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Thread: Tatterdemalion: Route 49

  1. #1
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    Default Tatterdemalion: Route 49

    Eliza tred silently over the bridge, the cool wind off of the water blowing her hair to the side. She tried to restrain it, but wasn't used to these kinds of things. She had felt wind before, but always in a place with an option to go indoors and a hairbrush. Perhaps that would be something she would have to find later: a hair tie.

    The grass under her shoes felt a lot squishier than she had anticipated. I had likely rained the night before, the same storm system that nearly put her under the ocean.

    She hadn't sent a letter home to her father when she was in Neo Bay.

    She didn't intend to send him one from Sunset either.

    Maybe in Softwind. Maybe, if Aunt Charlotte makes me.

    He didn't deserve it. Eliza could hear his voice in her head, even across the ocean:
    This is not a choice. You are to go to your Aunt Charlotte and spend some time there. And there can be no delay. Yes, the weather is bad, but I cannot wait a moment longer. No, you may not stay here without me. You may not. You will go with Mister Spencer to Softwind City and that will be the end of it.

    Mister Spencer hadn't made it. Her father's butler had been with Eliza up until they were about to board the S.S. Clerisy. Eliza had taken measures. He was pulled aside by an elderly woman needing to get her suitcase up into the carriage she had waiting. He obliged, but before he knew it he was being pulled inside and driven off.
    By now he would be released, home, and her father would know what she had done.
    If I have to be here, I'd rather have some time to myself.

    Eliza heard a rustling and stopped dead. She knew there must be Pokemon nearby, since the grass was starting to get taller. She had never fought a wild Pokemon before.
    Hastily she released Echoise, who dropped beside her, tensed and ready to pounce. She had recovered from her battle with Venap, and seemed raring to go, confident even.
    Eliza smiled and they stood their ground, waiting for the Pokemon just ahead of them to reveal itself.

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    "MOOO-GEL!" the pokemon screeched as it jumped out of the grass. It bounced forward, seeming to be as eager to battle as Echoise.

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    Mogel was certainly an odd little Pokemon, not anything like what Eliza was used to. She smiled at it, liking its energy.

    "Tackle it, Echoise. Let's feel this little guy out."

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    Echoise hit Mogel with a speedy tackle. Mogel found that very rude and returned a blow that was just as heavy.

    [Male] [23/28]
    [Male] [17/22]

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    Mogel was powerful, and Echoise was taken a little aback. Understandably too, she had barely won her last battle. Eliza bit her lip. This couldn't keep happeneing. If Echoise fell apart each time she lost, it would hold them back.

    "Echoise, you're fine. Don't overthink it. Tackle him from the side, try to knock him off balance. It may be strong, but it doesn't have ability that you do."

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    Echoise rammed into Mogel, dealing a good amount of damage. He wouldn't be doing that for long though, as Mogel stared at him ludicrously cute puppy dog eyes, and Echoise couldn't bear to hurt him any more.

    [Male] [23/28] [-2 Attack]
    [Male] [12/22]

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    With Echoise now uncertain about continuing, Eliza wasn't sure if it would be a good idea to keep going. Her hand slipped to the empty Pokeballs she had... but she couldn't bear to throw one. She couldn't give up on Echoise so easily. She expected her Pokemon not to give up, neither would she. Eliza would believe in Echoise and get them to the end.

    "Echoise, I know you can do this."
    Echoise turned to her, her own eyes widening, feeling sorry for herself.
    "You know what we have to do. He isn't going to be nice to us, so don't be nice to him. Tackle Mogel from the right again. Hopefully we can get him used to that strategy and his guard will be down if we go left later."

    OOC: Reminder that Echoise is Female, so if we can refer to her as such she would appreciate it. :OOC

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    Echoise reluctantly charged forward, but lacked her usual strength. As Echoise retreated, a single tear rolled down Mogel's face, making Echoise feel even worse.
    [Not Actually Male] [23/28] [-4 Attack]
    [Male] [10/22]

    OOC: Anyone want to try for a hat trick?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyndadile View Post
    [Not Actually Male]

    Echoise, don't worry about him. Just worry about winning. Hit him, Tackle again!"

