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Thread: Graphics we need for Topaz

  1. #161
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    Do you guys need anymore trainer Sprites? I just realized im good at doing heavy editing on some of the R/S/E Trainer Sprites

  2. #162
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    Hmmm...I'm not sure, you might want to ask IB or someone like him.

  3. #163
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    Who needed a Gryphic Sprite? (Added two frames this time)

  4. #164
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    Quote Originally Posted by embuddy View Post
    Do you guys need anymore trainer Sprites? I just realized im good at doing heavy editing on some of the R/S/E Trainer Sprites
    Want to try out some Gym Leaders? I believe we still need Fernando (Based on this concept art), Jane (Normal), Bella (Poison), Tristan (Light), Wolfe (Dragon), Gerad (Electric), Christina (Ice), Osiro (Ground), and Layla (Dark).

    As for Gryphic, I'll leave judgement for someone who knows what they're talking about.

  5. #165
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    That Gryphic is quite nice, but I feel that the tail could be less static in each pose and the feet could be a bit more attached to the body.
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  6. #166
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    Honestly, im Iffy on the purple hair for Fernando, so ill make two sprites, one with, one without.
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    Quote Originally Posted by embuddy View Post
    Honestly, im Iffy on the purple hair for Fernando, so ill make two sprites, one with, one without.
    Sounds good to me.
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  8. #168
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    So yea, Fernando's face isnt that well made, if any other spriters could fix it, I would completely allow that.
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  9. #169
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    I'm liking Fernando, but he might be a little too talll. Also, his legs seem a bit to long and far apart, and something seems off about his left (our right) leg.
    I really like the purple haired sprite. I suppose it looked a little strange in the art, but your sprite seems able to pull it off.
    The leaves around his head and waist seem a little flat, which I probably wouldn't have noticed if it weren't a contrast with how detailed the muscles look. Maybe you could add another shade or two of green?
    I can't see what your problem with the face is. It seems really well done to me.

    And once again, I'm not sure what to say about Gryphic. It's hard to judge something so small.

  10. #170
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    Scrathed out hte Grey Haired one and made the Purple one have a bit more change
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  11. #171
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    Quote Originally Posted by embuddy View Post
    Scrathed out hte Grey Haired one and made the Purple one have a bit more change
    I really like Fernando, but I'm not so good at judging big art :P.
    As for Gryphic, it looks great, and if you could just move his left leg a pixel to the left, I think it would be awesome.
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  12. #172
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    If you could place Fernando into an 80x80 box then I'll edit it and clean it up for you. That's pretty much what I do best. Basically some of the things need to be smoothed out and have their outlines shaded. You did a really good job making him really muscular, though I think maybe his legs are a little long in comparison to his chest. We do have an Inflare/Ingero icon so I'll fish it up when I have better internet and we can compare them and choose between them. Grific looks pretty good but is actually a little fat for an icon. Proportions are weird on icons so often you want to exaggerate how small the little Pokemon are by making their heads much bigger in comparison. As is now it's usable though.

  13. #173
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    Pixels or Inches?

    I dont know how to resize in inches, sorry
    Last edited by embuddy; 01-01-13 at 07:28 PM. Reason: Just realized that.
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  14. #174
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  15. #175
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    Oof he's really tall isn't he. He looks pretty close to 7 feet tall. Thanks anyway I'll clean him up.

  16. #176
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    Have a bit of free time right now so I'm here to help. Specifically overworlds, trainer sprites and trainer back sprites maybe? That's what I'm in the mood for. Haven't sprited for awhile so I can't guarantee quality, but I'm happy to do stuff that needs to be done. Also, are the Kunaiga and Slowpriest backsprites I made a while back not being used?


    and i'm in the process of going over kraklaw for the fiftieth time
    is it okay if i don't press shift
    i'm really used to tumblr and IMs so shift and punctuation are of the distant past


    tried cranking the ferocity up to 11 because i'm sure that was the main concern of all the previous tries
    Last edited by X-Antibody; 01-13-13 at 02:37 PM.
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  17. #177
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    Here's where I've gotten to with the Fernando edit:

    Mainly just quality changes and rearranging things so that they are more in proportion. I have a feeling that the whole chest area was taken off of some canon sprite? But I could be wrong.

