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Thread: Pokemon Cries

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mediocrity_Incarnate View Post
    What about Kunaiga. It could be like an icy roar kind of thing.
    Worked on it for about fifteen minutes, then realized that I wasn't easily able to make an "icy" effect as I once did with a non-Topaz Pokemon.

    Part of my creativity block comes from laziness. A bigger factor, though, comes from being told that my cries sound too "mechanical" and "metallic" when I submit a few for other fangames (Amethyst, Acanthite, and the like). I mean, they tell me that they're good, but also that they never sound natual enough, too...

  2. #42
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    That is your weakness as a mixer, which is admittedly peanuts when compared to the fact that you are a mixer. Just tone down on the echo a little, use some lower pitches and richer, deeper undertones. You're contributing in a way few others can.

  3. #43
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    Not gonna upload it yet, but I will later...it's Duval. It's very special to me...because I used fifth-generation cries to make it (used a combination of Lampent and Budew, tbh)!
    Last edited by Blade Flight; 05-09-11 at 02:21 PM.

  4. #44
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    Just FYI, I'm getting back to this very soon. How soon? I dunno, it might be today, or tomorrow. But I'm in the mood to make these again, so I'll just let you guys know on this topic when I make a new cry.

  5. #45
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    I opened up WavePad and have started working on Ferrian for lulz.

    And because I like it (it's my favorite, tied only with Illumbra).

    And because I could finish Mirust's line.

    Suggestions? Like, on how it could sound? For reference, here's Mirust's cry.

  6. #46
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    Well, your cries have sometimes sounded a little too metallic, and you could go all the way for this one...

  7. #47
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    i think allufang should be like a roar... like arcanines, i guess. (LOL i almost spelled guess guees! XD ) well, i auctullay never heard it, idk why, but i dont feel like signing up for ANOTHER account... (lol)

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by shyshy761 View Post
    i think allufang should be like a roar... like arcanines, i guess. (LOL i almost spelled guess guees! XD ) well, i auctullay never heard it, idk why, but i dont feel like signing up for ANOTHER account... (lol)
    Um, what about another account? And I haven't made a cry since...*looks* ...almost a year ago. Still, I'll take your suggestion.

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    I was talking about I don't wanna sign up form media fire, then download, i probably can't because I use an iPad anyway. I signed up from a computer.also, Could I make a cry and send it to you? (once I get my computer fixed, because my brother just HAS to put viruses on it... My dads fixing it.but, my brother is good at mAking things like noises... If you want, I could make a cry, if possibly you have a pokemon that doesn't have a good enough cry, or doesn't have one.)

  10. #50
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    Well, for once, the Mediafire account has been erased for some reason. O.o So, making an acccount for there wouldn't matter, really. As for making a cry, I certainly will allow you to make one and show me, but just be forewarned that it HAS to be mixed from canon Pokemon's cries!

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    I know. Btw, can you tell me which site you used to make the noises?(This reminds me, can you send in your own sprites for pokemon that you have idea\s for?)
    Last edited by shyshy761; 11-24-11 at 11:39 PM. Reason: Left out some thangs.

  12. #52
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    That second question would probably belong in the Questions thread. As for the answer, no, we are not accepting ideas for pokemon at this time, the list of pokemon in this game has already been finalized here and the non-canon sprites are located here.
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  13. #53
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    You are however free to post up your sprites on Cafe Topaz if you wish to have critique or commentary, or just to show them to people.

  14. #54
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    Guess whaaaaaaaaaat?

    I revamped some of the old cries I had and made a couple of new ones, that's what! Here, have a listen!

    Smallard (originally the old Duval cry)

    Mogel 2

    Barkub Remade

    Duval 2, to replace the one that Smallard took.

    Moocalf Remade

    Finally, Gargoth 2

    As always, comments and suggestions are appreciated! The funny thing, though? All of these were a result of deciding to revamp my current Brontogon cry. XD

  15. #55
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    They're all pretty good, but I think Moocalf's is a little too long.

    I'm not surprised at all actually. It seems like the most efficient way to make a cry is to try to make one then match it with what it looks like, rather than the other way around.

  16. #56
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    Decided to work on some more!

    Venap 2



    Typhinda 3

    Firant 2 (has the same filename as Firant's original)



    I say that if any of them are really bad, then we use these for the time being anyway, Y'know, as placeholders?
    Last edited by Blade Flight; 12-23-11 at 09:56 PM.

  17. #57
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    They are all very good, but Pyreign's is a tad too high.
    Last edited by Lord Eragon; 12-25-11 at 10:01 PM.

  18. #58
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    Venap Line: Good
    Typhidna: Great
    Firant: Awesome
    Pyroon: Sounds a little weak
    Pyreign: Would like to hear it lower too.

    Great job!

  19. #59
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    Agrees with ^
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  20. #60
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    Do you mind listing out which cries for the demo are done and which aren't?

  21. #61
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    I actually don't know that info myself. >_<

  22. #62
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    Find out with the cries you have?

  23. #63
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    Could you just list out what cries you currently have on disk?

  24. #64
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    Sure thing, I just gotta get them all in one folder, first. I'll edit this when I do that.

