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    Default No Topic thread (please respond to the previous post when posting)

    Post whatever's on your mind.

    I made sausage balls for Christmas and I believe I posted that I used half a bag of cheese for the first batch instead of a whole bag and they came out WAY better than the ones with more cheese. They were lighter, had better texture and no hard crusty bottom. I talked my mom into having them again for Valentine's day!

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    My phone contract is up in about three weeks. I'm probably going to get a motorola droid since I have verizon.

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    Pizza Hut is having a special. Large pizza with up to 12 toppings for $10. My sister and I got two, both of them were very good - although I picked the pineapple off of hers. She got pineapple, ham, red onions, black olives, chicken and bacon. I got sausage, chicken, bacon and mushrooms.

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    Twas the first day of school today. I have 4th block off though, so I can still be on quite a bit.

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    Are you a senior?

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    No, hes a lazy junior. Im only a sophmore so i have to take 4 classes still.

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    Today, I read Harry Potter for the first time and discovered why my little 7 year old cousin refuses to say my name and is utterly afraid of me. My name is Tom Riddle.

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    That's awesome.

    I have to tutor this kid in Spanish after my 3rd block anyway, so I still only get home like 30 minutes earlier than usual. I'm not that good at Spanish, but he's dumber than a rock.

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    So my mouse's right click just decided to stop working - without any warning. On top of that, I just broke my favorite spatula pressing down on a grilled cheese sandwich. It snapped like a toothpick. FML

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    It's my 19th today.

    And to celebrate, I get to go back to campus today. Just lovely.

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    Two F-16s escort plane to ground due to drunken passenger? Awesome!


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    An emergency room doctor in our town got arrested yesterday. He was on call and there was a shooting victim in the ER so he had to get to work fast. But there were a bunch of cyclers riding three wide which is illegal. He couldn't get by so on the next place he could pass he went around them and stopped his car in front of them on the shoulder so he could take a picture of what they were doing to show the local police. Then one of them hit his car and broke a couple bones. The doctor is in jail now. How bullshit is that?

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    I STILL havn't broken my new year's resolution yet. That is a new record.

    My resolution was to live through the year. I hope it works out.

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    So I switched to Chrome and I kept getting 'site not found' errors due to the DNS pre-fetching. It was suggested that I set custom DNS servers so I downloaded this to see which would be the fastest DNS server for me. I got it then changed my DNS settings using this guide. My browsing is INSANELY fast now! I haven't gotten the error yet either.

    I suggest EVERYONE do this!

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    I have Chrome, with Firefox as a backup.

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    Oh and read the FAQ on namebench. It wouldn't install for me until I read the FAQ and found out why.

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    Sorry for the double post but nobody else is posting! So, my sister and I get back from the restaurant to see a note on her door saying "Come to my house now, you pieces of shit. Mom." My mom has a hernia so the pain makes her really mean.

    What was the kicker though, was the paper that she wrote it on. It was on the back of a coloring that Diesel did for my sister. It was his first full colored page. Shit is gonna hit the fan tomorrow.

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    Is diesel a little kid? Hes gonna be pissed off if thats the case.

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    Yeah, he's my sister's 3 year old son. I don't think she's gonna tell him and I'm pretty sure he won't notice it's gone.

    On a new subject, this is the coolest facebook profile pic I've ever seen:

    He's a friend of a friend. I don't know him but his name is Brad Miller and he plays center in basketball, just like the one in the NBA. They even kinda look similar!

  20. #20
    Thats what she said
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    Im a "squashmore" !!!!!!!!

  21. #21
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    zero's picture made me think of this one:

    It was taken purely by accident. I must have been pointing to something and my friend was in the perfect spot.

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    Thats a pretty awesome accident.

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    We got these oven bake chicken patties and some cheese. I'm having the most awesome sandwich right now.

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    Dude I swear thats what I had for lunch today.

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    Oh when the Saints
    Oh when the Saints
    Oh when the Saints go marching in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    I was rooting for the Vikings.

    On another note, I had to do a system recovery today. Oh, the joy of viruses.

    Tonight we are having RIBS for dinner!

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    Again double posting because nobody else has posted.

    I just found a girl from my elementary school class on Facebook. She was a little younger than me but I remember thinking she was super cute and I had a crush on her. Now she looks older than me and she's not very attractive anymore (imo).

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    Someone stole my bag (its cream with a picture of a lighthouse, tell me if you see it) with my agenda,new novel,pictures of monster things based on gasses (they are weird), library book, pencils, pens, and 2 and a half years worth of anime and game ideas from my locker today, luckily they couldn't/didn't take my alto C teardrop pendant ocarina,rope, ocarina songbooks, ds with 16 games, and other asorted objects.

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    That sucks man. At least they didn't get the DS/games and the other stuff.

    We were supposed to have salmon patties tonight but we realized we had no oil. So we had to have cheeseburger hamburger helper instead. It was still good though! We had sweet cornbread (Jiffy Corn Muffin mix) to go with it! I hate 'regular' cornbread but LOVE sweet cornbread.

