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Thread: Map UPS for Triumph

  1. #41
    Better Than That Guy
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyndadile View Post
    They'll have to be your own brilliant creations.
    That they'll be. I don't really like most of Quinn's (no offense Quinn).

    EDIT: Not to discourage other's but here's my attempt at Route 204 (just because I abhore Quinn's page 1/2 version of it).
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    Last edited by Black Temple Gaurdian; 07-16-12 at 07:10 PM.

  2. #42
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    I did like his Roothaven, or at least the concepts. Now that I look at it again, it might have too mant textures. The design is ok, but there are three types of grass...

  3. #43
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    Found that on Quinns maps. Hmmm I get the same issue, but only when I zip it. It opens fine unzipped ... any suggestions?

  4. #44
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    Don't name the new map, then you can easily find it in the /data folder, then just zip that up. Also, I scratched up a quick route 204 myself (see above post of mine).
    If you're feeling up to it, care to tackle Mt. Mist?

  5. #45
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    Well here it is regardless... Also whenever I try and open other's maps I get a message saying 'Unexpected file format' and I can't see them?

    I'd prefer to work on material for the demo, I would love to see the demo completed by the end of the summer, so is there anything I can do towards that? Interior maps etc. ?
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  6. #46
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    Interiors would be fine. We have plenty of buildings in the four towns covered by the demo.

    IB explains how to see the maps here:

    Quote Originally Posted by ImmunityBow View Post
    Okay, I've successfully gotten BTG's files to work on my RMXP! It takes a little fiddling around with first, so for those who want to see the maps on their own RMXP:
    First, make sure the map numbers don't conflict with yours. Then place them in your Data folder in Pokestarter.
    Then, run the Editor. It'll say something like "New maps in data folder imported successfully."
    THEN, go into RMXP, check the map's properties, and then reselect the correct tileset. The maps should appear when you've said OK.

  7. #47
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    Well firstly, has Willow's Lab been re-done?

  8. #48
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    A few small edits that made the transition more smooth (hopefully).
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  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by dick1 View Post
    Well firstly, has Willow's Lab been re-done?
    Not that I can find. I think that this thread is the only place where we're storing completed maps, so anything not here is fine to make.

  10. #50
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    I can't help but feel your version is a bit long. After Chartree I think a shorter route is more appropriate.

    Also the attached Fangking's tileset comes up as a tiny image for me, how can I import it into my RPG maker?

  11. #51
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    This link should provide the actual tileset. We had some issues with the attachments.
    Edit: I took the liberty of adding the link to the first post to avoid future confusion.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by dick1 View Post
    I can't help but feel your version is a bit long. After Chartree I think a shorter route is more appropriate.
    Whilst yes, it is long, if you notice you need only pass through grass once on the way down, whilst you must proceed through almost every patch to get back up. It's artifical difficultly to accomidate for the fact the player will have gotten stronger whilst the pokemon remain at the same level.
    Last edited by Black Temple Gaurdian; 07-16-12 at 08:53 PM.

  13. #53
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    Ah I see where your coming from.

    Anyways here's Willow's Lab:
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  14. #54
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    Right ... So I had a go at Froy's gym, the issue is I'm not sure I like it myself and don't really know where to go with it.

    Advice would be appreciated.
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    Last edited by Will; 07-17-12 at 06:44 PM.

  15. #55
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    I know Tyrannigon64 threw together several concepts for Gym maps, but the images are not working right now... I'll try to get them from him.

  16. #56
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    Yes, I saw them and based it off of his design.

    EDIT: Here is the Hero's bedroom, house and rival's house.
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    Last edited by Will; 07-17-12 at 06:43 PM.

  17. #57
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    How far does the demo go?
    And do we have anything to work from for Mistvale?
    Last edited by Black Temple Gaurdian; 07-17-12 at 07:20 PM.

  18. #58
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    Up to the 2nd gym I think.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Will View Post
    Up to the 2nd gym I think.

    Also, Tyrannigon64 sent me the maps, I've compiled them all into a nice zipped file.

  20. #60
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    So that means all the demo routes are done?
    Remind me again why we got rid of the bank?

  21. #61
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    For a triple triad card shop?

  22. #62
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    But why? Why not just have both?

  23. #63
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    I agree, the bank adds a bit of character to the town.

