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Thread: Cyndadile's Topaz Adventures

  1. #41
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    My best guess is that Firrel is some kind of squirrel. That is all I have to say.
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  2. #42
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    What I meant was to work your descriptions into the action. Bring it up in passing while things are happening and it won't seem so forced. <<"Don't think you'll last long," said Jane. The squirrel-like Firrel leaped forward, baring its teeth in concurrence.>> As an example I thought up in 20 seconds.

  3. #43
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    Part 19: Lost Cause

    I have nothing interesting to say. Except that I have a new ending message that Imma put at the end of every TA post.

    Thanks for reading! Please post any questions, comments, or suggestions! Let me know what you liked or didn't like!

  4. #44
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    Happy Almost-Halloween!

    Part 20: Ghost Busters

    Confession: Didn't finish this episode until just now.
    Also, I'm getting tired of shorter stories. I feel like their quality is declining. I wish I had time to write something longer.

  5. #45
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    Part 21: Haven't the Foggiest

    Thanks for reading! Please post any questions, comments, or suggestions! Let me know what you hated or didn't hate!

    As an added bonus...
    I'd like to incorporate a little audience participation. Meredith's going to be getting a new Pokemon in I'm-not-quite-sure-how-many episodes. It doesn't matter to the plot yet WHICH Pokemon she gets, so I'm taking suggestions: What should Meredith's new Pokemon be? It needs to be first stage or baby.
    These ones are off-limits: Any starter, Lupine, Equill, Ampure, SLowpoke, Embear, Grimer, Koffing, and Fincherp. Any other Pokemon I'd be willing to take into consideration.

  6. #46
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    How about a Kuranpu? you didn't say legends were off limits.
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  7. #47
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    You're right, but

    However, if you can make an argument about how she could have

    then I'd be willing to look into the possibility.

  8. #48
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    Works for me, and i didn't notice that there was another legend already posted, my bad.
    NINJA! <-- Click here for Profile.
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  9. #49
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    How about Kondria or Spidream?
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  10. #50
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    Kinda liking that Kondria idea. I could make that work.

    Part 22: Bad Gas

    Today's bonus: I found this single line hiding in my list of characters and which Pokemon they have.
    Need a character named Dave.
    No context. Just that line. Not sure what I was thinking there.
    Ah, yet another harrowing tale of Cyndadile's randomness.

    Thanks for reading! Please post any questions, answers, comments, or suggestions! Let me know what you liked or didn't like!

  11. #51
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    Part 23: Kung Fu Spinda

    FYI, this story is going to end up showing why Nintendo never combined original Pokemon, XD, and Ranger in one game. THE TEMPTATION WAS IRRESISTIBLE!

    Thanks for reading! Please post any questions, answers, comments, or suggestions! Let me know what you liked or didn't like!

  12. #52
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    Spinda's such a silly Pokemon, it'd be terrifying to see a truly evil Shadow one. You kind of threw in Pokemon Special in there too right? Considering that the trainers are getting involved in the fights somewhat.

    I'm sure once Nintendo realizes that 1k+ Pokemon is probably not very profitable then they'll look towards innovative ways of combining what they already have.

  13. #53
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    Actually, Pokemon Special is really where my idea for this came from! That is, if we're talking about the same thing. Although I haven't gotten too far into Yellow yet; I should resume that.

    I never actually thought about Spinda becoming a Shadow Pokemon. Especially with how strong this one is, it'd be pretty scary.

    I hope you're right about Nintendo combining (or at least reusing) old ideas. I really want Shadow Pokemon to return. Colosseum was probably the first Pokemon game that I really fell in love with. It may have had something to do with the fact that you really were being the hero in that game; you were stopping people from stealing Pokemon. The Rockets stole Pokemon, too, but they always seemed like more of an afterthought in the original games. It wasn't driven by Team Rocket, it was driven by being better than everyone else. In Colosseum, the game was driven by getting rid of the bad guys!

    I'm so much more moved by a game's plot than my friends are.

  14. #54
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    Part 24: Off the Books

    Short. A quick look at some Orions with a different philosophy.

    In a few episodes, I think I'm going to stop these regular updates. It'll give me time to produce (hopefully) higher quality stories, and lower my stress level a little. Although not really all that much. It's not like I spend more than a couple hours writing these.

    Gracias por leer! Por favor enviar cualquier pregunta, comentarios o ideas! Quiero saber lo que le gustó o no le gustó!

  15. #55
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    Part 25: Not Negglected

    (Arbitrarily) END SEASON 1

    Oh, yeah. Here's a PDF of all 25 episodes of Season 1. 57 pages of storyness. At some point, I've got to go through and make improvements, but until then, this is the zeroth edition - (almost) no changes from what's been posted here.
    Last edited by Cyndadile; 12-02-12 at 11:38 PM.

  16. #56
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    Have you counted the words?

  17. #57
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    32,159 words, starting at the author's note.

    I usually think of TA in terms of individual episodes, so I hadn't really thought of the fact that it's the biggest story I've written yet. But tens of thousands of words? And I only work on it for <however long it takes me to do laundry> a week. It's so much bigger than I ever expected it to be.

    I've also noticed that, for some reason, my average paragraph length seems to be getting shorter as the number of episodes rise. I'm not quite sure why that is.

  18. #58
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    Part 26: The Librarian

    At first, I planned on getting about halfway through the battle in this episode, otherwise it would seem too short, and the next one too long.
    Then I realized that was a really dumb idea. So short and long episodes it is!

    Thanks for reading! Please post any questions, answers, comments, or suggestions! Let me know what you liked or didn't like!

  19. #59
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    Oops. A bit late. It's still Sunday somewhere, isn't it?

    Part 27: Parting Words

    Hmm. Maybe I should append Season 1 to include Episodes 26 and 27.

    Like Tony, I'm going to be with family next week. Don't expect a regular episode. I do plan to post something important and plot-related, though, so don't miss it. I just might have to post it early or late, depending on whether or not I'm actually going to have my laptop (and internet connection).

  20. #60
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    Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Or just “Have a Nice Day” if you’re not the holiday type! Tony and I have been working hard to bring you this special Christmas installment of Topaz Adventures, and we finished it just in time! Any later, and I wouldn't have been able to upload until the New Year, which would have made it a pretty stupid Christmas present. Aren't I great at streching deadlines?

    Part 28: Home Alone

    (The above is a link.)

    Merry Christmas, my friends.

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