    Hi X-Antibody! I think most people have agreed that Kunaiga is awesome and should be used, so it should be up on the site soon now that you've mentioned it. Slowpriest no one seems to have come to a concensus for. And I love the new Kraklaw sprite! It looks much less derpy than before. What does everyone else think?

  18. #178
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    I like what you people did with my old (admittedly pretty bad) trainer sprite! So I went ahead and qualiti'd the design. Main change would be the scarf? It's something more like Lucas' scarf from DP.
    Also made a couple of mostly minor edits (re-outlining here and there, main change would be the left arm) to the heroine sprite if MewLoverEX doesn't mind? I'll go ahead and post if it's cool with the maker. I'll whip up some backsprites for both of them eventually seeing as the designs are pretty much finalised.

    EDIT: i forgot how big and how many frames a backsprite animation is
    EDIT EDIT: casually assumes we're using the DS style sprites as reference which means 5 frames
    Last edited by X-Antibody; 01-14-13 at 09:44 AM.
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  19. #179
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    IB: Awesome shading there! It looks really nice.
    X-Antibody: I agree that the Kraklaw looks great. Also, I really like your changes to the male trainer. It seems to give him a better personality. As for Slowpreist, I think I mentioned this before, but it just seems like his left arm is bent backwards. I'm not sure if that can really be fixed without making that purple scepter-thing disappear, though.
    MewLoverEX has been out for a while, but I think it's safe to say that she'd be okay with it.
    Also, the female backsprite has already been started, I think this is the latest version:

  20. #180
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    I love the new sprites!
    @ImmunityBow I love what you did with my Fernando sprite, and yes, the chest for the sprite was from a canon character, but thats ok right? The face for Fernando is so much better then the one I did, it looks less dull.
    @X Antibody Your Kraklaw seems to have one thing missing. Just from looking afar alot of the Kraklaws had a very dark outline, I could barely tell if it was a navy blue, or plain Black. Try making the outline lighter on lighter parts of the body.
    Your trainer sprit is awesome, theres something about the mouth though, try making it one pixel up, or get rid of a layer from the bottom.
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  21. #181
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    Bit better on the face? It was mainly the nose that was bugging me but I thought there would be a style clash between the heroine and this guy if I made one too prominent. It turned out okay I guess.
    Also a WIP shot of the backsprites whoop. It's all scratch, and the torso is probably a bit bigger than the Pokemon style, and I'm planning on a few more animation touches here and there.

    Pretty much just minor edits. Reddened the mouth because while at 1x it looked fine at 2x it was really really weird looking, and I heard it mentioned that that's the main resolution of topaz? I've actually been working by zooming out to 2x to see how it looks so it looks as good in game as possible. Also touched up on the outlines and legs, and moved the hand because it was just really awkward there.

    Lighter outlines on the lighter body parts? No shiny because colour changes end up being pretty drastic considering how I'm using the palette.
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  22. #182
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    Yes! This is looking really good! I'm absolutely in love with male Hero's backsprite. Fiddling with the hat is an awesome idea. I also like the edits you made to female Hero's backsprite and frontsprite. I do think I prefer what seems to be a more shadowy face on the earlier male Hero frontsprite? There's a bit more texture on that one. Thanks so much X-Antibody, once again your work never fails to impress!

