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Thread: Hollowlog Fishing Contest

  1. #1
    Secret Agent
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    Default Hollowlog Fishing Contest

    Hollowlog Fishing Contest

    This is an optional, repeatable event.

    Once the famed Battle Pike of the Caldera/Kirant League, since the Battle Frontier was closed due to budget restraints, Hollowlog City has turned this building into an aquarium with fishing contests. Since then, Hollowlog City has received even more tourism than it had when it was the simple Battle Pike.

    Here, trainers and non-trainers alike can compete in fishing contests for prizes. The minigame will be explained below.

    These are the Pokémon present:


    Stars do not indicate the rarity of the Pokémon, but rather how difficult it is to catch. RPG Mods, upon request of trainer to play this minigame, will randomly generate a number from 4 to 9, which will be the size of the Pokémon. Each of these Pokémon have an equal chance at being found.

    The Pokémon's HP will be generated as such:
    (Star count + 1) x (size)

  2. #2
    Secret Agent
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    Fishing works as follows:
    Every round, the trainer has these options (ranges mean it needs to be RNGed):

    1. Reel in slowly.
    This will increase tension by 1-2 but will decrease the fish's HP by 3-5.

    2. Reel in moderately.
    This will increase tension by 3-5 but will decrease the fish's HP by 5-9.

    3. Reel in hard.
    This will increase tension by 6-10 but will decrease the fish's HP by 7-15.

    4. Feed string.
    This will decrease tension by 4-8 but will increase the fish's HP by 10.

    5. Use Pokémon. The trainer may bring up 1 Pokémon with him/her to aid with the fishing process. The PokePowers are based off of type, and depending on their ability will take a round to use or just work passively.

    By reducing water level the min. and max. tension levels of all reeling will be decreased by 1. Passive.
    By befriending the fish tension will be decreased by 10. Active
    Will shock and paralyze the fish, tension will not increase for the next three rounds but afterwards will increase by 20. Active.
    Will leech 2 HP off of the fish every round. Passive.
    Fish will leap forward, attempting to eat bug, tension -5, HP -5. Active.
    A bright flash will blind the fish for three turns, reducing tension levels of all reeling by half. (After rolling the RNG). Active.
    Will half fish's HP but will reduce afterwards point gain by half as well. Passive.
    Will double tension and HP levels of all reeling for the next 3 turns. Active.
    Will confuse/possess fish, causing all tension and HP ranges for reeling to be enlargened by 2 min./max. (So moderate reeling will be 1-7 tension for 3-11 HP). Passive.
    Will trap fish, so HP will not increase if you feed the fish line for 3 turns. Active.
    Will scare fish, increasing tension by 5 but decreasing HP by 10. Active.
    10% chance of auto-catching the fish. Active.
    Cannot reel in hard, but reduces tension levels of all reeling by half for 3 turns. Active.

    When tension reaches 25 the line will snap, and the fish will be let loose.
    You have Star Count + 9 turns to fish.

    When you catch the Pokémon, you gain Star Count x Size points. Points can be spent on items in the shop below.

    Point shop:
    5 Points - 250P
    20 Points - Mystic Water
    25 Points - 1500P
    30 Points - TM [Water Pulse]
    45 Points - TM [Water Wall]
    50 Points - 3500P
    70 Points - TM [Tempest]
    250 Points -

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