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Thread: A Black Adventure

  1. #1
    Better Than That Guy
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    Default A Black Adventure

    He stepped outside of the pub, his black trenchcoat protecting him from the worst of the heat. Around his wrist a SEP Bracelet obscured any outstanding features whilst his contacts, earring, tongue-bar and ring allowed him to see, speak, read and write any language. As he walked a soft "squeak" rang out with each footfall from the unnaturally alive-looking fuzzy pink slippers.

    "Oi you!" A voice shouted.
    He sighed, a good start to his vacation. Turning he saw two thugs heading towards him with malicious intent. Acting quick, he hurled the strange sphere the Professor - Probably related to those damn shopkeepers - had given him. The sphere sailed majestically through the air like an eagle, piloting a blimp, before smacking one of the thugs firmly in the head rendering him unconscious. The sphere opened with a burst of light and between them stood a small lion cub with ears and tail ablaze.
    "You- I- Wha- You'll pay for that!" The thug shouted, before throwing forth his own ball.
    Before the being that emerged could do anything, the lion cub had pounded onto its prey, scratching viciously.

    OOC: Celsinge is using scratch. If you haven't read "Make a Wish", "The Hunt for Harry Potter" and "Back In Black" go do so now, in that order.

  2. #2
    ImmunityBow's Avatar
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    Oh no, Echoise took the initiative!

    WHAM! Tackle hits for... 4 damage!

    [Male] 21/25

    Unperturbed, Celsinge lashes out with his claws! 5 damage!

    [Female] 20/25

    What'll it be now?

  3. #3
    Better Than That Guy
    Black Temple Gaurdian's Avatar
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    *throws rock at Echoise*
    *has cub use scratch*

  4. #4
    ImmunityBow's Avatar
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    Echoise dodges the rock and leaps forward, knocking Celsinge away and reducing its defense!

    [Male] [21/25] [-1 Defense]

    But Celsinge hits the scratch! 5 damage!

    [Female] [15/25]

  5. #5
    Better Than That Guy
    Black Temple Gaurdian's Avatar
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    OOC: Scratch

  6. #6
    ImmunityBow's Avatar
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    Echoise came very close to missing, but still hit

    [15/25] [-1 Defense]

    Celsinge retaliated for a cool 5 damage


  7. #7
    Better Than That Guy
    Black Temple Gaurdian's Avatar
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    OOC: Scratch! Scratch I tell you! And then scratch it again!

  8. #8
    ImmunityBow's Avatar
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    Echoise hit a bit harder this time.

    [Male] [9/25] [-1 Defense]
    [Male] [5/25]

  9. #9
    Better Than That Guy
    Black Temple Gaurdian's Avatar
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    OOC: Scratch

  10. #10
    Secret Agent
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    Echoise maintains its rhythm of destruction.
    [Male] [3/25] [-1 Defense]
    [Male] [1/25]

    OoC: Shoot. 4 instead of 5. Sorry

  11. #11
    Better Than That Guy
    Black Temple Gaurdian's Avatar
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    OOC's OOC: I am threatening to withhold development in order to win this. Or am I? No really. This battle's won.
    OOC: Scratch

  12. #12
    Secret Agent
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    OoC: Your threat The random number generator paid off!

    Before Celsinge could move, Echoise waved its tail disarmingly, surprising Celsinge into letting its guard down.
    [Male] [3/25] [-2 Defense]

    Celsinge makes quick work of the Echoise, causing it to faint.
    [Male] [0/25]

    You have defeated the random Thug! You steal his lunch money: a nice 100P. And Poof! Celsinge seems to have grown a little!

    With no one standing in your way, you may now proceed to Route 49. You can also buy items from the Topaz Bazaar (just mention it on this topic).

    OoC: Also, you have the truncated link in your sig, so it doesn't work. The full one is: http://www.pokemontopaz.net/forums/showthread.php?1265-BTG-s-Profile

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