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    Echoise darted forward again, lightly hitting Mogel. Mogel wiped the water out of his eye; the time for tears is over. He proceeded to smack Echoise on the nose and chatter condescendingly.
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    Eliza stopped to breath. She hoped Mogel would wear out soon. Echoise had been unable to land strong enough attacks, and Eliza knew it was only a matter of time before Echoise wore out, or Mogel clawed its way ahead.

    "Go on, Echoise, it's time. Tackle from the left, right through him."

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    Echoise darted forward again, and was met be yet another pound to the snout. Both pokemon were growing weaker, and before long one of them would be too exhausted to carry on. Echoise just had to hope that she could muster up the strength to be the victor.
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    The damage was certainly wearing on Echoise, but Eliza wasn't worried. Even with weak attacks, Mogel was going to fall. She didn't want to be overconfident, but she knew that Echoise would pull through.

    "Just a few more attacks should do it. Tackle, then spin around and go in for a second one!

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    Echoise hops in to attack with a tackle, landing awkwardly on Mogel's belly. She keeps hopping, coming around to Mogel's other side. When she lunged forward to attack again, however, Mogel countered by whacking her sideways, and the aquatic Pokemon rolled back to her trainer's feet.
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    Eliza caught something out of the corner of her eye. She turned away from the battle, the weakened Mogel staring hard at Echoise, who was panting with exhaustion. There was no more movement in the trees where she had seen the dark shape. "I hope it isn't another Pokemon" she thought. This was the wild, though, and it may very well be. Then again, if it was something else, that could be more dangerous. Eliza froze for a moment, glancing back and forth again before looking back to the battle.

    "Tackle again."
    She looked up again, and shook her head. Eliza had a battle to focus on.

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    Echoise doesn't let her concentration falter. She circles around her opponent, looking for an opening. Mogel keeps an eye on her, poised to jump out of the way of her attack. Echoise hops just a little more to the left until...
    Mogel was expecting the attack and jumped backwards as Echoise darted forwards, but Echoise had thought ahead. Due to their position, Mogel's movement was blocked by a tree. As Echoise bounced off of Mogel, he had no choice but to retaliate with a pound.
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    Mogel was wearing down, visibly exhausted. Eliza was ready for this long battle to be over.

    "One last Tackle and you can rest."
    Eliza looked up and thought she saw a figure peeking out from behind a tree. She blinked, but it had already dissapeared. She shook her head, to look back at the battle.

    OOC: Can we take care of the exp I got from Neo Bay before this battle ends? :OOC

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    OOC: First rival battle is 100 EXP. That's why Echoise is level 6.

    Echoise smashed into Mogel for the last time, sending him flying into a tree. Mogel's limp form slid to the bottom of the tree, let out a sigh, and passed out.

    [Female] [7/28] [-4 Attack]
    [Male] [0/22]

    Echoise gained 27 EXP!

    As Echoise shook off her exhaustion, getting a bite of food, something jumps out from behind a tree and screeches. It darts across the ground, coming to rest at the defeated Mogel's feet.
    The new opponent stared at the unconscious Pokemon for a moment. How could someone have defeated such a role model?
    The creature turned around and snarled. Eliza could tell by its face that it was angry.
    It had to get revenge for his brother's temporary inconvenience.
    Mogel the Second was out for blood.

    [3] [Male] [18/18]

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    Eliza wasn't ready to begin again. This Mogel was clearly younger than the last one, so she hoped it would go down more easily. Maybe a different strategy would help.

    Alright Echoise, let's start off with a Tail Whip. Stay focused and don't let him get the best of you.