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    Mmmmm... cornbread. I wish I could have some, but it has been forever (in my little world) since I had some. It's especially good with real corn inside. Dang it, I'm making myself hungry! That sucks about the backpack. Someone stole your ideas, a lighthouse picture (i like lighthouses), and managed to break into your locker. My question is, does this person even know what they stole, what they could have stolen and actually made a somewhat decent (to a teenager anyway) payday. It also sucks about the new novel and library book (I wonder if the media nazis [name my teacher gave to our media staff because their rules first and stuff there's only two of them though] will accept that, they'll probably say your making it up so you can sell the book or something unless your really loyal (like me) to the library), I like reading. And I know the value of those pencils and pens, I've got like a bunch of pens but one little pencil that's lost it's eraser. I wonder if this person even knows what does game ideas are about anyway. You know what's weird though, a few years back I came up with a sonic parody (stupid now that I think about it) and the new main character's name was Charon. So, eventually I got bored and drew a sketch of a futuristic game system I thought of and also drew some games that were parodies of others. A few months later, Platinum comes out. Yeah, connect the dots there.

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    I found it!*goes to punish devin and daren for taking it* Now were'd I put that mace I hit that "gritty" thing with.

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    That's good, at least it was a prank and it didn't really get stolen.

    So I am being your quintessential noob at jpcsp's forums (psp emu) and PMing every staff with a link to my thread asking for help. I posted it on Jan 3, bumped on Jan 8 then re-bumped just today. I'm tired of waiting, maybe these PMs will get someone to help me out. >_>

    On another note, my sister paid a 13 year old kid with a broken arm $10 to scrape the ice off her car and it is like an inch thick. He has been there for like 15 minutes trying to get the ice off the door handle. She didn't know it was that bad, and didn't know he had a broken arm but still hilarious.

  33. #33
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    Today was the last day of this humongous 200 person student-run production at my school called The Show.

    I was part of the Set Construction team (head of painting, but I also did construction), as well as the Stage Crew moving sets on and off during the production. Needless to say, this is why I've been here very sparingly over the last month.

    It ran well though!

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    That's great IB. Hopefully we'll see you around here more often!

    I really need a new computer. 1.6 ghz and 1 gb of RAM just doesn't cut it anymore. What's sad is that my mother and sister, who don't use their computers nearly as much or as heavily as I do, have almost brand new Dells with 2+ ghz and 2 gb of RAM. I'd ask one of them to trade with me but they are running Vista. No thanks.

    I'm hoping I can get a new one for my birthday in Sept. By then Windows 7 should have a service pack released and will be very stable (it already is anyway). I'll be getting a Dell refurbished just like my mom/sis - both of their computers cost less than $250, without monitor. Normally, I wouldn't think of getting a refurb computer but they come with a 1 year warranty, which is really good.

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    Hmm... That's interesting to say the least (coughasfarasimconcernedwindowsiswindowseventhough ihaveitwhateveroneiscough), I've got a Toshiba Notebook that I got for Christmas (I no longer have to use my mom's laptop , but I still have to use here aircard -_-) with Windows [Insert version here] and [Insert amount of storage here]. She hired a kid with a broken arm to chip ice off her car. I find it hard to believe she didn't notice the broken arm. That reminds me of a bad memory, in which my little brother broke his collarbone (Yeah..Ouch...). I'm just glad there's snow for more than one day here, there is rarely any snow even in the winter here. I doodled in it yesterday XD.

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    Acctualy it was stolen, and hidden.

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    Nice, I used to own a laptop. Gave me a great 4 years of service.

    Well, apparently my hardware woes continue. I wake up this morning and try to bring my monitor off sleep mode and it doesn't come on. I try unplugging it, disconnecting it, etc - nothing worked. Had to grab my mom's CRT and am using it till tomorrow when we can get a new monitor. >_> RIP my first LCD monitor - you gave me 3 years of loyal service. You will be missed.

    I'm about to go check prices on LCDs, hopefully I can get one cheap enough - if not, I'm going to have to go with a CRT for the time being. >:(

    I'm just glad it wasn't the video card like I originally feared. That would have meant buying a new computer.

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    There goes that LCD monitor of yours, oh well. Of course, I'm basically addicted to the Internet so I couldn't live without it XD. Snow and ice decided to stay so I'm stuck inside (Ugghh.. I want to learn more Spanish, we're four days behind as it is... Curse you Warren) and now I have extra homework because my biology teacher said to do chapter 3 and said if we had monday off to do chapters 4,5, and 6 too.. In the workbook that is, but still.... (We're supposedly the smartest people who are taking biology this semester so she expects a lot...) *Sighs*

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    Yeah, homework sucks. Most of my teachers don't give me much, but one is obsessed with it.

    Now that I have responded to the previous topic...

    WOOO! Party on Bourbon Street!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    my whole school barely gives any homework. i love my school for that

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