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Thread: Talk About a Split

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    Default Talk About a Split

    It was a cold morning, the kind that makes you want to cuddle up in your covers. Storm awoke in his bed, a rather small headache somewhere in the back of his mind. Getting out of bed, and dressed, he walked downstairs, cleaned some shit, checked the weather, and drank his coffee. "Man, maybe it's just me, but this coffee tastes terrible today." With a heavy sigh, he poured the rest down the drain, before stepping outside to judge the weather for himself.

    "Man, that guy," Storm pondered aloud, mostly to himself. Some people buzzed by him, going about their daily routines, concerned only with themselves. He looked around some more, before heading back inside to look at the remains of his PS-I. "That really hurt when he kicked me out of the game like that."


    "All right, Dashie, you ready to blitz through this route?" Storm looked down confidently at his partner, who growled in response, rising to the occasion. Dashie tensed up, ready to start doing what he does best. "All right, ready...GO!" Storm shouted, rocketing forth with all he had. In a few short seconds, he was already worn out. Dashie hadn't even bothered to move, before his trainer was out of steam. "I...I really need to get in shape more..." At that, Storm fell down flat on his face. Dashie calmly walked over to where his trainer lay.

    A short bit of pain brought Storm to his feet immediately. "YOW! What did ya do that for?" He shouted, turning to face his attacker.
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    "MO..... GEL!!" The little Pokemon had been trying to get his attention, and was rather upset that she had to resort to actual contact to do so. Storm bent down to look at the little Mogel, and was promptly rewarded with a shout in the face "MO... GEL!!" She wasn't going to forgive him. Not yet anyway.

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    "Hmm, what a strange new pokemon." Storm pondered aloud, a little perturbed at its rather impressive lungs. Pulling out a rusted, barely readable device from his back pocket. It was the pokedex he had found earlier. "Hmm....According to the Dex, this creature, Mogel I can assume given its use of the term, is likened to a squirrel. I can see the resemblance." He was about to read further on, when a growl at his side caught his attention. Dashie had finally caught up, smirking a bit at his trainer's folly.

    Before Storm could voice a snarky retort, the celsinge was already pouncing upon the small creature, attempting to claw the anger off of its face. "Oh, damn-it, Dashie!" Storm called, irked at being relegated to a bystander. "Fine then, claw its face off, we need the experience anyway." he continued, pointing victoriously at the tiny squirrel.
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    Dashie was only too happy to oblige. Extending its claws, it scratched happily at the little cheering Pokemon. Who returned the favour by slamming rudely him on the snout.

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    "Hmph. This little things has got some fire in her. Too bad I can't make use of that." Storm declared, looking out over the battlefield. The exchange of blows looked pretty showy, but it was rather obvious that Dashie far outpaced the poor creature. The celsinge just shook off that bop on the snout, and pounced once more. Storm, still feeling like he was being relegated to bystander status, sighed before standing triumphantly and yelling, "Dashie, scratch that thing's soft belly! That should do some damage!"
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    Mogel fought valiantly, smashing Dashie on the snout even harder than last time. But lo! She looked down, and found to her dismay that the scratches on her belly were multiplying!

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    "All right!" Storm called, feeling more and more confident with each blow. But seeing as this is a low level wild pokemon, that should come as no surprise. The hardest part will be the mid-game area. That awkward spot where my team doesn't deal a whole lot of damage, but both sides have enough health to make the battles last much longer than they should. That's going to be the tough part.

    Due to his spontaneous musings about his grim future in this game, Storm failed to notice that Dashie was already taking the final blow of his own accord. "Wait!" Storm called, but it was already too late. "Damn it!" He sighed, wondering how many times this was going to happen. Claws extended to maximum length, the pint-sized inferno pounced, ready to rake the poor little creature.
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    Mogel stared defiantly at Dashie, but got pounced on and scratched up before she could move. Unable to withstand any more pain, she promptly fell unconscious.

    Dashie has gained 15 EXP!

    OOC: Holy crap I just threw 8 tails.

    Guess what? Mogel had a big sister, and she ain't too happy.

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    Storm looked down at the rather cute, but unconscious squirrel, wondering if he could catch it now that it was unconscious. However, when he went to reach for an empty pokeball, a weird buzzing occured, followed by his hand being shocked, painfully. "Yow!" Storm seared, shouting off random, nonsensical curses, before sucking on his hand gently. "Stupid game mechanics...."

