laysan Town - Poison
    Enechestra City - Rock
    Aquapolis City - Dark (Layla)

    And the E4 types will be:
    something else

    Some possible alterations I can think of would be to ditch Laysan altogether and have a water gym in Gallea, but I can't remember there ever being a poison gym before, so that might be unique. As for Hanzo's sprite, it would be easy to recolour and use as the 'wise old dragon master.'

  2. #2
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    Poison gym: Koga/Janine. But I'd like a poison gym, and water too.

  3. #3
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    I was very close to scanning a list to make sure that comment wasn't stupid. Clearly I did not do that.

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    Still, it is not a very common type. Only one gym out of 32. (If you don't remember, Janine replaces Koga when Koga goes E4.)

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    How about having Hanzo be retired and living somewhere (such as Laysan Town?) He's too restless so starts a gym there, We can also have a sidequest with a poisoned town water supply or such, that Hanzo unwittingly caused.

    I would advise against Fighting since later you fight Chuck in Cianwood.

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    Agreed, Chuck was terrible enough...

    Anyway, i like the idea of a Dark type gym, seeing as they've never been done, And the rest of the gyms seem perfectly fine to me.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImmunityBow View Post
    How about having Hanzo be retired and living somewhere (such as Laysan Town?) He's too restless so starts a gym there, We can also have a sidequest with a poisoned town water supply or such, that Hanzo unwittingly caused.

    I would advise against Fighting since later you fight Chuck in Cianwood.
    We would have to replace it with another gym in Gallea, which could double another type. And using Hanzo in the sidequest thing wouldn't nearly be as good a use for his sprite IMO as making it another leader.

    As for the fighting bit, this type fits Kalypso relatively well and we don't have too many more viable types that wouldn't double:
    Besides, Chuck would be much farther into the game than the forth gym. ...right?

    Does anyone want to suggest the 4th E4 spot's type? I think Ghost would work best at this point...

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    Ghost seems like a fine type to put there. Battling a Ferrian, a Misticade, and other Ghost types before Vincent would be great! There's only been 1 ghost E4, Agatha, and she retired after gen 1.
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    There's also the RSE Ghost leader, the Hawaiian girl.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ImmunityBow View Post
    There's also the RSE Ghost leader, the Hawaiian girl.
    Phoebe, yes.

    I'd like a Ghost OR Dark Gym, myself.

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    I'd like ghost.

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    This is for E4, not gym. Dark gym has already been decided on, I think.
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    A dragon gym would be really good

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    I only chose Ghost because we don't have many good normal or bug types. Psychic was my next choice, since both it and ghost are used in the E4 twice, and have 2 gyms in the first four generations. So they're pretty interchangeable.

    From what I can see here are the things that still need to be decided:
    -whether to have a gym in Laysan at all (and what it's replacement could be)
    -what to do with Hanzo's sprite (keep it Hanzo, or re-use it elsewhere0
    -The type for the E4 member

    I say have a gym in Laysan, use Hanzo's sprite as another gym leader and have a ghost E4. If you have any other qualms, please say them now, so that this can move along.

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    This is perfectly fine with me, Reli.
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    I still don't think Layla would work as well in Aquapolis. She would work better in a relatively isolated village, or something. If we went with a Dark gym in Aquapolis, we'd have to work with something besides "Dark != Evil".

  17. #17
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    Actually, Zenith, Dark does have a lot of evil in it whether you like it or not. Let's just list:
    Beat Up

    Do I need to go on? Layla's fine anywhere, I think. She'd work best in Saharan City but that's already Osiro's turf. We don't need to stress Dark =/= Evil since that's a cliche in and of itself, and just let Layla be what she is.

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    Besides, is the sea floor not incredibly dark at deep depths?
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    There is no real issue here. If it's her name that's the issue, that can be changed. Half the people wont make that connection and the ones that do won't really care. And we son't have to make her evil, just because the sea-floor is foreboding.

    I'll wait a few days and if no other issues come up, then we can move forward to... something more exciting. :P

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    Actually, I was getting to something like that. If we put a Dark gym in Aquapolis, a "fearful, foreboding" style would make more sense. The gym's whole thing would be about intentionally trying to make you as scared as possible, and you would overcome it as you got through the gym and beat the leader.