    EDIT: Here's what I have so far:

    Anything you want me to make right now?
    Last edited by Blade Flight; 03-04-12 at 10:04 PM. Reason: list

  25. #65
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    Gashawk and Eaglair would be very good ideas. Other harder but good ones would be Dolphure, Fahramane and Kelvoyant. I look forward to your work!

  26. #66
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    Sorry for hatin', but the venap line cries really seem off-putting to me,
    I think dionares cry would seem better on tagati, and I think the cries should sound more like the carvannha line's.
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  27. #67
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    FINALLY got around to actually seeing this...

    I'll work on Venap's line when I get the chance.

  28. #68
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    Didn't work on Venap...but I still made something.

    Tagati. Figured it sounds like demonic chanting...

  29. #69
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    I could see that for Tagati or Gypseer, actually. I guess it sounds more furtive so Tagati fits better. Anyway, I like it.

  30. #70
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    Hey guys, just discovered this site by accident and I have to say you guys seem to be doing a great job here. The sprites in particular look great, it's hard for me to pick a few favorites out of 99 whereas Black and White had maybe 3 i really liked :L

    Anyway the only thing I could help with really is audio production. I could make music (although it seems you've got that sorted already) and pokemon cries. If there are any specific sprites that need cries or if you would like some music with a certain mood to it (happy city, important battle, spooky battle(which I'd love to do :L)) I'd be very happy to make something for you guys

    Let me know if you'd like anything from me and keep up the great work, can't wait for this game

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    Really now? Welcome then! I'd suggest trying to get a hold of Blade Flight, he's currently the only person we have who can work this area! I'm certain he'd love the help, and can give you a list of what needs to be done for the Demo. As well, feel free to create and post anything that you have!

    I'd suggest making a new topic, however, and perhaps posting in this thread so that all of us can hopefully get to know you better!

    Anything you create could have a possible use in the game, though a large focus is what's in the Demo.

    Here is a summary of how we're doing thus far, if you haven't already seen it; it can give you a good idea of where we need things the most.

    Again, welcome to the family, and have fun!
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  32. #72
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    Welcome! It's good to see a new face user!
    Well, you've probably already skimmed Irot and STT's threads. Any town not done by them is still up for grabs. (We should probably compile a list of music and cries already done. I'll put it on my mental to-do list).
    Also, IB mentioned elsewhere that Irot was having trouble coming up with an Orion theme, so if you could come up with something for Orion battles and Orion overworld events, that would be great.

  33. #73
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    Thanks (blade fight? charming name....lol) I'm glad that I can hopefully make some useful contributions to the game

    I've made electronic music for fun for a couple of years but I've never really done anything like pokemon cries before so thats a whole new challenge for me When it comes to music it would be helpful to know a bit of context (ie whats happening in the game at that time) to help create an appropriate mood (we don't want the epic final boss to sound like a lullaby haha)

    p.s. btw just did a site search for Orion and apparently it's not going to be used anymore? Or are orion are base and orion too separate things? I think it's fair to say I'll need to read up on the game first before starting to help out haha
    Last edited by Canem; 08-08-12 at 01:59 AM. Reason: orion scares me.......

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    Orion Defenders are a Team. The Air Base is no longer a concept that's going to be in the game. I don't even know what it originally was for, it was scrapped a while ago.

    Well, from what I can tell, you create the music, and we see if it fits anywhere, or you can try to create music for something specific. Either way works.
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  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Canem View Post
    (blade fight? charming name....lol)
    Actually, it's Blade Flight. With an "L". But it's fine!

    Welcome, Canem! I'd love to see what you can do for cries. I would like to see you make one, though, before I form a solid opinion.

    Gashawk. It's giving me problems, so can you try making that one? You'll need a mixing program of course (I use WavePad), as well as Fincherp's cry and the cries of any canon Pokemon you're mixing in (as an example, I used some parts of Shaymin for Fincherp).

    Fincherp's Cry

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blade Flight View Post
    Gashawk. It's giving me problems, so can you try making that one? You'll need a mixing program of course (I use WavePad), as well as Fincherp's cry and the cries of any canon Pokemon you're mixing in (as an example, I used some parts of Shaymin for Fincherp).
    Hmm, so you'd like me to make the cries using cries of other pokemon? I was going to make some sounds from scratch but ok :L I use reason to make songs so mixing stuff should be ok.. However I'm not really sure where to get cries of previous pokemon. If you could point me in the direction of a sound bank that would be handy

    In the meantime I have made some preliminary possible cries (with no real pokemon in mind) that I've put on soundcloud so we can see which of them are in the right direction in terms of what your looking for

    Personally i think 3 and 4 could be used but i'm not the judge lol


  37. #77
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    Wow, these are really good! ATM, I not only LIKE the first cry as Jalsida's, but also believe it's BETTER than mine!

    Haven't heard the rest...but it looks very promising! In other words...

  38. #78
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    Great, at least one will be of use then :L Let me know which ones you want and I'll split them into separate files.

    Again if there is a soundbank of pokemon cries somewhere that i can use that would be great
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    All DPPt cries as .mp3, if that'll work.

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    Thanks Cyndadile, can hopefully do some work on cries tmoz but I'm away for a week on the 12th so I won't be making anything when I'm away, sos :/
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