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Thread: Official Wild Pokemon Encounter Rates

  1. #1
    zeroality's Avatar
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    Default Official Wild Pokemon Encounter Rates

    Whenever Pokemon Locations are officialized, they'll be placed here.

    Route 201: 20% Fincherp, 20% Fincherp, 10% Fincherp, 10% Mogel, 10% Mogel, 10% Mogel, 5% Mogel, 5% Mogel, 4% Mogel, 4% Mogel, 1% Mogel, 1% Mogel

    Route 202: 20% Fincherp, 20% Fincherp, 10% Mogel, 10% Mogel, 10% Mogel, 10% Mogel, 5% Mogel, 5% Ampure, 4% Mogel, 4% Ampure, 1% Mogel, 1% Ampure

    Route 203: 20% Fincherp, 20% Mogel, 10% Firant, 10% Mogel, 10% Firant, 10% Ampure, 5% Fincherp, 5% Mogel, 4% Sandshrew, 4% Fincherp, 1% Fincherp, 1% Sandshrew

    Chartree Forest (Day): 20% Firant, 20% Pyroon, 10% Firant, 10% Pyroon, 10% Sandshrew, 10% Pineco, 5% Whispaw, 5% Spoink, 4% Whispaw, 4% Embear, 1% Whispaw, 1% Embear

    Chartree Forest (Night): 20% Firant, 20% Pyroon, 10% Firant, 10% Pyroon, 10% Sandshrew, 10% Pineco, 5% Spidream, 5% Spoink, 4% Spidream, 4% Embear, 1% Spidream, 1% Embear

    Route 204: 20% Fincherp, 20% Mareep, 10% Fincherp, 10% Mogel, 10% Mogel, 10% Jalsida, 5% Mogel, 5% Mankey, 4% Mareep, 4% Mankey, 1% Mareep, 1% Mankey

    Route 205 (Day): 20% Fincherp, 20% Mogel, 10% Fincherp, 10% Fincherp, 10% Mogel, 10% Ampure, 5% Jalsida, 5% Ampure, 4% Jalsida, 4% Lupine, 1% Jalsida, 1% Lupine

    Route 205 (Night): 20% Fincherp, 20% Mogel, 10% Fincherp, 10% Drowzee, 10% Mogel, 10% Ampure, 5% Drowzee, 5% Ampure, 4% Clefairy, 4% Lupine, 1% Clefairy, 1% Lupine

    Route 206 (Day): 20% Mogel, 20% Mareep, 10% Mogel, 10% Mareep, 10% Jalsida, 10% Sandshrew, 5% Mareep, 5% Mogel, 4% Grific, 4% Grific, 1% Grific, 1% Grific

    Route 206 (Night): 20% Mogel, 20% Mareep, 10% Mogel, 10% Mareep, 10% Drowzee, 10% Sandshrew, 5% Mareep, 5% Mogel, 4% Grific, 4% Grific, 1% Grific, 1% Grific

    Mt. Mist (Cave): 20% Koffing, 20% Vulpix, 10% Koffing, 10% Inflare, 10% Murkrow, 10% Whismur, 5% Inflare, 5% Murkrow, 4% Skalloy, 4% Murkrow, 1% Skalloy, 1% Murkrow

    Route 207 (Day): 20% Mareep, 20% Fincherp, 10% Growlithe, 10% Mareep, 10% Growlithe, 10% Grific, 5% Stribra, 5% Grific, 4% Stribra, 4% Flaafy, 1% Stribra, 1% Flaafy

    Route 207 (Night): 20% Jackalant, 20% Duskull, 10% Growlithe, 10% Jackalant, 10% Growlithe, 10% Duskull, 5% Stribra, 5% Kondria, 4% Stribra, 4% Kondria, 1% Stribra, 1% Kondria

    Route 208 (Day): 20% Venonat, 20% Grimer, 10% Venonat, 10% Mogel, 10% Firrel, 10% Mogel, 5% Grific, 5% Grimer, 4% Grific, 4% Smallard, 1% Grific, 1% Smallard