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    Three days have passed, no one has said nothing. I think we can move on to naming.
    Easiest way to do it:
    C+P, then fill in any of your ideas. Also, try to keep it to one post, so think about it for a day or two. That way, I don't have to sort through 20 posts by one person when compiling the list. Also, try to have some rationale behind your name. Putting down "George" for example because "oh, I just really like the name," is probably not going to beat out a name with a play on words or meaning behind it.
    I'm also going to avoid renaming Layla and the other gym leaders if at all possible. All of the current names are good and were previously voted on and officialized. Perhaps later we can re-visit it if any are an issue, but I would prefer to get things done instead of re-doing what is already perfectly fine.

    To follow my own advice, I won't be posting my ideas for at least another day, in case I think up any more.

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    New here, first post and all that
    Fighting: 'The Fist' - This one is more of a nickname, it's not an uncommon thing among fighters so it's something which I think could work.
    Dragon: Drake - Just something I came up with, mainly came from this line of thinking: Dragon, Draconian, Drake.
    Poison: Nightshade - Doesn't really need explaining, named after the poison itself and works well as a name.
    Rock: Rocco - I like this name because it has a variation of the word 'Rock' in it so it's perfect for this gym. It's also kind of a tough name.
    Ghost: Willow - A deriative of the ghost: Will-o-the-wisp.

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    Rocco and Willow are great, or rather Willow would have been excellent except that she's already the region's professor.

    Not a fan of the others, though, especially Drake since it's already one of the RSE E4 members.

    I'm not entirely a fan of your choices either Reliability, as right now we're scrapping Layla, who I feel has a much stronger place among the Gym leaders than a Fighting-type one (especially with Chuck around, and there having been no Dark-type Gyms before).

    Bane could be a possible name for a Poison-type gym leader, though Batman references come through.

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    The only issue with replacing the Fighting gym is that there isn't much we can replace it with. If we don't want to double, we have Bug, Normal and Psychic. And we'd have to find a free city in Kirant that can be associated with that type or further move things around so that it will fit.

    Are we scrapping Layla? I never thought that we were...

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    Think about it, we're keeping Fire, Flying, Grass, Electric, Ice, Ground, right? And we've confirmed Tristan's going to "graduate" to the E4 later after you beat him, so now you've listed 5 types, Fighting, Dragon, Poison, Rock, Ghost. That doesn't leave any room for Layla. So either we need to scrap Layla or scrap one of the other types, in which case I would recommend Fighting.

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    I proposed Ghost for the person who replaces Layla in the E4. I guess I didn't really make that clear...

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    I think a dark type gym leader.

  28. #28
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    Hmm, shame about Willow, I think that would've worked out quite well for a Ghost leader. Here's some more, missed out Rock because I think Rocco could work.
    Fighting: Jet, Lee ( Guess where they're from? ) or maybe Bronson? The toughest prisoner in British history and a well rounded fighter?
    Dragon: I can honestly say I'm completely stuck on this one. Maybe George? as In St. George and the Dragon? I'll get back to this one.
    Poison: Bella maybe? as in Belladona? or maybe Ivy? as in Poison Ivy? Could work well.
    Ghost: Aura or possibly Claire (as in Clairvoyant) . Never realised how difficult names could be.

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    Bronson sounds like it would be a fine name for a Fighting-type leader, though I'm still not sold on Fighting yet.
    George as a Dragon leader, though many would not get it, is really interesting. I think it's a really cool link though it certainly needs a lot of thought to get around.
    Ivy is fine, (though is that not a professor too?) never heard of Belladona before.
    Claire doesn't work since she's the Dragon leader for GSC. Todd could be an idea (Tod means "dead" in German)

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    Yeah I think Todd would work. If not a fighting gym though then what? I think a dark gym would be a decent addition to the list, in fact I don't think Layla should be removed and should replace fighting and then have ghost move into her current position.

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    I agree with IB on Fighting.

    And yes. Ivy was a professor (in the show, at least).

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    Suggested/Confirmed Names List -names in italics are the confirmed names
    Fire: Froy
    Flying: Therma
    Grass: Fernando
    Electric: Gerad
    Ice: Christina
    Ground: Osiro

    Fighting (if still useable): Bronson, Jet, Lee
    Dragon: Drake, George
    Poison: Bella(donna), Ivy, Nightshade, Bane
    Light: Tristan
    Rock: Rocco
    Dark: Layla

    Elite Four
    Steel: Greyson/Grayson
    Water: Torrence (IMO, but i might be wrong)

    Ghost: Tod(d), Aura
    Light: Tristan

    I also hope this clears up any confusion that there was with what type was supposed to be what.

