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  1. #41
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    the left hand could be holding the book better but it is indefinitely better

  2. #42
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    I'm not too sure about the changes to the books. The blue book now doesn't seem like it should be falling that way since it's so close (in the original it was thrown upward by the stumbling). Looking at it again, the removal of the purple book is fine. It's a trade-off between momentum and balance of the whole image, and the sprite is really about forward momentum.

    I also looked at myself in the mirror and the arm now seems too short actually. My elbow almost reaches down to my hip, which is how it is on the original. The leg is now probably right if so many people agree, though I still don't think it was really overly long before. I don't mind it how it is now.

    The shirt also seems maybe a little too poofy now?

  3. #43
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    Those scrolls don't look like scrolls. Call me dirty minded but I saw those and at first thought of something COMPLETELY different... >.<

  4. #44
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    They are completely different... They are books.

  5. #45
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    This was an old idea for Osiro, that I'm hoping someone can take and make into a usable regular trainer. If anyone wants to try it out they're more than welcome.
    -arm on the left needs more girth and made to look less awkward
    -edits to the other arm for anatomical correctness (there's something wrong with the wrist IMO)
    -slight edits to the hair and pants might be nice, since they don't really flow with the sprite and draw attention to the fact that this is a mixed sprite.

  6. #46
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    that's a job i can't put down reli

  7. #47
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    fixxed left arm only

  8. #48
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    i have a cool trainer sprite but i need to fix the face it should be up by next week
    I'm backish, i think at least

  9. #49
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    Thanks mefan! I did everything else. How do people feel about it now?

  10. #50
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    Much better. I can actually tell that he's topless now (before I thought he was wearing a jacket or hoody).

  11. #51
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    I say make the hand a little more notceable, or change it's position. Pokeball seems a bit awkward in that position. Only real gripes I have about it.
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  12. #52
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    Finally got around to it. XD I'm going to try and make Torri more "interesting" in her pose next.

    EDIT: Like this:
    Last edited by Reliability; 03-05-11 at 11:33 PM.

  13. #53
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    What is Crys holding? Also, Torri looks a lot better now.

  14. #54
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    A crystal. I'm not sure how to make it clearer though.

  15. #55
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    The trainer sprite formerly known as Osiro is good to go. What is he now? Generic or main storyline char?

    Who are "Crysm" and Torri? I like Crysm but Torri's eyes are a bit off. Good otherwise.

  16. #56
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    Isn't it just "Crys"? Anyways, thanks, I see it now. Why would he be holding a crystal though? Whatever, it's still a lot better than mine. Both of them are.

  17. #57
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    @zero: Crys is the gym leader (rock-type) of Enechestra. Torri is a member of the E4 (water-type). And I would say a generic character for former-Osiro. Something along the lines of "fighter" or something.

    @Tygon: Well, that's his name, so it seemed appropriate. The character I've been developing for him is a sort of environmentalist that wants to protect the natural landscape, so he would be collecting crystals to do research on them.
    Last edited by Reliability; 03-06-11 at 01:51 AM.

  18. #58
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    Osiro is good, Torri is GREAT (love the hair/water thing there). Something seems odd about Crys's feet, though...

  19. #59
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    I think I'll try editing Torri's pose next. I've got an idea. There's something about the way Crys' face is put together that doesn't sit right. The sideburn seems too forward maybe? Somehow the head looks a bit too blockish.

  20. #60
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    Some of the trainer sprites are smaller than the others, and I recalled that they were supposed to be like the larger ones. Thus:

    How are these? I've never liked how the "X" on the OD's looked anyway, so this is a chance to fix them after resizing. I decided to just do these, then ask if this a project worth pursuing.

  21. #61
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    I hope you do mine too! I'm the orion admin with the white hair xD. I was sad when I thought we were going to have to scrap it.

    So these are big enough now? I didn't compare sizes or anything.

  22. #62
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    Orion girl's face is awkward, something seems off about Orion guy's X. Other than that, pretty good. And the parasol girl is AWESOME.

  23. #63
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    They are of comparable size to the default female/Therma/Ho-oh Cosplayer, who I was using as a comparison for height.