    Route 208 (Night): 20% Venonat, 20% Grimer, 10% Venonat, 10% Mogel, 10% Firrel, 10% Mogel, 5% Drowzee, 5% Grimer, 4% Drowzee, 4% Smallard, 1% Drowzee, 1% Smallard

    Route 209 (Day): 20% Mogel, 20% Fincherp, 10% Mareep, 10% Gashawk, 10% Mareep, 10% Flaafy, 5% Gashawk, 5% Firrel, 4% Seviper, 4% Firrel, 1% Seviper, 1% Firrel

    Route 209 (Night): 20% Meowth, 20% Fincherp, 10% Mareep, 10% Gashawk, 10% Mareep, 10% Flaafy, 5% Gashawk, 5% Meowth, 4% Zangoose, 4% Meowth, 1% Zangoose, 1% Meowth

    Abaddon Swamp (Day): 20% Lotad, 20% Yanma, 10% Grimer, 10% Venonat, 10% Lombre, 10% Cascadet, 5% Venonat, 5% Slowpoke, 4% Grimer, 4% Slowpoke, 1% Grimer, 1% Slowpoke

    Abaddon Swamp (Night): 20% Lotad, 20% Duskull, 10% Grimer, 10% Venonat, 10% Lombre, 10% Slowpoke, 5% Venonat, 5% Grimer, 4% Jackalant, 4% Kondria, 1% Jackalant, 1% Kondria (Changes: Duskull 20%, Jackalant 5%)

    Westlog Forest (Day): 20% Yanma, 20% Venonat, 10% Canileaf, 10% Dunsparce, 10% Yanma, 10% Canileaf, 5% Venonat, 5% Canileaf, 4% Smeargle, 4% Dunsparce, 1% Smeargle, 1% Dunsparce

    Westlog Forest (Night): 20% Yanma, 20% Venonat, 10% Canileaf, 10% Kondria, 10% Yanma, 10% Canileaf, 5% Venonat, 5% Murkrow, 4% Canileaf, 4% Murkrow, 1% Canileaf, 1% Murkrow

    Route 211 (Day): 20% Firrel, 20% Gashawk, 10% Whispaw, 10% Canileaf, 10% Seraph, 10% Gashawk, 5% Whispaw, 5% Equill, 4% Smallard, 4% Mallarge, 1% Smallard, 1% Mallarge

    Route 211 (Night): 20% Firrel, 20% Gashawk, 10% Whispaw, 10% Canileaf, 10% Phantasomo, 10% Gashawk, 5% Whispaw, 5% Equill, 4% Smallard, 4% Mallarge, 1% Smallard, 1% Mallarge

    Route 212 (Day): 20% Flaafy, 20% Grific, 10% Flaafy, 10% Gryphonic, 10% Firrel, 10% Mogel, 5% Firrel, 5% Mogel, 4% Firrel, 4% Gryphonic, 1% Firrel, 1% Gryphonic

    Route 212 (Night): 20% Flaafy, 20% Drowzee, 10% Flaafy, 10% Hypno, 10% Firrel, 10% Mogel, 5% Firrel, 5% Mogel, 4% Firrel, 4% Meowth, 1% Firrel, 1% Meowth

    Route 213 (Day): 20% Flaafy, 20% Ditto, 10% Gryphonic, 10% Mogel, 10% Gryphonic, 10% Mogel, 5% Grific, 5% Firrel, 4% Grific, 4% Firrel, 1% Grific, 1% Firrel

    Route 213 (Night): 20% Flaafy, 20% Ditto, 10% Drowzee, 10% Mogel, 10% Drowzee, 10% Mogel, 5% Hypno, 5% Firrel, 4% Hypno, 4% Firrel, 1% Hypno, 1% Firrel

    Route 221 (Day): 20% Cirroft, 20% Gashawk, 10% Togetic, 10% Cumuloft, 10% Venonat, 10% Cirroft, 5% Togetic, 5% Togetic, 4% Grizlare, 4% Venomoth, 1% Grizlare, 1% Venomoth

    Route 221 (Night): 20% Cirroft, 20% Gashawk, 10% Duskull, 10% Cumuloft, 10% Venonat, 10% Cirroft, 5% Duskull, 5% Kondria, 4% Grizlare, 4% Venomoth, 1% Grizlare, 1% Venomoth

