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Ingero, the Topaz-Gen Pokemon that really hates water.
Helpful tip of the day:
Want to become a great PI? Always remember to zip up your pants.
"We love the things we love for what they are." - Robert Frost, Hyla Brook
Unown, the letter that has an eye.
Helpful tip of the day:
Want to become a great PI? Always remember to zip up your pants.
did u notice that the nidos flip colors when they're shinies???
Xbox: Y2K Virus
PSN: Ryu-Tenno
DeviantArt: LordStephen
Girafarig, the flip side of its own brain.
Helpful tip of the day:
Want to become a great PI? Always remember to zip up your pants.
Golem. I'm a giant rock with arms.
wow i JUST noticed girafarig was a palindrome hahahah thats freaking AWSOME!
EDIT:damn... ninjad...
mr. mime!
awesome electric type...
plus i got a promo electivire which is awesome...
Xbox: Y2K Virus
PSN: Ryu-Tenno
DeviantArt: LordStephen
OK now that everything is scaterred around, Il start with a new Pokemon.
Zoroark, the new wolf.
i thought the Ws were hard...
nope u picked the hardest one luckily i managed to remember one quickly...
Xbox: Y2K Virus
PSN: Ryu-Tenno
DeviantArt: LordStephen
Kangaskhan, the pokemon who really needs its own baby pokemon.
Seriously, I really want to have a level 100 baby Kangaskhan. That would be AWESOME.
Nimbolt, the Pokemon you would not want to be underneath when wearing a tuxedo.
Helpful tip of the day:
Want to become a great PI? Always remember to zip up your pants.
an epic pokemon that pwnz most...
(i think he's a dino...)
Xbox: Y2K Virus
PSN: Ryu-Tenno
DeviantArt: LordStephen
Rapidash, a Pokemon that aptly fits the phrase, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." For obvious reasons.
Helpful tip of the day:
Want to become a great PI? Always remember to zip up your pants.
well you can but it wouldn't really be wise...
and in other games...
Xbox: Y2K Virus
PSN: Ryu-Tenno
DeviantArt: LordStephen
Rotom, the Poke-Appliance.
Helpful tip of the day:
Want to become a great PI? Always remember to zip up your pants.
Munchlax--fun to watch your partner lose his warp star in brawl due to this little guy and freaking hilarious...
Xbox: Y2K Virus
PSN: Ryu-Tenno
DeviantArt: LordStephen
Xatu, the Pokemon who can't see anything in the present.
Helpful tip of the day:
Want to become a great PI? Always remember to zip up your pants.
Ursaring-a giant bear based off of the big dipper (my assumption anyway)
Xbox: Y2K Virus
PSN: Ryu-Tenno
DeviantArt: LordStephen
^That would have been my guess too.
Golduck, the duck with a bad temper.
Helpful tip of the day:
Want to become a great PI? Always remember to zip up your pants.
To be serious, I really think it would be nice to barbeque one of those guys.
(don't remember its spelling and don't really care since i got the first and last letter right)
[the lesser known cousin of Boba Fett]
Xbox: Y2K Virus
PSN: Ryu-Tenno
DeviantArt: LordStephen
Teddiursa, the mischievous little honey thief.
Helpful tip of the day:
Want to become a great PI? Always remember to zip up your pants.
named after the unit of measurement of electricity -- Amp(s)
Xbox: Y2K Virus
PSN: Ryu-Tenno
DeviantArt: LordStephen
then from that
eevee, and from that
eevee, and from that
another eevee
DO U LIKE WATER????? then u like 75% of me.
Water type is the god of all. Johto will always be the best region ever (though topaz's Caldera & Kirant will be 2nd)
the evolution of manectric...
or is it the other way around i forget...
(that one's confusing for me...)
Xbox: Y2K Virus
PSN: Ryu-Tenno
DeviantArt: LordStephen
TRPG profile
3DS Friend code: 3711-7748-4916
I has X, Looking for Y stones, will trade for good stuff.
dUsKnOiR tHe FrEaKy YeT cOoL gHoSt TyPe pOkEmOn.
Rayquaza, The Sky Dragon that's gonna kill us all!
but nobody worries about Salamence the Awesome Dragon type of Hoenn?? (not accounting for the legendaries)
Xbox: Y2K Virus
PSN: Ryu-Tenno
DeviantArt: LordStephen
Espeon, who evolves from a Pokemon who can also evolve into a Pokemon who easily decimates Salamence (Glaceon).
Helpful tip of the day:
Want to become a great PI? Always remember to zip up your pants.
Lucario. Pops some popcorn and watches noctowl beat the shit out of the god, dragons, and the eons.
DO U LIKE WATER????? then u like 75% of me.
Water type is the god of all. Johto will always be the best region ever (though topaz's Caldera & Kirant will be 2nd)
Onix, the only snake you can't kill with a gun.
Xatu, who psychicly forces a trainer to try to shoot an Onix.
Unicrown, the pokemon young girls wish they could see.
Sssshhhhhh! Neichia is meditating.
And Ariados will capture it in his web.