    Some nearby grass started rustling, and out popped another little squirrel, this one bigger than the last. It seemed cute enough, but suddenly its face grew dark. Darting over to where the previous Mogel lay knocked-out, the secondary one started shaking. Confused for a bit, Storm took a step closer. Suddenly, the creature turned to face Storm, murder in its eyes. He took a few steps back, rather scared by the look.

    "Ok, easy girl, i-it's not like we killed it, right Dashie?" He said looking over at his partner. The flaming cub just looked over lazily at his trainer, giving the "what do you think?" look. Unsure of whether this was a good look or a bad one, Storm swallowed some. "Well, whatever happened, looks like we've got another fight on our hands." he calmly said, looking around.

    "Hmm..." He pondered, checking out the various shrubbery and trees surrounding the rather small, watery route. Quickly formulating a plan, Storm's confidence returned enough for him to put his plan into action. "All right Dashie," he called low enough for the cub to hear, but not the squirrel. "I want you to run behind that tree over there, and climb up it while I distract the foe. When I give the signal, pounce on it will all your weight from as high as you can manage without pain." Nodding in response, Dashie prepared himself.

    "Hey," Storm yelled, throwing a stone at the creature, "Hey look over here!" He ran to the left, and the Mogel started following him. Storm began running in circles around the clearing, the now even angrier squirrel in hot pursuit. Dashie, meanwhile, was busy using his sharp claws and powerful muscles to power his way up the nearby oak tree. Reaching a height he was comfortable with, the mini-furnace picked a branch he liked, and lounged on it, waiting for his friend's signal.

    All right, Dashie's in position. Now to finish the set-up. Stopping directly underneath the branch, Storm turned, and smiled somewhat menacingly at the squirrel, who had also stopped. Seeing the perfect opportunity, Storm yelled out "NOW!" before pointing directly at the squirrel. At the sound of the signal, Dashie pounced, accelerated by the gravity surrounding the planet.
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    Unfortunately, this Mogel didn't fare much better than her little sister. Dashie's initiative and strength gave him a strong upper hand in battle, and he landed on the little Mogel and scratched her harshly. She tried to whack at his noggin, just as her little sister had done, but very little damage was dealt.

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    "Now that's what I'm talking about!" Storm cheered, as Dashie laid into the squirrel. After a few seconds, the creature finally managed to headbutt Dashie off and deliver a body blow, but it was clear that Dashie far outclassed the mere normal type. But then again, Celsinge are starters for a reason. Anyway, best to wrap this up quickly. Never know who or what's going to pop up next. With a quick nod to his friend, Storm motioned for Dashie to continue raking the squirrel, until one of them passed out.
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    OOC: Oops. I've been forgetting STAB for all the Mogels that have fought so far. Well, it's not like any of the battles are remotely close anyway.

    The Mogel suddenly pounded much harder this time!

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    Dashie had to step back, and rub his snout after that last hit. Though it didn't seem like a critical hit, Storm felt like for some odd reason, the Mogels had forgotten to use their maximum power. It struck him as rather odd, considering this game has been as close to real life as possible, thus far. Could have been a small glitch in the program, or maybe someone upstairs forgot something. Sometimes, though, it feels like someone is controlling each individual creature on a live feed. Seeing as this is the only game of this console generation to come from Nintenstation, I wouldn't be surprised if they had the manpower to cover something like this.

    Dashie, growing rather tired of his trainer's constant lack of focus and his self-absorption, decided that he was done playing games with this squirrel. 15 feet to go. Loosening up his legs, the fiery bullet shot from his position, building up as much speed as he could possibly muster. 10 feet to go. Seeing it's hopeless struggle, the Mogel also began running forward, hoping to catch the cub off guard and stay alive long enough to run. With only 5 feet separating them, the two leaped into the air. Dashie's left paw tensed as razor sharp claws ejected from under his skin. Pulling his arm back, Dashie pushed himself farther forward, enraged flames riding the wind behind him, leaving nothing but scorched dust. 1 foot to go.

    As the two finally collided, Dashie brought his deadly paw swinging around the side, hoping to claw the pitiful squirrel's face off and send it flying before it could even make contact.
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    The two Pokemon ran at each other at top speed, crossing each other in the air. After a brief commercial break, they each ended up on the ground, looking the other way, one knee on the floor. Suddenly, cuts opened up all over Mogel's side. In the same moment, a large depression bounced up out of Dashie's side, along with a weltering bruise. Their attacks were evenly matched, but Dashie's superior speed and stamina were giving him the upper hand.

