Definetely odd than the normal pokemon 3rd installment since the beginning (Yellow, Crystal...blah) but sounds cool none less. I dont think it'd be cool that ALL pokemon would morph, sorry PKMask lol but thats just me :P, cause Pokemon isn't like YUGIOH morphing and creating monsters to eat your face (though Kyurem looks pretty eatface friendly) What I do see bitter, is the map. I dont wanna have old school town and stuff frozen over. I wanna see something in the story that possibly when kyurem is on your side, resh/zec or something unfreeze it or something. Idk. Same with the artwork having tubes come out of the wings, but like the ones above, they dont. Odd...O.O Finally if there's an item like a scale or something that transforms kyurem, or what.
Can't wait to walk underwater though. Now...what they gotta do next is the RSE remake though