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Thread: Topaz Pokedex Entries

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    zeroality's Avatar
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    Chiarame: The behavior of each of CHIARAME's heads can easily be determined by their eye colour. Red signifies aggressiveness, blue signifies passiveness and yellow, greed.

    Serberine: The three heads of SERBERINE make it the ideal guard dog; alert, vigilant, and always awake. KIRANT's leading security systems operator, SERBER-i, uses this pokemon as their logo.

    Seraph: SERAPH flies to the heavens when the sky is overcast. Wheeling through the clouds, it creates holes that allow sunlight to stream to the earth.

    Misticade: MISTICADE make their home in old, abandoned lighthouses. At night, one can see them floating out to sea, guiding the ghosts of shipwrecks and lost sailors back to shore.

    Phantasomo: Bound by the rings chaining it to servitude, PHANTASOMO sings to express its sorrow. Its haunting, wordless dirge resonates not in the ears of the listener, but in the mind.

    Mirust: MIRUST make their home in the deserted helmets of fallen knights. They can be heard clinking their chains at night, solemnly wandering through ancient battlegrounds.

    Ferrian: Eternally competitive, FERRIAN constantly searches for opponents to duel. At night, this Pokemon can be seen in cemeteries, seeking out kindred spirits.

    Cirroft: Almost invisible to the naked eye, CIRROFT hovers at altitudes of over 7000 metres. Gathering water vapour into its body, it becomes heavy enough to descend to the levels of the tallest mountains.

    Cumuloft: CUMULOFT is able to reduce its density at will in order to rise and fall through the atmosphere. It enjoys being carried around by wind currents and never stays in the same area for long.

    Destado: The spinning of a DESTADO's wind tunnel can exceed speeds of over 300 mph. The larger this POKEMON grows, the more powerful its spinning becomes.

    Frostorm: Clumps of water vapour freeze into large chunks of ice in FROSTORM's body. It releases its load when the weight and density of the ice reaches a critical point, much to the dismay of those below.

    Nimbolt: NIMBOLT spend days floating low over the ocean collecting water and purifying it with supercharged static electricity. It is known to be quite violent when awakened unexpectedly.

    Spidream: Victims of SPIDREAM's bite are often afflicted with recurring, terrifying dreams of spiders. Many native tribes create dreamcatchers from the silk, believing it wards off nightmares.

    Arachmare: The mere presence of ARACHMARE causes a waking slumber in nearby creatures. It is known to hypnotize its prey before wrapping them in webs.

    Purior: Even the weakest of PURIOR have a strong sense of justice. A popular cartoon depicts a talking Purior that must battle evildoers in order to save its home town from destruction.

    Huskii: HUSKII parts from its mother soon after it is born. Often, traders will adopt stray pups to train them to pull cargo through snow on sleds.

    Tundrolf: This pokemon lives upon the cold, empty slopes of Mt. Frost. On crystal-clear nights, the sound of TUNDROLF's lonely howl echoes for miles.

    Wolfrost: The alpha male WOLFROST leads its pack through the frigid tundra at a breakneck pace. Entire trails in Mt. Frost have been cleared by a WOLFROST pack's ability to break boulders with their bare paws.

    Iglonia: The shape of IGLONIA's shell is the inspiration for the igloo houses found in northern Caldera. Heat is trapped inside the rounded dome, allowing IGLONIA to survive subzero temperatures.

    Polara: POLARA spends much time swimming and playing in the water with others of it's kind. It greatly dislikes the salt crust that forms on its fur as a result, and rolls around in the snow to wash it off.

    Polarice: Though POLARICE is an excellent swimmer, it prefers to ride on small icebergs to travel across water. This allows it to catch fish without frightening them away.

    Leoracle: LEORACLE can use telepathy to project thoughts into the minds of humans. The Oracles of The Frost Shrine hold it in high regard for this purpose.