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    The sound of dripping blood, and the cry of a pained Mogel brought Storm back down to earth. It was rather rare for him to go off on such a tangent. I can't believe I just missed that! From the look on that squirrel's face, I'd say it was a pretty spectacular exchange. Dashie appears to be just now reaching 50% of his health. God, I still can't believe I missed that! And what was with that train of thought? I don't think about things for more than a minute! Stupid system screwing with my brain....

    Mentally berating himself for doing that, then verbally doing so to Dashie for once again leaving him obsolete, Storm raced back over to where the battle was finally settling itself down to. The snarky look on Dashie's face told Storm all he needed to know about what just happened. "Alright Dashie, enough with the theatrics, let's finish this before more of them show up." He called, motioning the cub to his side of the field, facing the Mogel. Dashie nodded, and returned to using all four limbs to run. "All right, all right, settle down some. Sheesh you have a lot of energy today. Anyway, you know what to do, claw that thing's eye's out." he finished, pointing directly at the creature.

    Resilient to the end, the Mogel stood back up, licked its many wounds, and prepared for one last stand. Dashie looked over lazily at it, but the glare in his eyes froze the foe solid. Shaking himself off, yet never losing eye contact, Dashie set up his attack stance. Mogel stood there, waiting, fear brimming just underneath its calm surface. It blinked. Something was wrong. Dashie was nowhere to be found. It looked around the battlefield, fear blatantly showing now. The warmth at its back soothed it some, until it realized that warmth was beginning to burn. Before it could even attempt to react, Dashie struck down the tired creature, finally placing it out of it's misery.
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    And so it was! Dashie had learned from the event, too!

    +20 EXP

    So what'll it be now?

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    It was a new day back in New Haven, as Soren (who shall be called as such to differentiate the two) wandered about his home, wondering if there was any way to get his PS-I working again. Closer inspection reveals that several circuits were fried during the ejection, and the connection between the system and his brain has been irreparably damaged. The most he could hope to do is connect the system via sub-ports directly to his older computer, and hope that he can still connect to the game. It won't be as realistic, but at least he can get his money's worth out of the thing. The only problem being that he lacks the right cables.

    Perhaps someone I know has a set? He was about to continue, when something caught the corner of his eye. The TV was on, and there was a local news channel airing something about a girl in the hospital. Her picture was placed on the screen. Soren's eyes immediately widened. That girl. She was in my session. She got kicked out as well. More information followed, but by then, Soren was already out the door, headed straight for the nearest hospital. If she's in the hospital because of that, then why aren't I?


    "Phew" Storm said, finally stopping to catch his breath. He wasn't sure exactly what happened to those pokemon after he beat them, but be figured it'd be best to clear away from them before more come. Dashie ran circles around Storm, still pumped up from the previous fights. Nearly tripping several times, the pair finally settled down in the midst of a small clearing. Rocks were strewn about, and dirt had been flung here and there. It made for a rather rough terrain, but at the same time, something stirred in Storm's mind.

    "Hey Dashie, you still have a ton of energy blazing through you, it seems. Why don't we put that to good use!" Storm started, grinning pridefully. Dashie perked his ears up, still running in circles. Finally stopping in front of his trainer, the lion cub looked up, truly curious. "Ya see this rough terrain? Why don't you take a crack at running through this? It'll teach you how to navigate unstable land, and help your speed, strength, and reaction times!" With a quick nod, Dashie carefully made his way into the clearing, ready to mark a course around the area.

    OOC: This isn't the full post, it's set up for the Out of Battle Training. My next post will be the actual training.
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    OOC: Duly noted.

    Oh no, storm clouds are gathering over the route! Will you take your chances and train in rain or run for cover?

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    "Damn!" Storm cursed, frustrated at the sight of this downpour. "Freaking mods, always making things turn from bad to worse." He continued. Dashie seemed unconcerned with the rain. In fact, he even seemed to enjoy it! Something about the wind and the energy invigorated him, as his fire defied every attempt to be extinguished. A few seconds later, Storm was staring up at the clouds, mesmerized by their intensity and composition. Sitting there in the mud as rain poured all over him while staring at the raging mass above them, Storm realized for the first time that he truly felt cold. Man, they're really going for realism with this game. It's almost like I'm a part of the world. It's amazing.