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    Mogel's defenses lowered as he watched Echoise's disarming wave, but he didn't let that stop him from attacking. Mogel II dashed down the path and smacked Echoise, punishing her for what she did to his older brother.
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    Tail Whip again. We'll lower his defences.

    Eliza was feeling good about this battle. She and Echoise had gotten into a real flow. It had only been a few weeks, but Eliza had really grown attached to her Pokemon. Echoise was determined and followed her direction well. She got down on herself, but Eliza saw her already changing, becoming more confident. A few battles more and things would improve drastically.

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    Echoise continued to wave at Mogel, which caused him to be momentarily confused. Why is this Pokemon being so friendly? But he shook it off and smacked Echoise again, showing no mercy.
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    Eliza saw her opening. Mogel II was confused, and wouldn't be expecting an assault. This was her chance.

    Echoise, Tackle this Mogel into the ground.

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    SLAM! Echoise hit Mogel in a flying tackle. Caught completely off guard, Mogel took a big beating from the blow. Feeling a little crushed and perhaps a little more wary now, he returned with a pounding of his own.

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    Echoise dashed around Eliza, excited that she was doing so well. Eliza smiled and knelt down, petting Echoise as she went by.

    One more Tackle should do it. Bring him down!

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    And so it was to be:

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    Echoise gained 20 EXP!

    What would you like to do now?

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    OOC: If I could get another wild encounter that would be great, or however many it takes to get to lvl. 7 :OOC

    The fainted Mogel was left behind, and Eliza quickly picked up Echoise and started to move along the path through the trees. The forest was starting to get denser now, and the dirt that Eliza had assumed was a path was beginning to peter out, absorbed by the tall grass that seemed to be everywhere.

    Wonderful, I had thought it would be easy to get from one town to another. ... Based on what? Like I've ever done any real travelling.

    Echoise squirmed a little in her arms and Eliza noticed how happy Echoise seemed. She was still a little roughed up from battle, but she was blissfully clinging to Eliza's dressed, eyes half closed in the bright sun filtering through the tree leaves.
    This changed suddenly when a rustling was heard in the grass up ahead. Echoise immidiately jumped out of Eliza's arms, practically growling at the grass ahead of them, the part where the path was completely overgrown. Apparently whatever it was had taken the duty upon itself to guard the road from intruders.

    If you're ready Echoise, I am too. Even if we have to fight our way through fifty Mogels, we will do it.

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    ...but this time, it wasn't a Mogel that emerged. A giant red bug emerged from the overgrown grass and stood in your way. It returned Echoise's growl with an angry chittering sound, its pincers clicking together quickly.
    [4] [Female] [21/21]

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    Eliza was interested. Bug Pokemon were one of her father's favourites. Despite everything else, Eliza had an interest in them too. This Firant was something her father certainly didn't have. Maybe she should catch it...

    Tail Whip, Echoise. We'll use the strategy from last time, hopefully that will help us through this.

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    Echoise was keen on the strategy, and quickly air-swam up to Firant and tickled her with her glowing tail. Whip whip! Firant was put off guard, and reacted strongly by spitting some formic acid at the little Porpoise.

    [6] [Female] [25/28]
    [4] [Female] [21/21] [-1 Defense]

    OOC: I was going to check up what Poison did to Light-type but Echoise isn't a light type! =O

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    OOC: Shit happens gurl. :OOC

    Let's start our own offensive. Tackled that Firant, and we'll see how that goes.

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    Wham! Echoise hit the offguard Firant with a huge tackle, and the poor ant was sent flying. Rotating herself in midair, she landed lightly on bent legs, gurgled a little and, spat out her own idea of an attack.

    [6] [Female] [22/28]
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    And agian!

    Eliza's hand fell to her bag. The empty Pokeballs were waiting there... why was she hesitating?