    Route 222 (Day): 20% Cirroft, 20% Stribra, 10% Cirroft, 10% Gashawk, 10% Fincherp, 10% Gashawk, 5% Fincherp, 5% Fincherp, 4% Stribra, 4% Eevee, 1% Stribra, 1% Eevee

    Route 222 (Night): 20% Cirroft, 20% Gashawk, 10% Cirroft, 10% Drowzee, 10% Fincherp, 10% Hypno, 5% Fincherp, 5% Fincherp, 4% Drowzee, 4% Eevee, 1% Drowzee, 1% Eevee

    Route 223 (Day): 20% Gargoth, 20% Dunsparce, 10% Seraph, 10% Dunsparce, 10% Seraph, 10% Engil, 5% Gargoth, 5% Dunsparce, 4% Drakodo, 4% Drakodo, 1% Drakodo, 1% Drakodo

    Route 223 (Night): 20% Gargoth, 20% Chiarame, 10% Seraph, 10% Clefairy, 10% Seraph, 10% Duval, 5% Gargoth, 5% Clefairy, 4% Drakodo, 4% Drakodo, 1% Drakodo, 1% Drakodo

    Route 224 (Day): 20% Rhyhorn, 20% Flaafy, 10% Rhyhorn, 10% Flaafy, 10% Growlithe, 10% Seviper, 5% Rhyhorn, 5% Growlithe, 4% Seviper, 4% Growlithe, 1% Seviper, 1% Growlithe

    Route 224 (Night): 20% Rhyhorn, 20% Flaafy, 10% Rhyhorn, 10% Flaafy, 10% Growlithe, 10% Gargoth, 5% Rhyhorn, 5% Growlithe, 4% Gargoth, 4% Growlithe, 1% Gargoth, 1% Growlithe

    Route 225 (Day): 20% Rhyhorn, 20% Skarmory, 10% Rhyhorn, 10% Vulpix, 10% Rhyhorn, 10% Vulpix, 5% Zangoose, 5% Zangoose, 4% Skarmory, 4% Zangoose, 1% Skarmory, 1% Zangoose

    Route 225 (Night): 20% Rhyhorn, 20% Skarmory, 10% Rhyhorn, 10% Vulpix, 10% Rhyhorn, 10% Vulpix, 5% Flaafy, 5% Flaafy, 4% Skarmory, 4% Absol, 1% Skarmory, 1% Absol

    Route 226 (Day): 20% Canileaf, 20% Equill, 10% Canileaf, 10% Miltank, 10% Canileaf, 10% Miltank, 5% Smeargle, 5% Equill, 4% Smeargle, 4% Seraph, 1% Smeargle, 1% Seraph

    Route 226 (Night): 20% Canileaf, 20% Clefairy, 10% Canileaf, 10% Vulpix, 10% Canileaf, 10% Phantasomo, 5% Smeargle, 5% Clefairy, 4% Smeargle, 4% Vulpix, 1% Smeargle, 1% Vulpix

    Sedcini Cave: 20% Torkoal, 20% Inflare, 10% Ingero, 10% Inflare, 10% Ingero, 10% Torkoal, 10% Sinestril, 5% Torkoal, 5% Sinestril, 4% Torkoal, 4% Sinestril, 1% Torkoal, 1% Sinestril

    Malachite Cave: 20% Clefairy, 20% Clefairy, 10% Clefairy, 10% Skarmory, 10% Whismur, 10% Whismur, 5% Skarmory, 5% Skarmory, 4% Loudred, 4% Gargoth, 1% Loudred, 1% Gargoth

    Route 231 (Day): 20% Flaafy, 20% Koffing, 10% Jalsida, 10% Ampharos, 10% Jalsida, 10% Ampharos, 5% Flaafy, 5% Weezing, 4% Koffing, 4% Weezing, 1% Koffing, 1% Weezing

    Route 231 (Night): 20% Flaafy, 20% Grimer, 10% Jackalant, 10% Flaafy, 10% Ampharos, 10% Jackalant, 5% Flaafy, 5% Phantern, 4% Phantern, 4% Grimer, 1% Phantern, 1% Grimer