    Dashie, meanwhile, was still intent on running around. The mud clung to his fur like glue, but he didn't mind. He laughed and purred, before slipping a bit. Quickly regaining his footing, the cub began playing in the rain. It felt like needles of ice on their skin, but neither of them couldn't be happier. "Okay, Dashie, enough playing around." Storm called from where he sat. "It's time to train." Dashie abruptly stopped his horseplay, and trotted over to where Storm was sitting. "Since you seem content to do things without me," Storm began, voicing a certain, slight sadness, "You can probably handle this on your own. This rain gives us the perfect chance to work on your water tolerance, though you seem to love it already, as well as train your agility and speed." He stood up, and walked over to where the rough terrain started.

    "Ok, here's what I want you to do. First, I want you to run over to that big elm tree over there." He pointed to the largest tree in the immediate area. "It looks pretty slick over there, so watch your footing. After you reach it, I want you to bounce off of the tree and over that large rock." He noted the impressive piece of earth situated a few feet from the elm tree. "Upon landing, you should head toward that small pond off to the side." He motioned toward a tiny body of water, which was surrounded by spikes (actually fallen limbs). "Weave among the danger, and then leap across. Watch your footing, or you might slip into the water, or worse, a spike." I know this seems rather grim, and very dangerous given the circumstances, but I believe in him. All he needs is the- Wait, where'd he go?

    Storm's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of splashing as Dashie rocketed off into the clearing. He ran as fast as he could, finally free of the energy perpetually firing off inside him. Using his fire covered paws to dry the mud before he landed on it, an easy enough path became clear to him. Bunching his leg muscles, Dashie the Celsinge arced from the mud covered path toward the rain-slicked tree trunk. Claws extended he latched onto the slick tree, his flames drying up the water so he could hold his grip. Storm watched on in silent pride. See? He's intelligent, and fast. This should be a-

    Oh no! Dashie leaped toward the rock, but his speed didn't match the height he needed to fully clear the gap. "Dashie! If you can't make it over, just bust right through it!" Storm yelled, hoping his advice would sink-in in time. The cub tried his best, shooting extra flames from his hind legs, hoping to at least punch his way through the rock. Luckily, though, that wasn't necessary. The extra jet boost gave him the height he needed to clear the rock. Unfortunately, his back left leg clipped the rock, sending him spiraling into the mud. His momentum kept him sliding forth. "Ya gotta get up! Watch those spikes!" Storm shouted, as the sky grew darker.

    As the spikes flew past him, Dash grabbed the closest spike, and swung around it. Letting go at just the right time, Dashie flew up into the air. Doing a quick front flip to get into position, Dashie landed firmly onto the slick ground. Shaking off the mud, he sped forward, strafing left and right to dodge the myriad obstacles between him and the lake. All right, he's almost there. If he can make it across that lake, he should be ready.

    Dashie leaped high into the air, as a sliver of light pierced the rain clouds far above. The glint off of Dashie's fur temporarily blinded Storm, amazed at his progress. But just as he quickly as he flew high, he came crashing down. Just as with the rock, Dashie's soaked fur, no matter how ablaze, weighed him down too much. A huge splash signaled the end of the training session. The rain finally cleared up, allowing the two soaked friends to laugh at their escapades. Headed toward the next town to hopefully get some dry clothes, the two set off for their next adventure.
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    As the sun broke through the clouds and the warm light shined down on their back, a light seemed to appear in their minds too. Ideas and love. Somehow, they knew they'd never get tired of those two things.

    Dashie gains 30 EXP and 3 Happiness!

    What'll it be now?

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    "Hah!" A voice called from behind them. A small boy appeared, running toward the sopping wet duo. "I'm challenging you to a duel!" He shouted, a wide grin on his face.

    "Uh, don't you mean a battle?" Storm replied calmly, wondering what this boy was going on about. Dashie shook some more water off of his fur again, standing at the ready. Storm's rather bored face belied his slight excitement at the prospect of a real challenge.

    "Well, duh!" the kid shouted, throwing out his first pokemon. "That's what I meant you moron! Now let's do this! You're all sopping wet, so your fire will be useless."