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    Just clearing up the Water-type gym leader. It's either Tori or Torrence, depending on the spriter.

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    Dragon: Matt/Matthew (from Tiamat, a dragon from I think babylonian mythology who was involved in their creation story or something)
    Poison: Daphne ("Daphne (Daphne sp.). The berries (either red or yellow) are poisonous, causing burns to mouth and digestive tract, followed by coma. Often fatal." - straight from wikipedia, and wikipedia is always right :|)
    Fighting: Marty (from 'martial arts'; could be male or female), Kwan/Quan (from 'taekwondo')
    Rock: Jasper (from the gemstone jasper)
    Ghost E4: Tom (from 'phantom'), Guy (from 'poltergeist'), Echo (no idea)

    ....you'll notice that my ideas deteriorated as the list went on. But I'll throw them out there anyway.
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    Seconding Matthew for the Dragon leader...if we have one. How many non-Legend Dragons do we have?

    ...And in that line, we also need to think about how many 'mons we have of each type. It would be kind of hard to do a late-game Gym with a type that only had 5-ish different ones in the C-K Dex.

    Also, we could go with Clara for the Ghost one. Similar enough to "clairvoyant", but different enough from Johto's Clair.

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    Besides Typhidna, you have 4 fully-evolved Dragons in the TopazDex - Drakodo, Malistril, Arowana, and Flygon. Osiro kind of already has Flygon, but you could pull 'Wana off Grayson and put him on Matthew/whatever. I guess it could just be a 4-pokemon leader with a pseudo-dragon like Tropius, Rhydon, or Lapras filling in for coverage or whatever (they're more dinosaur-esque, but close enough under the circumstances)? Poison has a solid group of options, Fighting might depend on what's being included in other gyms and E4 members (if necessary you could probably throw in Purior), Ghost has enough if you steal Ferrian from Grayson (who's really getting plundered), just not a particularly intimidating team (Phantasomo, Misticade, Dusclops, ....another Dusclops or Misticade, Ferrian). Rock has enough.
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    i've got a couple ideas for the ghost gym leader's name: Girl: Arachna, Elvira, Endora, Tabitha, Morticia, Hilda, Morticia and for guys: Poe, Vlad, Regan, Lucifer, Igor (probobly not), Herman, Damian

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    Suggested/Confirmed Names List -names in italics are the confirmed names
    Fire: Froy
    Flying: Therma
    Grass: Fernando
    Electric: Gerad
    Ice: Christina
    Ground: Osiro

    Fighting (if still useable): Bronson, Jet, Lee, Marty, Kwan/Quan
    Dragon: Drake, George, Matthew, Wolfe
    Poison: Bella(donna), Ivy, Nightshade, Bane, Daphne
    Light: Tristan
    Rock: Rocco, Jasper, Crys
    Dark: Layla

    Elite Four
    Steel: Greyson/Grayson
    Water: Torrence/Tori

    Ghost: Tod(d), Aura, Tom, Guy, Echo, Arachna, Elvira, Endora, Tabitha, Morticia, Hilda, Morticia, Poe, Vlad, Regan, Lucifer, Igor, Herman, Damian
    Light: Tristan

    Do we want to care about gender balancing? I think that it would be prudent to make the Ghost elite a woman, especially if the water elite ends of up being male... But on the other hand, 3/4 of Ghost type leaders/E4 have been women...

    As for my add-ons, Wolfe is derived from Beowulf, who slays a dragon (I just happened to like this spelling better) and Crys as in crystal (also, it's gender neutral).

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    A couple name variations to adress the E4 gender issue:
    Torrence-Torri (As already stated)

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    I'm a bit curious about one thing; how many pokemon is each leader going to end up having? Usually only the last gym leader has 5 pokemon, but we have 12 gyms now, and the first gym leader has 3 pokemon. Basically this will mean that 6 gym leaders will have 3 pokemon and 5 gym leaders will have 4 pokemon, or vice versa. I just have a feeling that could get a little repetitive - maybe give another GL 5 pokemon (presumably Christina, since she'd be the second-to-last leader)?

    [Fighting gym]
    [Poison gym]
    [Dragon gym]
    [Light gym]
    [Dark gym]
    [Rock gym]

    .....judging by the ordering of the Kirant cities, that looks like the order the gyms would be in. Just by the way.
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