    Dynamo Sanctuary: 20% Ampharos, 20% Flaafy, 10% Forretress, 10% Ohmure, 10% Ohmure, 10% Forretress, 5% Flaafy, 5% Stribra, 4% Flaafy, 4% Stribra, 1% Stribra, 1% Bakurge

    Route 232 (Perpetual Night): 20% Jackalant, 20% Phantasomo, 10% Jackalant, 10% Misdreavus, 10% Phantasomo, 10% Misdreavus, 5% Phantasomo, 5% Misdreavus, 4% Absol, 4% Chiarame, 1% Absol, 1% Chiarame

    Route 233 (Day): 20% Mogel, 20% Whismur, 10% Mogel, 10% Whismur, 10% Mogel, 10% Whismur, 5% Firrel, 5% Loudred, 4% Firrel, 4% Loudred, 1% Firrel, 1% Loudred

    Route 233 (Night): 20% Clefairy, 20% Meowth, 10% Clefairy, 10% Meowth, 10% Clefairy, 10% Meowth, 5% Clefairy, 5% Persian, 4% Clefairy, 4% Persian, 1% Clefairy, 1% Persian

    Route 234 (Day): 20% Rhyhorn, 20% Sandshrew, 10% Gryphonic, 10% Cirroft, 10% Dunsparce, 10% Rhyhorn, 5% Gryphonic, 5% Cirroft, 4% Sandslash, 4% Cirroft, 1% Sandslash, 1% Cirroft

    Route 234 (Night): 20% Rhyhorn, 20% Torkoal, 10% Rhyhorn, 10% Torkoal, 10% Cirroft, 10% Cirroft, 5% Gargoth, 5% Gargoth, 4% Gargoth, 4% Gargoth, 1% Iglonia, 1% Iglonia

    Route 235 (Day): 20% Huskii, 20% Stantler, 10% Huskii, 10% Huskii, 10% Tundrolf, 10% Pineco, 5% Tundrolf, 5% Stantler, 4% Tundrolf, 4% Pineco, 1% Tundrolf, 1% Pineco

    Route 235 (Night): 20% Huskii, 20% Stantler, 10% Huskii, 10% Huskii, 10% Tundrolf, 10% Gargoth, 5% Tundrolf, 5% Stantler, 4% Tundrolf, 4% Gargoth, 1% Tundrolf, 1% Gargoth

    Route 236 (Day): 20% Stantler, 20% Polara, 10% Iglonia, 10% Flaafy, 10% Iglonia, 10% Flaafy, 5% Polara, 5% Stantler, 4% Rhyhorn, 4% Gryphonic, 1% Rhyhorn, 1% Gryphonic

    Route 236 (Night): 20% Stantler, 20% Polara, 10% Huskii, 10% Tundrolf, 10% Huskii, 10% Tundrolf, 5% Polara, 5% Stantler, 4% Huskii, 4% Tundrolf, 1% Huskii, 1% Tundrolf

    Mt. Frost
    Surfing: Surfing: 60% Corphish, 30% Slowpoke, 5% Corphish, 4% Slowpoke, 1% Lapras

    1: 20% Polara, 20% Stantler, 10% Polara, 10% Tundrolf, 10% Tundrolf, 10% Gargoth, 5% Polara, 5% Stantler, 4% Gargoth, 4% Stantler, 1% Gargoth, 1% Stantler

    2: 20% Polara, 20% Stantler, 10% Iglonia, 10% Murkrow, 10% Gargoth, 10% Tundrolf, 5% Polara, 5% Stantler, 4% Iglonia, 4% Murkrow, 1% Cragoyle, 1% Cragoyle

    3: 20% Iglonia, 20% Stantler, 10% Murkrow, 10% Polara, 10% Tundrolf, 10% Iglonia, 5% Cragoyle, 5% Polarice, 4% Murkrow, 4% Stantler, 1% Polara, 1% Cragoyle

    4: 20% Iglonia, 20% Murkrow, 10% Stantler, 10% Polara, 10% Polara, 10% Iglonia, 5% Murkrow, 5% Stantler, 4% Cragoyle, 4% Absol, 1% Cragoyle, 1% Absol