    "If you say so. Let's teach this kid a lesson, Dashie." Storm smiled, ready to take his opponent down a notch. Dashie smirked as well, flames igniting more intensely. "Who needs fire when you can just claw it's face off?" Storm replied confidently, pointing toward the still spawning foe.
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    Once-spawned, what the pair found was a rather irate little pig monkey.

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    Trainer's Pokemon

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    Hmm...I think that Pokemon is from one of those old pokemon games, when video games were still played with a screen. Well, nothing to do here but beat him down. Nodding to himself and Dashie with a wry smile, Storm looked on. "All right, Dashie. You out-speed this thing by a mile. Rush into it, and send it flying with your claws!" He claimed, confident he could beat this guy no problem.
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    Celsinge charged across the damp ground and slashed his claws across the Mankey's face. The Mankey flinched a little, but she had taken harder hits than that. In retaliation, she swiped her own claw across Celsinge's side, leaving shallow scratches in the lion's fur.
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    "Hmph" Was all Storm said, glad to see that Celsinge was clearly on the upper-hand in this fight. "All right, Dashie, climb that tree, then pounce him from above." He quietly instructed, as the blazing inferno returned to his side. We clearly are going to need every advantage we have. This guy outnumbers us in pokemon, but we beat him in terms of power. Still, that second pokemon could be a game changer if it has a type advantage. Dashie still doesn't know any fire type moves to compensate.This is going to be a tough one.

    "It's alright, Mankey, we'll stomp these guys in no time. Just keep it up!" The kid shouted, not even trying to hid his gross overconfidence.

    But at least the kid knows next to nothing about strategy or subtlety. Nodding to his partner, Storm held himself high, and looked forward. "All right, Dashie, you know what to do. Take him out, then return as quickly as you can. Leave your opponent no time to react. The cub tilted his head toward his trainer, giving him a grin that said "As if I could do anything but!" Then he shot off, putting the plan into action.
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    Celsinge pounced from branch to branch, climbing up the tree. Mankey, a bit slower than Celsinge, tried to climb up the tree, but the branches snapped under her weight. Before Mankey could find another way up, Celsinge leapt on her back, slashing his claws through her fur. Mankey kicked out and spun around, sweeping Celsinge's legs out from under him.
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    Storm began to shiver some, as his sopping wet clothes, along with the breeze, made him feel as cold as ice. "Ok, Dashie, we need to end this quick! We don't have time for games. Claw his block off!" Storm shouted between shiver fits. You'd think I'd be used to this by now. Something feels different about this rain.
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    Unable to find a block to claw at, Celsinge opted to scratch Mankey's face instead. Mankey backed away a little and, despite her exhaustion, delivered one more strike, her strongest yet. Her fist glowed bright white as it soared through the air and collided with Celsinge's chin. Fortunately, Celsinge looked away fast enough that the light didn't blind him.
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    "All right, now finish him!" Storm called, pumping his fist, then projecting it forward toward the foe. "Slash him to bits with your claws!" He continued, determination burning brightly in his eyes. I can't afford to be left behind too much. That maniac is still out there, somewhere in the server, doing Admin knows what. I have to stop him, and no NPC is going to get in my way. Not now, not ever.

    However, what the boy said next brought a stunned look to Storm's face. "All right! You're doing good Mankey, weakening him to the point of victory for Pads! After we beat this loser, we can get some rest back home, then move onto the next town. I can't wait to see the rest of the game!"
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    Mankey stood no chances. Dashie was on her in a flash, scratching away until she didn't get up any more. The youngster choked back a concerned gulp, knowing that his stronger Pokemon was going to be the one to get the job done. He raised Mankey's Pokeball, recalling her into her Pokeball. Then, retrieving another from his belt, he tossed it out.

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    "Alright Pads! Your turn! Let's take this guy out!"

    Dashie got 20 EXP!