    Khaphix: Ancient peoples worshipped KHAPHIX as a living god. Using its potent psychic abilities, it helped to build the pyramids outside Saharan City.

    Flintusk: Cave drawings in the Eye of Sand indicate that FLINTUSK once roamed the area freely. Recent discovery of well-preserved tusks has lead many to speculate a possible revival.

    Metusk: METUSK had large metal plates on its icy body to protect it from brutal attacks. As the climate warmed, their bodies weakened, causing the heavy armor to slowly crush them.

    Allufang: ALLUFANG's claws and teeth found as fossils in Caldera are still razor sharp. Using a single tooth and various cloning techniques, it has been resurrected from extinction by modern science.

    Kunaiga: Using its foot-long fangs, KUNAIGA could take down prey many times larger than itself. Its bite leeched body heat, causing immobility and hypothermia in its victims.

    Duval: When DUVAL dance around a sleeping traveler, dark nightmares quickly arise into the person's mind. Soon, dizzy from the dance, the little demons stumble and fall, halting their mischief.

    Malduval: Extremely wild and capricious, MALDUVAL can only be caught by those blessed with patience and courage. Its tendencies swing wildly from aggressiveness to laziness and gluttony.

    Engil: ENGIL's voice is sweeter-sounding than that of any human. Musicians often use recordings of its pitch-perfect voice to help tune their instruments.

    Benengil: BENENGIL can not tolerate violence, often fleeing in disgust when uprisings occur. Many have been reported to fly around restlessly, unable to stay in one place due to the inevitability of conflict.

    Goldrake: GOLDRAKE spends much of its time collecting treasure from sunken ships. It hoards these valuables to sleep on, in preparation for evolution.

    Arowana: Scales shed by AROWANA are often sought for their use in jewelry-making. To repair its golden hide, it uses coins looted from sunken galleons.

    Atlaxa: ATLAXA appear where famine has struck, wandering off in search of food. It is said that giving it a good meal can bring you wonderful luck for days.

    Thoraxa: Limbs lost by THORAXA will regenerate after a few weeks. When ground to a powder and consumed, THORAXA's bones have impressive curative properties.

    Illumbra: An ILLUMBRA's scepter is actually a bone donated by its strongest Thoraxa warrior. It rules over its tribe with unchallenged authority.

    Snarliger: SNARLIGER's large green eyes are rumored only to reflect moonlight. This Pokemon's shadow consists entirely of an umbra, no matter how light is cast upon it.

    Noctiger: NOCTIGER is most active at night, sleeping most of the day. Often restless, it has been known to travel long distances in complete darkness to burn excess energy.

    Raiger: Seeing RAIGER is a rare occurrence, as they are naturally shy of humans. They are responsible for bringing rain to the mountains where they live.

    Gypseer: GYPSEER appears as a traveling gypsy to all except those with the strongest of wills. It selects individuals on its travels and tells them their future with startling accuracy.

    Tagati: TAGATI spent many centuries amazing undeveloped cultures with illusions and tricks. It now uses theater as an outlet for its illusory talents and passion for entertainment.

    Neichia: Many philosophies on self-defense are based off NEICHIA's teachings to ancient monks. It was last sighted seated on a high mountain, its entire being steeped in deep meditation.

    Kuranpu: Deeply disturbed by conflict, KURANPU appears at times of great imbalance. Its devotion to harmony is the reason for its title as the mediator of all disputes.

    Unicrown: UNICROWN represents the balance of nature's unrestrained power. Legends say that it races down from the heavens during a solar eclipse, striking both awe and fear in those who see it.

    Typhidna: TYPHIDNA is regarded as the bringer of catastrophe. Keeping ancient tradition, sailors today ask for this POKEMON's mercy before setting sail.

    Kipporok: Stories have been told through the ages of KIPPOROK appearing at the sites of natural disasters, lending assistance. However, lack of hard evidence has lead many to believe its existence a myth.
    Last edited by ImmunityBow; 04-07-11 at 11:16 PM.

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