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    Echoise slammed into Firant again, nearly squishing it to death. Firant, having trouble staying upright, vomited an acidic green slime all over her attacker.
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    Her teeth clamped firmly together, she felt her hand tremble as it picked up a Pokeball from the bag. In her mind she could see her father's Scizor as it took down her Uncle Charlo's Pokemon, one right after the other. Scizor had very little restraint in it's battling style, and that synched well with Mr. Grey. He was a general on the battlefield, commanding his single soldier will brilliant moves, outmanoeuvring any opponent. He had other Pokemon too: Scolipede, Vespiquen, Yanmega, Heracross... but Scizor was his favourite. Scizor always ended the battle, whether it was his first Pokemon or his last. Eliza feared it. She had battled her father before, but never Scizor. It's eyes looked through her, it saw her weakness.

    She shut her eyes, and let the Pokeball drop. This Firant was cute, and Eliza wanted to have a Bug Pokemon for herself, something that could surpass Scizor. But she wasn't ready yet. This wasn't the right moment.

    Let's finish this, Echoise. Use Tackle!

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    BAM! Echoise rose in the air and divebombed Firant, driving her straight into the ground and putting out her flames. Poor Firant fainted instantaneously, perhaps in shame and resentment for not having been one of the chosen.

    [6] [Female] [19/28]
    [4] [Female] [0/21] [-1 Defense] [Fainted]

    Echoise gained 27 EXP! What would you like to do next?

    (You can still do out of battle training if you like)

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    OOC: That's true. I will accept an out of battle training session. I'll just do a little character development, then someone can mod post my scenario.:OOC

    Eliza returned Echoise to her Pokeball and started on down the path. It was quiet, but peaceful. It seemed as though defeating the Firant scared off any of its friends hiding along the path. Eliza wasn't worried anyway. Echoise was a fantastic Pokemon, and Eliza was getting prouder of her with each battle. She was also glad that she hadn't caught Firant: she and Echoise needed some time alone together to get to know each other better. Echoise was certain of herself right now, but Eliza had lost a few battles with Echoise back home. She remembered a particular battle against a servant's new Buneary. This maid, Bess, and Eliza had always been close, and they had battled each other with borrowed Pokemon until they had been old enough to have their own. Buneary had pummelled Echoise from the beginning of the battle until the end, not letting Echoise breath, much less get into a position to counter-attack successfully. Echoise refused to leave its Pokeball for days. That hadn't happened yet, but if Eliza was travelling alone she would have to make sure that didn't happen.
    Splitting my time between two Pokemon just doesn't feel right at this point, she thought. Maybe once we get to Softwind, maybe then we can start thinking about it. At this point though... Echoise needs my full attention.

    Eliza looked around and realized that the trees were thinning out. Just ahead, she saw a small meadow, ringed with trees, a few dotting the open area, seeming to have stumbled from out of the treeline. The sun was still high in the sky, and could hear the cries of Pokemon happily playing in the meadow. As she walked through the grass, she could hear the scurrying of them in the grass, not seeing to want confrontation. Eliza didn't want to fight either; she needed a rest. A suitable tree stood a few meters from the mouth of the path, from where the meadow fanned out until it was drawn back in on the other side, oval shaped. Eliza took off her bag and sat down in the shade of it's wide branches. Smoothing back her dress, she searched her bag for her map. Her hand traced along the embroidery on her sash, feeling the iris detail. She quickly snapped out of the euphoric trance and felt with her other had for the folded bit of laminated paper.

    She unfolded it quickly, then realized the problem. The map was excellently drawn, had very clear markings, and Eliza could even find a meadow that looked kind of like the one she was in.
    Unfortunately, this was not a map of Caldera.
    It was a map of Hoenn.

    Eliza breathed. That was all she could do. She had made it this far and hadn't stumbled too far from civilization yet, there was still a path someone had made on the other side leading towards Sunset Village, the only thing in that direction. Maybe she had gone the wrong way, but all roads (she hoped) lead to where she wanted to go. She folded the map and put it back in her bag. Mister Spencer had probably taken the Caldera map out of her bag to read on the way to the ship. It was probably in his lapel pocket, sitting outside of Mr. Grey's study, his hands shaking, waiting until it was his turn to go in and report that he had lost Eliza. That she was now in Caldera alone, probably in danger or kidnapped.