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    What the hell?! Bah, I don't have time to worry about this guy. Just take out his Lotad, and move on. Right. Dashie looked rather tired from his last battle. That Mankey really took something out of him. Moving back from where the Mankey's corpse lay just second ago, Dashie looked toward the dual type that was ready to fight. Looking back to his trainer, who simply nodded back, Dashie smirked and rushed forward, intent on taking out the creature with one blow. "All right, you know what to do. Rip that leaf right off of it's head." Storm calmly replied, his thoughts still racing.
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    Dashie's first blow lands, tearing through the center of Lotad's lilypad. The lilypad remained secured to his head, but Lotad was not happy about the damage. He growled louder than you'd expect from such a small Pokemon, causing Dashie quickly back away.
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    "Hold on Dashie! Don't let that little thing scare you away!" Storm called. He noted that Dashie's attacks would deal less damage, but he didn't let that stop him. "Keep tearing him apart with your claws, he'll fall eventually!" He continued, confident that sheer power would win the day out. We're going to have to watch and pray that that Lotad doesn't know any water moves. They'll put Dashie's fire our for sure.
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    Dashie slashed at the lilypad again, slowly breaking down Lotad's only protection.
    Meanwhile, Lotad went on the offensive, coating himself in water to avoid any fire-type moves Celsinge might choose to use.
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    "Hah! Now you can't use fire on us!" the boy shouted triumphantly. He grinned as his Lotad continued to splash in the puddles left by the rain, utterly naïve to the fact that Dashie didn't even know any fire type moves, yet. All Storm could do was sigh, and look over at his curious little pal.

    "All right, let's just keep going with what we've done so far, Dashie." Storm aired, unconcerned except for the fact that he was once again wet. Both shook themselves off, before Dashie stepped toward the foe once more. "Just keep scratching him up until he falls down and doesn't get back up."
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    Celsinge just keeps doing his thing, while Lotad sits back and waits. Being the hyperintellegent being that he is, Lotad chooses to growl instead of engaging in offensive action with the enemy.
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    OOC: Why can't I roll actual attacks anymore?

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    Damn. That child is a freaking Genius! If I were to try and imitate him, it wouldn't do anything. Grr....He's dragging this along for as long as he can. Dammit! We need a critical, or something. I think I've got it. With a quick nod to Dashie, Storm stepped forward to engage in plotting with his partner. "Okay, we need to end this now. Ill distract the foe, then you come in from behind to knock it out cold. Got it? Use gravity to your advantage, gain as much altitude as you can before taking him out." Dashie nodded in response, and began slinking around the side of the lotad.

    I need to get that thing out of the water. It's stronger there, we need it back on dry land. Storm surveyed the area, the youngster too caught up in his pride to notice. The Lotad kept a close eye on Dashie as he continued to sneak around the puddle, waiting for his chance. Suddenly, a splash next to it caught the lily pad pokemon's attention. Looking up, he noticed Storm throwing pebbles in it's direction. Storm taunted the creature, egging it to come and spray him. At that moment, Dashie shot up the nearest tree, surprising the youngster with his true speed.

    "Watch out Pads, he's just trying to distract you!" the trainer cried, too little too late. Dashie arced backward off of the tree trunk, rolling in mid-air, ready to drive his claws deep into the head of the poor creature below. Lotad turned to see a flaming lion bearing down on him from above. The fear in it's eyes caused the lotad to jump out of the puddle, and race toward his trainer for protection.

    There! "Now Dashie! Finish him." Storm called, reveling in the fact that his plan had worked. Dashie gently alighted on the ground next to the puddle, before turning to pounce on the still fleeing lotad. In the blink of an eye, the celsinge was flying toward the lotad, claws outstretched. In the next moment, Dashie was past the foe, kneeling on one knee, claws retracted, eyes closed. The lotad was still in mid-fight.
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    Celsinge landed on top of Lotad, pushing him to the ground, and began tearing into the water-type with his claws. Lotad responded by jumping, flinging the lion off his back.
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    OOC: Heh, surprised to see you finally roll an attack.

    "Keep at it, don't let up for a second! Don't give it a chance to retaliate!" Storm shouted, sensing that if things didn't change soon, this would end up with a loss. Failure is not an option. Not now, not ever. This server, and all the others are counting on me. How can I protect them if I can't even protect myself? Grah! Shaking away those thoughts, Storm stepped forward, motioning toward his friend. Dashie nodded, then stepped toward the foe, eying him starkly. The Lotad was still rather scared, sweat visibly showing. Or was that just water? Regardless, we have to finish this soon. "All right, claw it to pieces! Get him, Dashie!"
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    Pads shook its head back and forth, looking for somewhere to hide. He knew there was no way to get into the water in time, so instead he stood his ground. When Dashie came forward and raked his claws across Pads, he let out a barking growl, making Dashie jump back to his trainer.
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    OOC: ...I rolled another growl. I think it's your fault, with that OOC comment there.

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