    I know about the face thing, but I didn't want to spend ages fixing it on the first go. I don't see whats wrong with the X though, so someone else will have fix that.

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrannigon64 View Post
    Orion girl's face is awkward, something seems off about Orion guy's X.
    I hadn't noticed that earlier, but I see it now. The girl's face is a bit too much of a square shape. I would try a more natural oval look.

    I think what's off about the X is the fact that the sash on the right bottom side tapers off a bit too much. It is more of a trapezoid shape than a straight line. I don't think it should be entirely straight but it does get a bit too large as it goes down the hip.

  25. #65
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    An idea is to get rid of the Xs altogether and replace them with Os. That might be a little easier to pull off, and a little more fitting. I've never been a fan of the space suit outfits. This project is definitely worth pursuing though, so we have something just in case we can't think of anything better.

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImmunityBow View Post
    An idea is to get rid of the Xs altogether and replace them with Os.
    I was thinking of that. Something a lot smaller and simpler might look better.

    When I get another urge to art things, I'll do a few more and edit the ones I've already done.

  27. #67
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    Maybe me and Reli could work together on the resizing thing?... I'm pretty good at making outlines... Here's a Blaziken CoS Player Outline I did for my fangame:

    EDIT: I did this as an example. Y'all can't use it not that you would :P
    Last edited by Sev; 04-06-11 at 08:36 PM.

  28. #68
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    So now that we have the Orion ball done, based of of it the costumes should have O's on it.

  29. #69
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    I'm probably going to model the men a little on what the women are wearing, just something clean and elegant. Then, I'll add a little crest over the heart or something. It won't be big or extravagant

  30. #70
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    I tried a few things, but I think this looks fine. Opinions? I'll do the last two assuming that this is the right look. Each keeps his (or her) own colour, but I changed the yellow guy to purple to avoid being to close the yellow bands.

    I also need to clean up the last two a little more.

  31. #71
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    Liking the first two and the last one. The middle one, his eyes are too close together. The guy in blue's eyes seem a bit small. Also, the girl could be a bit taller, but she can work either way.

  32. #72
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    I actually tried to make her taller, but the original sprite is shorter and it looked awkward. I might be able to get away with one or two pixels, but that's about it.

    Also, I cannot figure out what blue guy's hand on the right is supposed to be doing. I may just end up respriting it.

  33. #73
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    I noticed there is some white space between the first guy's arms. Other than that, I'd say he's perfect.

    For the chick, her size doesn't match up with the others. Her skirt is a few pixels too low. Bump them up some, and maybe add a line or two to her shirt, and i think she could match the guy's height.

    For the next 3, all of their mouths look so awkward, and hard to notice. I would just scrap the mouths, and go with a smirk, straight face, or frown.

    Is it just me, or is the red guy floating? Also, his hair needs to be re-done. Make it longer, less...sticking up, maybe just buzz it, or make it simply clean-cut. Also, his left hand seems awkward. I could see that hand maybe in a pocket, or something to that affect. But then you'd have to put his feet closer together, or else it would look awkward.

    For the Blue guy, the right half of his hair looks like one big clump, try making it a little more like strands, like on the left half. Other than that, I see no problems, aside from said hand you pointed out.

    For the Purple Guy, i love it. Purple is an awesome color in my opinion, and fits him well. The eyes seem a little under-exaggerated. They seem too small. Try making them more defined, with like an outline, and maybe give them color? Black is too commonly used for eyes. Again, the hair is very bad. I know it needs work, though. Still, it seems like you were going for curly hair, but it didn't work. Again, something more clean-shaven, and natural would work better in my opinion.

    Do they all have to have serious faces? The Orion Defenders may be out with their own ideals in mind, for Jirachi, but that doesn't mean all of them are in on it, or have to seem so cynical. Something more relaxed, or even bored would fit better on one or two of them.