    Mt. Frost Shrine: 20% Gargoth, 20% Murkrow, 10% Iglonia, 10% Spidream, 10% Murkrow, 10% Iglonia, 5% Cragoyle, 5% Seraph, 4% Hypno, 4% Arachmare, 1% Hypno, 1% Arachmare

    Mt. Frost Shrine (secret): 20% Duval, 20% Engil, 10% Duval, 10% Engil, 10% Slowpoke, 10% Mirust, 5% Atlaxa, 5% Slowpoke, 4% Mirust, 4% Slowbro, 1% Mirust, 1% Slowbro
    Eye of Sand (Day): 20% Sandshrew, 20% Cirroft, 10% Sandshrew, 10% Rhyhorn, 10% Cacnea, 10% Scorchion, 5% Sandslash, 5% Scorchion, 4% Cacnea, 4% Trapinch, 1% Cacnea, 1% Trapinch

    Eye of Sand (Night): 20% Gargoth, 20% Cacnea, 10% Gargoth, 10% Cragoyle, 10% Rhyhorn, 10% Cacnea, 5% Cacnea, 5% Torkoal, 4% Trapinch, 4% Torkoal, 1% Trapinch, 1% Torkoal

    Route 214 (Sea): 60% Remoraid, 30% Remoraid, 5% Octillery, 4% Remoraid, 1% Reefrain

    Route 215 (Sea): 60% Remoraid, 30% Remoraid, 5% Octillery, 4% Remoraid, 1% Reefrain

    Route 216 (Sea): 60% Remoraid, 30% Qwilfish, 5% Qwilfish, 4% Octillery, 1% Qwilfish

    Route 217 (Sea): 60% Cirroft, 30% Remoraid, 5% Qwilfish, 4% Remoraid, 1% Octillery

    Route 218 (Sea): 60% Cirroft, 30% Qwilfish, 5% Qwilfish, 4% Staryu, 1% Staryu

    Route 219 (Sea): 60% Remoraid, 30% Remoraid, 5% Octillery, 4% Reefrain, 1% Lapras

    Route 220 (Sea): 60% Remoraid, 30% Remoraid, 5% Octillery, 4% Staryu, 1% Lapras

    Land Route Water Spots (Sea): 60% Corphish, 30% Lotad, 5% Corphish, 4% Lotad, 1% Lotad
    -> Of course these can change but this seems like a general guideline =/

    Deep Sea Trench (Underwater): 20% Chinchou, 20% Chinchou, 10% Chinchou, 10% Relicanth, 10% Chinchou, 10% Corsola, 5% Relicanth, 5% Corsola, 4% Relicanth, 4% Staryu, 1% Relicanth, 1% Staryu

    Victory Road
    1F: 20% Loudred, 20% Mankey, 10% Rhyhorn, 10% Gargoth, 10% Loudred, 10% Cragoyle, 5% Primeape, 5% Rhyhorn, 4% Malistril, 4% Primeape, 1% Malistril, 1% Primeape

    B1F: 20% Rhyhorn, 20% Sandslash, 10% Slowbro, 10% Rhyhorn, 10% Sandslash, 10% Dusclops, 5% Slowbro, 5% Rhydon, 4% Dusclops, 4% Rhydon, 1% Dusclops, 1% Rhydon

    2F: 20% Loudred, 20% Rhydon, 10% Drakodo, 10% Pineco, 10% Venomoth, 10% Pineco, 5% Forretress, 5% Forretress, 4% Ingero, 4% Venomoth, 1% Rhydon, 1% Forretress
    Additional methods to receive Pokemon:
    Softwind City: Receive Moocalf Egg

    Safari Zone:
    Grass Zone: 20% Tropius 20% Stribra 10% Kondria 10% Tropius 10% Tauros 10% Sandshrew, 5% Stribra 5% Tauros 4% Bakurge 4% Scyther 1% Bakurge 1% Scyther

