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Thread: Cyndadile's Writing

  1. #41
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    Ok, I just wanted to see if anyone was interested in hearing more.

    This is almost everything (plot-related) that I've come up with so far. There are some other random details in my notes that aren't too important to the plot, I won't share those.

    That's all for now. Enough for an opinion?

  2. #42
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    The mortal's struggle to establish their right to live is a compelling one, and their seems to be a lot of potential for drama surrounding the ex, and yes, things seem to fit together. I think your idea has a lot of plot potential, but also a lot of potential for author bias (your political views, your experiences) to come in and make the story less accessible for people who don't share that point of view. I'd like to see the story play out.

  3. #43
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    Thanks. I'm going to do my best to avoid bias, which should be fairly easy when it comes to politics since the government is fairly black-and-white (killing=bad, dictatorship-of-the-world=bad). Unless, of course, you support genocide, in which case this may not be the book for you.

  4. #44
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    In making it too black and white, you can lose a lot of potential antagonistic depth, which is all the rage with the kids these days. I don't mean to avoid bias, since bias is unavoidable, rather don't let the book become your outlet for your political ideas rather than a story in and of itself.

  5. #45
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    Hmm... Depth in the president would definitely enhance it, at least. I'm going to have to do some more thinking about that. I'm planning on writing in the third person, so it shouldn't be too difficult to go into detail about other characters.

  6. #46
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    "Perfect" (Poem)

    Another poem, rough draft, for fun. Also, changed first post. All spoilers now contain links to the post which contains the story.

  7. #47
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    Criticizing from a feminist perspective (which I don't often take), the poem holds Lucida to an unrealistic standard. There's something slightly frightening about it, especially the last two sentences.

  8. #48
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  9. #49
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    Oh lol.

    Got me :3

  10. #50
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    Why can't people understand my feelings...

    Society frowns upon our relationship.

  11. #51
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    Because Gill is my personal love.

  12. #52
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    Dr. Seuss, he had it right;
    (Whenever, in fact, he did write)
    To add a rhyme is to add some fun,
    For everything and everyone!
    Once you start, it's hard to stop,
    You think of rhymes for words like "pop."
    And if you're stuck on words like "orange,"
    You can use half-rhymes with words like "door-hinge!"

  13. #53
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    I'm only beginning to realize that Douglas Adams walked a fine line between stupidity and comedy. Emulating his writing is hard.

    You know what else is hard? Keeping your names straight. I keep wanting to write Emily (the tritagonist in Topaz Adventures) instead of Amy (deuteragonist/tritagonist in a different story).

    Finally, I'm surprised that I haven't posted this yet:

    The Island

    Some italics may or may not be missing.

    Maybe I should start posting as PDFs. Would less people read if I did that?
    Last edited by Cyndadile; 10-06-12 at 01:08 AM.

  14. #54
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    Probably, it's more convenient on here, even though the formatting may be worse.

    I'd love to comment at some point but I'm feeling pretty sick right now and would like to just lie down (not because of the story, I think I caught it from my roommate). Maybe another time.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImmunityBow View Post
    I'm feeling pretty sick right now and would like to just lie down (not because of the story, I think I caught it from my roommate).
    Thanks for the clarification. Wouldn't want to think my story was infected or anything. ;D
    Everyone in my residence hall is getting sick. It's only a matter of time for me. But when it comes, I'm prepared to fight.

    Anyways, I think I need to do some more writing when I have spare time. Does anyone here know of any online short story contests coming up? Preferably ones where you can get feedback on stories.

    Also, I think my storycrafting is beginning to infect my academic writing. In my latest English essay, I ended up inventing two (quite flat) characters to demonstrate my point.
    I should totally work on character development in later essays. HAHA /needtogetalife.

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