    Also, have you ever thought of putting facial hair into your sprites, Reli? I'd like to see some slight facial hair here and there, not all hiker beard, but just a little bit of shag on the chin, maybe?
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    Also, have you ever thought of putting facial hair into your sprites, Reli? I'd like to see some slight facial hair here and there, not all hiker beard, but just a little bit of shag on the chin, maybe?
    *points to Reli's signature*

    I think the main thing to fix with these right now is that they've got very shaky outlines as a result of the size change. There's just so much jaggedness all around (there was some of this on the originals too, but it's exacerbated) On the first guy, the vest pinches in at the pectoral on our left and his hair has too much volume, almost as if there's something underneath a wig or something. The second one's vest seems too right shifted (our right), and the faces seem scrunched, which could probably be fixed if the distance between the eyes and the eyes and the mouth were spread out by an additional pixel or so. The outlines though are really what needs to be fixed though. They just need overall more smoothness

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by NyteFyre View Post
    For the chick, her size doesn't match up with the others. Her skirt is a few pixels too low. Bump them up some, and maybe add a line or two to her shirt, and i think she could match the guy's height.
    Quote Originally Posted by Reliability View Post
    I actually tried to make her taller, but the original sprite is shorter and it looked awkward. I might be able to get away with one or two pixels, but that's about it.
    Quote Originally Posted by NyteFyre View Post
    For the next 3, all of their mouths look so awkward, and hard to notice. I would just scrap the mouths, and go with a smirk, straight face, or frown.
    I completely agree. The mouths on the originals looked a lot better, so I'm going to re-reference them to see if they can be replicated on the enlarged sprite. If possible, I don't want to change too much of the original

    Quote Originally Posted by NyteFyre View Post
    Is it just me, or is the red guy floating? Also, his hair needs to be re-done. Make it longer, less...sticking up, maybe just buzz it, or make it simply clean-cut. Also, his left hand seems awkward. I could see that hand maybe in a pocket, or something to that affect. But then you'd have to put his feet closer together, or else it would look awkward.
    He is a few pixels higher than the others, and I didn't notice, hence the floating. We have to put them into individual files anyway, so I figured it wouldn't be a big deal. The hair was unfortunate, and I will be fixing that. As for the hand, I think it looks fine, but I'll see if I can change it. Again, I don't want to stray away from the original design unless I have to.

    Quote Originally Posted by NyteFyre View Post
    For the Blue guy, the right half of his hair looks like one big clump, try making it a little more like strands, like on the left half. Other than that, I see no problems, aside from said hand you pointed out.
    His hair was bothering me too. Will fix.

    Quote Originally Posted by NyteFyre View Post
    For the Purple Guy, i love it. Purple is an awesome color in my opinion, and fits him well. The eyes seem a little under-exaggerated. They seem too small. Try making them more defined, with like an outline, and maybe give them color? Black is too commonly used for eyes. Again, the hair is very bad. I know it needs work, though. Still, it seems like you were going for curly hair, but it didn't work. Again, something more clean-shaven, and natural would work better in my opinion.
    I wasn't really going for anything, since I just enlarged the sprite and fixed it up. I think that it is fixable, but just needs to be smoother. I'll look at the eyes.

    Quote Originally Posted by NyteFyre View Post
    Do they all have to have serious faces? The Orion Defenders may be out with their own ideals in mind, for Jirachi, but that doesn't mean all of them are in on it, or have to seem so cynical. Something more relaxed, or even bored would fit better on one or two of them.

    Also, have you ever thought of putting facial hair into your sprites, Reli? I'd like to see some slight facial hair here and there, not all hiker beard, but just a little bit of shag on the chin, maybe?
    As for these, I've been enlarging mostly and editing out the Xs. That's been my goal here and not really to improve on the sprites all that much. I can probably do both of these (definitely the latter, potentially the former).

    And like IB said, I'll be smoothing everything out. I was doing this late at night, in low light, with high humidity the night before an exam. I wasn't as attentive to quality as I probably should've been.

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    Forgive the lack of transparency. My Photoshop is temporarily out of commission.

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    Seems good to me!

  38. #78
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    Yup. I do think that Xan's outfit clashes rather horribly with her hair though. Faded red + hot pink + bright orange seems just a bit...

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