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Thread: Racism Might Be a Problamo

  1. #1
    Eighty More Posts
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    Default Racism Might Be a Problamo

    Well, I was looking at our trainer sprites and ALL of them are white. Even the ones with MEXICAN names. Maybe when we use the cool trainer from D/P/Pl (if that does happen) i can recolor him with black skin?

  2. #2
    ImmunityBow's Avatar
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    A recolour just won't cut it, I'm afraid. The problem with trying to add racial diversity to the cast is that when you start getting your token black guy and token mexican, people often begin looking for stereotypes, and start pointing things out even when that wasn't the intention. If you just recolour a white trainer black then that will evoke blackfacing more than anything, which would probably offend more people than it would please.

    If you want an ethnically African trainer, you'll have to sprite him from scratch.

  3. #3
    Eighty More Posts
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    I just thought we might want an option to make some of the trainers black or have the choice to switch your trainers skin color

  4. #4
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    If racism was a problem in pokemon, then Nintendo would be bankrupt.

    Basically, as IB said, we'd probably cause more problems than we'd fix.

  5. #5
    aut vincere aut mori
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    Pokemon didn't have very much racial diversity in it until about gen 5 anyway.

  6. #6
    Not your grandma's nerd
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    Generally, video games should be as neutral on race and as devoid of religious and political agendas as possible. If you try to elaborate one, you're simultaneously affecting the other two.
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  7. #7
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    Nintendo proves that this just gets a bad rep... In BW, evveryone complains because certain trainer types are always black or white... So, if you just use white trainers (or any other race for that matter), it'll cause LESS complaining than adding diversity.
    Sole creator of Pokemon Blaze.

  8. #8
    aut vincere aut mori
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    That's all well and good, but please avoid reviving threads that have gone a month without a reply, alright?

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