  23. #183
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    update for the day, going to finish him off tomorrow then get started on the lady. have simon and bradley been finalised yet, because i think they need backsprites too? also touched up on the front sprite's face a little more.
    Last edited by X-Antibody; 01-15-13 at 01:24 PM.
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  24. #184
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    I believe we do need Bradley's back for the catching tutorial, but I'm not sure about Simon. In any case, here they are:
    Bradley (We decided on #2, with the blue bag):


    And, as a bonus, Alisa:

  25. #185
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    Progress dump! I'll deal with the female hero's backsprites next. Few changes here and there to Bradley- let me know what you think.
    Probably going for a BW/B2W2 right hand throw kinda thing with the female hero, just to keep things interesting.
    Last edited by X-Antibody; 01-17-13 at 11:31 AM.
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  26. #186
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    Bradley's looking good, the only changes I noticed were a few leg edits. The backsprite is looking pretty good. I wish I had a hat like that.

    Quote Originally Posted by X-Antibody View Post
    Probably going for a BW/B2W2 right hand throw kinda thing with the female hero, just to keep things interesting.
    So we're tossing the old one?

  27. #187
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    Wow, looking good! That's quite the lovely ball throwing animation. So yeah, can't wait to see the female hero then!

  28. #188
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    Heh, I have to agree, that does look amazing~! One thing I'm wondering is who decided on the Blue Bowler hat for the Male Hero? It's an intriguing choice, and I applaud them for it!
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  29. #189
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    Just a thought that needs confirming, but we might be able to change the character sprites whilst in game. If this is true, do we also want a Orion-Hero/Heroine and a Rocket Hero/Heroine?

  30. #190
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyndadile View Post
    So we're tossing the old one?
    Would that be okay? I'd prefer for Topaz to have something more scratch and unique. Plus with the the enlarged torso I gave the male hero, I'm probably going to have to tweak bits of anatomy on the female.\

    @NyteFyre: Damn sure that was ImmunityBow. Three cheers for IB.
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  31. #191
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    Quote Originally Posted by X-Antibody View Post
    Would that be okay? I'd prefer for Topaz to have something more scratch and unique. Plus with the the enlarged torso I gave the male hero, I'm probably going to have to tweak bits of anatomy on the female.
    I'm fine with a new one, I just wanted to make sure you didn't miss the old one (without actually saying "Did you see the old one?").

    Also, BTG, we should be able to change the character sprites; that's essentially what the game does when you pick your gender. I'm pretty sure we discussed the idea before and someone came up with an interesting explanation against it. That or I had that discussion in my head. But I think some of the recent script wouldn't work if the player was wearing a Rocket uniform.

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    Okay then. I've been ignoring the plot so I wouldn't know. Seriously, keeping myself from spoiler a game I'm helping make? Insane.

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    Should there be a rocket uniform version of these backsprites too? Also in the scripts, you fight with and against Simon and Bradley at some point. Would they be wearing their normal clothes or uniforms?
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    Huh. I guess we never thought about it since it was mostly luxury. Simon I don't think should have a Rocket uniform. He basically spends the whole game as a Rocket anyway so there's no real change to show, and his colour scheme certainly fits Rocket already. Bradley, on the other hand, is the kind of one that would display it openly, so I could see a case for an Orion uniform for him.

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    The player's outfit should not change based on the script, and I agree with IB as far as Simon and Bradley. It probably isn't necessary for Bradley to have a uniform, but if it's something people want, that's fine.

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    If I'm not wrong, I thought we decided we were just going to pin an Orion badge on Bradley?
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    It's a little small to sprite properly. Especially on a yellow jacket.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reliability View Post
    It's a little small to sprite properly. Especially on a yellow jacket.
    Point taken.
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    Sorry I haven't replied lately, I've been caught up in some stuff so I haven't been working too hard on topaz. Whoops. But I have started and I should be making steady progress on the female backsprite!

    And as the discussion is looking, other backsprites that need to be done after this are;
    Bradley w/ Orion
    and the players will need a Rocket outfit (what about Orion outfits)

    probably need to make her hair poofier
    that is a task for another day
    Last edited by X-Antibody; 01-21-13 at 01:31 PM.
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  40. #200
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    I like it! Hmm.. when did we decide Simon and Bradley needed backsprites? I should check the script again~ The player doesn't need a Rocket uniform due to script reasons.

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