    Eliza smiled a little bit, imagining her father slamming his fists down on his desk. It was a large desk, imported of course, made of a really solid wood that Eliza couldn't remember the name of. It was brown, but had a burgandy hue to it that really shone in the dusk light that came through the giant west-facing windows, overlooking their estate. When her father was away, Eliza would play in her father's study. The desk became a house that she would live in, sometimes it stayed a desk as she orchestrated a mass take-over of evil lands. For her father, who rarely worked at it anyway, it was simply decoration. And occasionally, an abuse victim. Mr. Grey would turn to the window behind him, collect himself, then stray over to the telephone to phone Aunt Charlotte in Softwind City. He would tell her where Eliza was. He would insist that she send someone to fetch his daughter. He would slam the phone down on the receiver and turn back to Mister Spencer. Mister Spencer, his grey moustache quivering, wouldn't look my father in the eye as he turned, wordlessly to leave and would immediately return to his duties.

    Eliza climbed to her feet and breathed in the air. She felt better, more confident. Her father would worry enough about her, but she wasn't stupid. She wouldn't have come out here by herself if she didn't think she could handle it. With Echoise waiting to defend her, Eliza would survive.

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    OOC: Coming up with a scenario for a dolphin is difficult.

    As Eliza and Echoise continue their journey, they come across a young man with a Trillogill hanging from a tree.

    "Hello there!" the man called out as his Pokemon curls around a higher branch. "Is that an Echoise? I'm training my Trillogill here so that he can move faster when he's out of the water. Would you like to join us?" Trillogill twisted around to wrap around a higher branch. "Tree climbing's a good exercise for water Pokemon like Trillogill. Takes them out of their comfort zone, you know? Come on, we could use some company!"

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    Trillogil had a distinct advantage that Echoise did not have: it could wind. Echoise moved well on land for a water Pokemon, but it moved mostly by bouncing along the ground. It was able to move along pretty well, but with limited opportunities to land, getting up the tree was going to require massive amounts of focus, quick thinking, and accuracy. Not to mention the chances of the branches breaking undeneath her as she came down. Eliza was worried: if Echoise got hurt, what would she do? She was in the middle of nowhere with no other Pokemon with her.

    "Don't worry if Echoise gets a few bumps," the man said with a smile. "I've got some extra Potions that I wouldn't mind giving you for helping us with this." He must have noticed her hesitation. Eliza released Echoise, who bounced into her arms. She looked up at Eliza intensely, her conference coming through. Echoise wanted to do this, and that was it. There was no talking her out of it.

    Echoise jumped from her arms and sat at the base of one of the smaller trees, studying the branches above. There were a few low lying branches, enough to get into the thicker ones above. From there Echoise could get into the tree where Trillogill was slowly getting to the top.

    Alright, Echoise. There is a cleft near the top of this tree that should hold you weight, so you can take a rest once you get up there. Then we can worry about-
    Echoise had already started to climb. She launched herself off of the first branch, effortlessly bounding backwards off of the second and onto the third, as though moving through water. Eliza hadn't doubted it. Echoise was graceful, but Echoise wasn't used to being off the ground. Despite the initial confidence, this new altitude would no doubt be disorienting.

    Echoise managed to bounce onto the fifth branch before disaster struck. As she bounced towards the sixth, she seemed to catch a glimpse of the ground under her. A look of panic flashed into her face and, catching the sixth branch in her fins, Echoise clung there, shaking, eyes screwed shut.
    Don't worry Echoise. You're close to the cleft now. Just keep it together.
    Echoise didn't budge. She refused to open her eyes.
    Please, Echoise. Please do it for me. Show this guy how good you are.
    Echoise pulled herself onto the branch, but still didn't open here eyes. Eliza was concerned, biting her lip. Could they do this without Echoise having to look?