  24. #64
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    Go ahead and throw it in then! I think one of the reasons we decided to replace it was that it didn't really have a function. If you think it adds something, then add it! W can always add some interesting NPCs to make it worthwhile.

    Also, I don't remember if these have been posted, but: http://www.pokemontopaz.net/forums/s...f-and-Portwind
    Has maps of Skobeloff, Portwind, and Saharan.

  25. #65
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    Okay, here's Cranewing with a temp building for triple triad. Now that I think about it, why not (for the full game) have a bank in most major cities?
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  26. #66
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    If we do that, we should at least have some reason for it. Item and money storage?

  27. #67
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    Isn't that what Mom, at least in Gen 2, and the PC were for?

    I never really cared for storing items, since we can carry an unlimited number as of Gen 2.

    And since the amount of money lost versus gained from battles is negligible, a bank seems unreasonable, and pointless.

    Now if the amount of money gained was harder, and the amount lost per loss and/or purchase was much more punishing, then the bank would be much more useful. Especially if it gave interest for storing the money there.

    At current, there's no reason and almost no punishment for carrying all of your money and items on you, thus leaving the bank an empty, pointless building.
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  28. #68
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    No reason to store items? What about organization? I don't want a bunch of junk in my bag that I don't use but can't sell/will need later.
    It could replace the PC for item storage.

    Anyways, the point is, it needs to have a function. Otherwise, we shouldn't have one in every major town.

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    as of gen 5, you can just tap a button and the particular pocket of your bag will sort itself.

    And you can always sort the pockets yourself. The games have always had that function, even since Gen 1. It shouldn't be too hard to program a simple line of code that allows you to move items around. Not that I can code, yet...
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  30. #70
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    Just because they can sort themselves doesn't mean they're sorted right. And sorting them yourself can take a ton of time.
    All I want in my bag is a bunch of potions and ultra balls. I don't need any of that other junk (except key items).
    Also, I don't know if Essentials has that sorting fuction.

    Does anyone remember where you get Cut? If we could get it in/just outside Cranewing, we could have a cut-only section of Route 204, where we could put extra trainers for leveling up. Then the other side could have ledges, so it's one-way.

  31. #71
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    Here are three more interiors to be used in Neo Bay. Every house in Neo Bay has an interior now.
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  32. #72
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    Alright, thanks Will. Tomorrow I'll unzip them all and see how they look.

  33. #73
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    I think I'm going to have a go at mapping Mt. Mist. Can someone give me a bit of info of what its all about?

  34. #74
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    I think these are the important points for mapping it:
    It's an active volcano, but rarely has eruptions. Very foggy. Covered in geothermal vents. At it's base is a pokemon academy (teaching status effect stuff). There's also a hot spring inside the academy.
    Encounter rates:
    Mt. Mist (Cave): 20% Koffing, 20% Vulpix, 10% Koffing, 10% Inflare, 10% Murkrow, 10% Whismur, 5% Inflare, 5% Murkrow, 4% Skalloy, 4% Murkrow, 1% Skalloy, 1% Murkrow
    It'll probably also have some side-quests, but it shouldn't be too hard to add whatever is neccessary.

  35. #75
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    How many floors? And roughly how big is it supposed to be?

    Also early on in the game everything is very fire based, with both Chartree and Mt. Mist

  36. #76
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    I would say a little bigger than Mt. Moon, but with another blocked-off area to higher levels? What do other people think?

    Also, that plus the flying gym makes it really stink to choose Venap. But it's still not really as bad as choosing Charmander in Kanto. I think it'll be fine, since fire-types seem pretty underrepresented in other games.

  37. #77
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    Question: I want to view the maps, but I have an upgraded version of RPGMaker VX. Can I still view them? And how do I do so?

  38. #78
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    I don't think you can. VX uses a very different mapping system than XP.

  39. #79
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    Well, I downloaded XP...but I have no idea how to insert the tileset properly...when I do, it just shows a small, thin line on my tileset options. I think it's a shrunk version of the complete tileset, but I can't get it to get any bigger...

  40. #80
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    You used this link, not the attachment, right?
    Quote Originally Posted by ImmunityBow View Post
    The attachment is evil and does not work.
    Edit: Link broke... I'll see if I remembered to save it somewhere...
    Edit 2: Guess I didn't. Could someone post it or send it to me?

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