    Pond: 60% Corphish 30% Cascadet 5% Corphish 4% Cascadet 1% Lapras

    Ice Zone: 20% Tundrolf 20% Polara 10% Skarmory 10% Huskii 10% Tundrolf 10% Gargoth 5% Polara 5% Skarmory 4% Absol 4% Gargoth 1% Absol 1% Iglonia

    Marsh Zone: 20% Smallard 20% Meowth 10% Seviper 10% Zangoose 10% Smallard 10% Tangela 5% Meowth 5% Mallarge 4% Seviper 4% Zangoose 1% Persian 1% Tangela

    Rock Smash: 60% Inflare 30% Inflare 5% Dunsparce 4% Inflare 1% Inflare

  2. #2
    ImmunityBow's Avatar
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    Already up in the completed info forum, but thanks anyway.

  3. #3
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    wow night and day system. i wanna ask where will be jackalant in night? in what route coz im the Jackalant biggest fan
    Hero That Never Give Up!

  4. #4
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    1. Control + F.
    2. Type in Phantern's name.
    3. ???
    4. Profit!
    "A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools."
    ― Douglas Adams

    "Do you wanna come with me? 'Cause if you do, then I should warn you - you're gonna see all sorts of things. Ghosts from the past. Aliens from the future. The day the Earth died in a ball of flame. It won't be quiet, it won't be safe, and it won't be calm. But I'll tell you what it will be: The trip of a lifetime!" - The Doctor

  5. #5
    zeroality's Avatar
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    Ctrl+F Phantern, not found! Same for Jackalant.

    Apparently nobody posted encounter rates for them yet. I think they were concepts added after this thread was created.

    Perhaps someone could update the info here?

  6. #6
    Better Than That Guy
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    Quote Originally Posted by zeroality View Post
    Whenever Pokemon Locations are officialized, they'll be placed here.

    Route 231 (Night): 20% Flaafy, 20% Grimer, 10% Jackalant, 10% Flaafy, 10% Ampharos, 10% Jackalant, 5% Flaafy, 5% Phantern, 4% Phantern, 4% Grimer, 1% Phantern, 1% Grimer

  7. #7
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    These always confuse me; why do Pokemon repeat?
    e.g. in the post above, 20% Flaafy...10% Flaafy. There must be a good reason for not just making it 30% Flaafy.

  8. #8
    Better Than That Guy
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    Because that's how it's programmed.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by zeroality View Post
    Ctrl+F Phantern, not found! Same for Jackalant.

    Apparently nobody posted encounter rates for them yet. I think they were concepts added after this thread was created.

    Perhaps someone could update the info here?
    Wrong spelling? I got about 11 for Jackalant, and around 6 for Phantern.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrannigon64 View Post
    These always confuse me; why do Pokemon repeat?
    e.g. in the post above, 20% Flaafy...10% Flaafy. There must be a good reason for not just making it 30% Flaafy.
    Different levels, I believe.

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    No, BTG is right; that's how encounter rates are programmed into the game. It's one of those "don't ask me why, but it is" sorts of things.
    "A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools."
    ― Douglas Adams

    "Do you wanna come with me? 'Cause if you do, then I should warn you - you're gonna see all sorts of things. Ghosts from the past. Aliens from the future. The day the Earth died in a ball of flame. It won't be quiet, it won't be safe, and it won't be calm. But I'll tell you what it will be: The trip of a lifetime!" - The Doctor

  11. #11
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    Also, that's how it works in the games themselves. They use it so that they can assign ranges of levels to certain percentages too. So when you're surfing in RSE, you've probably got something like:

    Surfing: 20% Tentacool (5-11), 20% Tentacool (12-20), 10% Tentacool (5-11), 10% Wingull (10-15), 10% Tentacool (5-11), 10% Tentacool (21-25), 5% Wingull (15-20), 5% Tentacool (26-30), 4% Tentacruel (31-35), 4% Wingull (21-25), 1% Pelipper (30-33), 1% Pelipper (34-36)

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyndadile View Post
    Wrong spelling? I got about 11 for Jackalant, and around 6 for Phantern.
    "Match case" was enabled. Fail.

  13. #13
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    Okay, now it makes more sense.

  14. #14
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    Ah, it does make sense now. Looks good to me.

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