Quote Originally Posted by Virus View Post
idea here: why not make the grey a blue-grey instead? you'll be able to adjust the shading of both to whatever feels good and it should work...

um.... i clicked the link at the top of the topic for the dark version and it came up with a 404 error... btw i'm using Firefox 4.0 Beta for future reference...
I'll try blue-grey and see. And yeah, the dark version was removed. I deleted everything that was in the /site folder previously when I uploaded the new version.

Quote Originally Posted by ImmunityBow View Post
Fahramane looks flat when put next to the other two, and thus looks a little out of place. Definitely looking good though.
Yes, working with radically contrasting styles of art is problematic but a certain someone complained that I was showing favoritism for oykawoo's work so I'm trying to be less biased and use art from multiple artists.

So this is going to be a problem unless I only use art from one artist. Any good suggestions on how I can work around it? :\