    If you can't open your eyes, just trust me to guide you. We can do this.
    Echoise nodded, eyes still shut. The next branch wasn't too far away, just a little infront and above Echoise.
    The next branch is 50 degrees up, 40 centimeteres, Eliza estimated. Echoise pressed her tail into her branch and pushed forward into the air, catching the branch expertly, as if her eyes were open. Echoise peeked for a moment before shutting her eyes again.

    The next two branches you have to get in a row. Behind you forty degrees, twenty centimetres, then forty five degrees, thrity. Use the momentum from the first jump to launch through the second. Echoise bounced the first jump, then the second, teetering a bit on the last branch.
    Quick! The cleft is just above you and to the left. Go, Echoise!
    Echoise shot upwards, clearing the cleft. Eliza felt the air stop in her lungs as Echoise was suspended in the air. But Echoise's eyes opened, and she rolled in the air, landing perfectly in the cleft of the tree. Eliza exhanled.
    Great job, Echoise. You did a fantastic job. Eliza was happy Echoise was listening to her so well. New Pokemon often had trouble trusting their trainers the way that Echoise trusted her. She was a strong Pokemon even out of her element.

    Echoise had spotted her next jump. It wasn't too far away, and Echoise had a lot more confidence now. The cleft was fifteen meters up, and it was only a few more to where Trillogill has nearly reached the top of the larger tree.
    Echoise launched forward, landing perfectly on the branch. Looking for the next jump, Echoise suddenly clung to the branch as a snap echoed through the trees.

    Oh no, that branch must have been weakened when we used it to get up there. Eliza looked back up and saw the branch snapping.
    You need to get off of there, now Echoise!
    But she was too scared as the branch began to fall, Echoise let go and fell, it's cry breaking out. Eliza was moving before she realised. Making it just in time to catch Echoise before she hit the ground. The branch hit Eliza across the shoulder, causing her in turn to cry out. She clung to Echoise.


    The man sat Eliza and Echoise down to lunch. His Iglonia produced some ice for Eliza's shoulder and Trillogill napped with Echoise, who was still shaken up.
    I hope Echoise is okay. If it's any consolation, it isn't much farther to the next town. You'll be fine to get there on your own?
    I think so, thank you. And thank you for getting us to do that.
    No, it wasn't fair of me to do that to you too. You could have been badly hurt.

    Eliza looked over at her sleeping Pokemon.
    No, it was good. Echoise needs to be challenged, and she needs to fail once in a while. She's too intent on succeeding every time, and I'm always worried when she falters that she might loose faith in herself, or in me. We need to work through that, and I hope this helped.
    The man got to his feet and returned his two Pokemon to their Pokeballs.
    Then I wish you luck... I'm sorry I haven't gotten your name.
    Eliza. Eliza Grey.

    The man paused for a moment, as if trying to remember something. But the look passed and he shouldered his backpack, pushing his red bangs out of his eyes.
    Eliza. I hope you succeed. I'm off to Neo Bay to fetch my nephew. He's just gotten in. Good luck!
    Eliza smiled as the man turned and continued on his way. Echoise was waking up, her napping partner gone, and Eliza rubbed her fin with the back of her hand. Her shoulder felt a lot better, but a bit sore. The sooner she could get to Sunset Village, the better.

    OOC: If Echoise isn't at level 7 yet, I'll do one more wild encounter. Otherwise I'm done for this route. :OOC

  40. #40
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    OOC: That was fantastic!

    Indeed Echoise was appreciative of the challenge you set for her and the way you pushed her boundaries, and especially the way that you were still there for her when she did fail. With that in mind, she resolved to place complete trust in you and try ever more challenging tasks in the future, knowing you'd be right there for her no matter what.

    Echoise gained 30 EXP and 5 Happiness! Echoise grew to level 7! Echoise learned Water Gun!

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